Chapter 20

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Me and Stiles exchanged concerned glances as we looked at Derek, who was still unconscious on the floor.

"What do we do?" Stiles asked me, his voice tinged with worry.

I crouched down next to Derek and gave him a firm smack to the face, hoping to rouse him.

"Stella!" Stiles yelled, startled by my actions. He quickly moved me out of the way.

"Come on, Derek," Stiles muttered, trying to gently wake him.

Stilinski clenched his fist, seemingly ready to punch Derek, but Derek stopped him. Stiles had to fill Derek in on everything that had happened while he was unconscious.

I rode with Derek in the car, heading towards Allison's location. Stiles had decided to stay behind to delay the police.

"Are you okay?" Derek asked me, his gaze fixed on the road ahead.

"Uh, yeah, just worried about Scott," I replied, my eyes trained on the passing scenery.

"Why are you lying?" Derek questioned, his acute hearing picking up on my racing heartbeat.

"I'm...uh, ever since I got here, Melissa has been like a mother to me, especially since I lost my mom, and I don't even know who my dad is. So really, the only people I have left are Allison and Chris," I explained. I could see a hint of sadness in Derek's eyes as he processed my words.

"Well, you have Lydia, Scott, Isaac, me, and even Stiles," Derek assured me.

"Stiles may be weird, sarcastic, annoying, and loud..." Derek continued, listing Stiles' characteristics.

"Okay, I think I got it," I chuckled.

"Oh yeah, but I know for sure that out of all of them, Stiles is the one with the plan," Derek said, looking at me with a somewhat playful smile.

"Thanks, big wolf," I replied, returning the smile.

We eventually arrived at the location where Allison, Chris and Issac were waiting.

"Help me with Cora," Derek quickly got out of the car.

"Where's Scott and Stiles?" Allison asked Derek, concern etching her face.

I went to the side of Isaac's car, opened the door, and helped Derek lift Cora out. He took her from me, and I quickly walked over to Isaac's car, opening the door so Derek could place Cora inside.

"Stiles is still at the hospital. He's gonna hold off the cops for us. We have to go right now," Derek informed us.

"What about Scott and Melissa?" Chris inquired.

"Jennifer took Melissa," I said, my voice cracking slightly.

"What about Scott? Derek, where's Scott?" Allison asked, her worry palpable. She repeated her question, this time directing it at me.

"With the Alpha pack," I replied, my voice heavy with concern. Confusion and fear rippled through the group as they processed the dire situation.


While I was at school, Allison and Chris were at the bank, specifically the same one where we found Boyd and Cora.

"Why can't I go again?" I asked Allison over the phone.

"Because we want you to be safe," I rolled my eyes at her words.

"Hi, Stella," I heard Isaac's voice.

"What the hell, Isaac? You're there, but not me? This is bull," I complained loudly into the phone.

"Thank you, Isaac," Allison muttered to him. "And he's a werewolf."

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