Chapter 38 - A Change Of Plans

Start from the beginning

"Better, thank you," I nod and close the door before following them into the living room, "but I think a restful weekend will do us some good."

"Oh, absolutely," Lauren chimes in, setting her purse on the coffee table. "So where's Beatrice and my other grandbaby?"

"Bea should be finished getting dressed by now and Seb is still sleeping," I say, suddenly feeling the need to check on my wife. "I'll go tell her that you're here."

Ferris has already put her grandparents under her cuteness spell by telling them all about her new dolly, so I take the opportunity and head upstairs.

My relationship with my in-laws has only gotten better over time; the biggest improvement being that my father-in-law doesn't look like he wants to kill me every time he sees me. This November, more specifically the seventh, will be three years that he's stopped giving me death stares.

"Oh, just give me a grandkid and I won't kill you, Mr. Styles," I mockingly say with a smirk as I open the door to our bedroom.

I walk into our room and the door to the loo is still closed. It's odd that Bea isn't finished yet, considering it's been almost an hour that she's been up here.

My wife takes a long time, but she doesn't take this long.

I walk over to the loo and knock on the closed door.

"Bea, your parents are here, Love," I say, pressing my ear to the door and I hear a faint cry above the shower. "Are you okay, Love? Can I come in?"

She doesn't answer and my heart begins to pound in my chest. I turn the handle and audibly thank God that she didn't lock it as I open the door.

I walk inside and my eyes widen when I see my wife laying on her side by the bathtub.

"Oh my God," I rush over and kneel beside her. "What happened?"

The look on her face breaks my heart because I know she has to be embarrassed and in so much pain. I spot her pink bathrobe to my left and grab it. As I cover her naked and shivering body, I calmly ask her to tell me what happened to see if she's coherent.

"I was in the shower and then," she pauses, looking confused, "I think I slipped."

"You've been fucking stuck like this for an hour? Why didn't you call for me?"

"Don't yell."

"I'm sorry, Love, but you should've called for me."

"You didn't hear me," Bea mumbles, closing her eyes and she begins to sob.

Sighing, I brush her wet hair back and I can't hold back the tears in my eyes. My goddamn mind plays an image of her falling and a whimper leaves my throat.

"I'm so sorry, Love. I should've checked on you earlier."

"I'm totally fine," she says, grabbing onto my sleeve. "Help me up."

"Wait a second, I think I should take you to the Emergency Room."

"What for? I already had the baby."

"Oh my God, I think you have a concussion, Bea. I'm not risking anything. I'm taking you to the ER."

"No, I'm not going and you can't make me," she says and sticks her tongue out at me.

It's then I realize she most certainly hit her head because she's acting strange. Her eyes are starting to get heavy and I know I have to act fast.

"Beatrice, if you don't let me take you, then I'm calling nine-one-one and the paramedics will see you naked."

That seems to do the trick.

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