Chapter 4

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Waking up for another day of school, I could feel the weight of stress bearing down on me. Being in a new school had brought a whirlwind of thoughts and worries to my mind. As I began getting ready, my heart started to race, amplifying the tension within me. In an attempt to calm myself down, I hurried to the bathroom and reached for the faucet to splash water on my face. But just as I was about to turn it on, my gaze fell upon a horrifying sight—the emergence of werewolf-like claws extending from my nails. Fear gripped me, and I questioned whether this was a dreadful dream or a frightening reality. In a state of panic, I quickly turned on the water and splashed it on my face, hoping it would bring me back to normal. I cautiously looked down at my hand once more, only to find that the claws had disappeared.

"You ready?" Allison's voice interrupted my moment of disbelief as she popped into the doorway.

I glanced at my hand once again, double-checking that I wasn't losing my sanity. The absence of the claws provided some relief. "Yeah," I replied with a sigh, grateful that my appearance seemed normal again. I grabbed my bag and headed off to school,

I trudged through the school halls, a deep sense of disdain for the place permeating my thoughts. School—how I hated it. The monotony, the confinement, the feeling of being trapped in a place that seemed so distant from anything meaningful or fulfilling. Sometimes, the urge to burn the entire building down would seize me, the idea of reducing it to ashes holding a strange allure. No regrets. None whatsoever. But I knew deep down that such thoughts were only fleeting fantasies, a release valve for my frustrations.

As I walked alongside Allison and Lydia, heading to our next class, our conversation turned to the mysterious girl who had left strange bruises on our arms. Lydia scoffed at the idea, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "So, mystery girl leaves a bruise on our arms that turns out to be the logo for a bank? What's she trying to do? Give us investment advice?"

I glanced at Lydia, unable to suppress a chuckle at her witty remark. It was a momentary distraction from the looming boredom of the school environment.

"Not at this bank. It's been closed for years," Allison replied, her voice tinged with weariness. I couldn't help but wonder why we were still discussing these bruises, as they seemed to be nothing more than a perplexing mystery.

"Why aren't you telling Scott?" Lydia inquired, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Because, according to someone, I need to find something real," Allison explained, her words leaving Lydia and me momentarily silent as we exchanged a knowing look. There was more to Allison's statement than met the eye, and we understood that prying further would lead us down a complicated path.

"Which reminds me," Allison continued, breaking the silence. "Um, I can't drive you home today. I have an errand to run after school." I glanced at Allison, a confused expression furrowing my brow, but ultimately, I chose to keep my thoughts to myself.

After biology class, I met back up with Allison in the hallway. There was an uneasy tension between us, and I couldn't hold back my curiosity any longer.

"Why did you lie?" I finally mustered the courage to ask, looking directly into her eyes.

Allison gave me a questioning look, clearly trying to recall the context of my question.

"To Lydia," I clarified, hoping to clear up any confusion.

She hesitated for a moment, seemingly searching for the right words. "Oh, I want you to come with me to sneak in the bank," she finally admitted, as if it was the most casual thing in the world.

I quickly stepped in front of her, blocking her path. "Slow your roll there, Argent," I said, my voice laced with concern. "Are you fucking insane?"

Allison pondered my question for a brief moment, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Yeah," she replied, a hint of laughter escaping her lips.

Stella Argent - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now