Chapter 39

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I stood there, surrounded by friends and family, in the dimly lit funeral home. The atmosphere was heavy with grief, and the air seemed to hang still. All of us had gathered to say our final goodbyes to Allison, and I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of loss. Her casket, a beautiful and somber piece of craftsmanship, lay at the front of the room, adorned with flowers and photographs that captured her radiant smile.

As I approached the casket, I took a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears that had been welling up inside me for days. The sight of her lifeless body was almost unbearable, and I could hardly believe she was gone. I reached out to touch the casket, my fingers trembling as I traced the polished wood.

Allison's friends, including Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Kira, and the twins, were all present. We stood together, united by our shared grief, and I could see the sadness etched into their faces. Even though we were young, we had already faced more darkness and danger than most people would in a lifetime.

The priest began the service, his words a comforting backdrop to the memories that filled my mind. He spoke of Allison's kindness, her courage, and her unwavering determination. He told us how she had touched the lives of everyone she met, and I couldn't help but think of all the times she had been there for me, offering guidance, support, and friendship.

Scott, her first love, stepped up to the podium, his voice shaky but filled with love. He spoke of their journey together, of the battles they had fought side by side, and of the love they had shared. It was a eulogy that resonated with everyone in the room, a testament to the strength of their connection.

As I looked around the room, I saw tear-streaked faces and grief-stricken expressions. We had lost a beloved friend, a fierce warrior, and a kind-hearted soul. The pain was palpable, and I knew that healing would take time.

As the service drew to a close, we gathered around the casket for a final farewell. Each of us took a moment to say a private goodbye, to express our love and gratitude to Allison, and to promise that her memory would live on in our hearts.

I approached the casket last, taking a deep breath before leaning down to kiss my fingertips and press them against the polished wood. "Goodbye, Ally," I whispered, tears streaming down my face. "You were a hero in every sense of the word, and you'll always be in our hearts."

With that, I stepped back, joining the others, and together we left the funeral home, carrying with us the memory of a friend we would never forget.

The next day

The day of our departure had finally arrived, and it was an emotional whirlwind. After Allison's funeral, we had decided to move to France, a place where we could start fresh and heal from the wounds her loss had left behind. As the school year came to an end, it was time for me, Isaac, and my uncle Chris to embark on this new chapter in our lives.

I stood in my room, surveying the empty walls that once held memories of laughter, secrets, and shared dreams with Allison. The pain of leaving the place where we had grown up and where I had met my best friend was palpable. I couldn't help but wonder if I was making the right decision.

Isaac walked into the room, his eyes reflecting the mix of emotions that I was feeling. "Ready?" he asked softly, his voice tinged with sadness.

I nodded, my vision blurring as I wiped away a stray tear. "Yeah, let's do this."

"Have you told him yet?" Isaac asked as I sat in my room, surrounded by half-packed suitcases and the looming weight of an impending departure. I shook my head, my emotions in turmoil. How could I possibly tell Stiles that I was leaving and might never come back?

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