Chapter 6

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I slowly opened my eyes, and immediately I was greeted by a persistent buzzing sound. Confused, I tried to gather my bearings, realizing that I was in a car. Lifting my body up from a lying position, I felt a jolt of pain shoot through my neck, making it feel stiff as a lightning strike. I rotated my head slightly, attempting to loosen it up and alleviate the discomfort.

Reaching out, I grabbed my phone, eager to find some answers. I murmured a greeting as I answered the call, and before I could say anything else, Stiles's voice boomed through the phone, filled with worry and frustration. "Where the hell have you been? I called you like a hundred freakin' times! Why would you go to the bank? That was really stupid! You could have gotten hurt!"

I couldn't help but smirk at his outburst. "Okay, first of all, hello Stilinski," I retorted. "Secondly, I knew you loved me."

"Really?" Stiles replied, his voice now devoid of any humor. "Not in the mood. Wait, where are you anyway?"

I glanced around, taking in my surroundings. It appeared that I was parked outside the school. "The school," I replied, my voice filled with uncertainty.

"And where exactly in the school?" Stiles sighed impatiently.

"I actually don't know," I mumbled, a sense of confusion growing within me.

"Alright, well, that is just great," Stiles muttered, sounding a bit off.

"Stiles, chill. Where are you?" I asked, sliding into the driver's seat of the car.

"At the hospital," he responded, his voice trailing off. The news hit me like a wave, and an unexpected pang of sadness gripped my heart. But I quickly shook off the feeling and turned the key in the ignition.

"I'm on my way," I assured him, quickly ending the call. Pulling out of the parking spot, I headed toward the hospital, determined to find out what had happened

I entered the hospital and immediately spotted Melissa McCall, Scott's mother. Hurriedly, I approached her and asked if she could take me to Stiles. The elevator ride was filled with tension, and I couldn't help but voice my concerns. "Um, is Stiles okay? I called him, and he was acting a little weird."

Melissa looked at me with a somber expression. "His friend, Heather... she was murdered. He saw her body today," she whispered quietly, as if not wanting the words to linger in the air.

As the elevator doors opened on Stiles's floor, Melissa gestured in the direction I needed to go. I followed her directions, my heart heavy with worry. Walking into the waiting room, I found Stiles sitting with his hands on his head, his gaze fixed on the floor. Seeing him in such a desolate state, my heart genuinely broke a little. Determined, I made my way towards him.

"Are you okay, Stiles?" I crouched down to meet his eyes, which were red and puffy from crying. He didn't answer me; all he could do was shake his head, which only made him cry even more.

Without hesitation, I sat down beside him and enveloped him in a long, comforting hug. As I held him, I gently traced circles on his back with my thumb, hoping to offer some solace. When his tears subsided, he began to share his anguish, explaining how he knew it wasn't Boyd and Cora responsible for the killings. He revealed that it was virgins who were dying, and while some pieces of his theory made sense, others remained elusive.

After spending some time comforting Stiles at the hospital, I eventually made my way back home. Upon entering, I found Allison sitting on the couch, absorbed in the television.

"Allison," I said, trying to maintain my composure, "you left me. Alone in the car. At the school. Why?"

She gulped, looking guilty. "I went to go find Boyd and the girl wolf," she confessed. Connecting to what Stiles is talking about Cora must be the girl wolf that Allison is referring to.

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