Chapter 19

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I sat on the edge of my bed, running over the plan in my head as August walked up the steps. He had been gone for hours which gave Clarissa and I the perfect opportunity to come up with an amazing plan to trick August in this game he thought he was running on me. August busted through our bedroom and stopped when he saw me, in nothing but a pair of lingerie, sprawled out across the bed.

I had eventually moved to the top and just casually skipped through television stations. August walked over to me, scratching the back of his head. "What's up with you?" He asked towering over me, clearly smelling like some cheap perfume. "Nothing Aug. I've been waiting on you." He grinned and sat on the edge of the bed before placing a hand on my thigh. "Oh word?"

I nodded my head and moved my legs away from him. "Too bad it took you so long to get back home though. I had to do everything to myself," I replied crossing my legs. August bit his lips as his eyes drifted down to my box. "Really?" I nodded my head and pretended to be upset. "Yeah. I came so many times, squirting everywhere. I had to change the sheets," I replied running my hands across the new sheets.

August scooted closer to me. "You think we could...ya know?" He asked rubbing on my thighs and as much as I wanted to I slowly pushed his hands away. "No, I think I'm all tapped out for the day. If you were here earlier then we could have gotten something going but you were out having," I sniffed his jacket. "Hamburgers? Greasy fast foods? Cheap perfumes? Smells like a recipe for disaster to me."

He sighed and shook his head. "Before you start going off just let me explain, aight?" "No need to explain. I already know everything I want to know. I know what you were doing and who you were doing it with," I replied standing up. His eyes stayed glued to my body in the lingerie that was really apart of my uniform for tonight's sets. "So, you're not mad?" He asked.

I turned around, grabbing something to wear out of my drawers. "Do I look mad?" He scratched the back of his head and sighed. "I really don't know, honestly." I folded my arms across my chest. "Oh. Well maybe you can figure it out tonight when you're sleeping on the couch, with that cheap ass perfume you've got on your clothes and the lip stick stains on your collar, mother fucker."

I slammed my draws closed and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the water and went dived straight into the hot, steamy shower water. It hit my body, wiping away all of the shit I've been going through the past few months with August and his games. I know he was with some female but who? I don't know, most likely Bubbles, or as he likes to call her Nadia.

August wasn't foolin' nobody and neither was she. The minute I walk into the club tonight I'm going to confront her about fucking with my man. She had no business trying to talk to him on that level again when she knew the two of us had something going on and August shouldn't be entertaining her nonsense, either. 

I turned around when I heard a knock on the shower door. August was standing in front of the door with his arms folded. I turned back around, just planning on ignoring him for the rest of the day, until he stepped into the shower with me. "Is there some way the two of us could clear this up?" August asked standing in front of me.

"Get out of here August."

He sighed and grabbed on to my hands but I removed them from his grasp. "No. Don't touch me. I don't know which hoes have probably had their hands all over you. You're dirty and you're wrong August." "How? I'm not even cheating on you, like you think," He snapped. "I don't think you're cheating on me August, I know you're cheating on me."

He nodded his head, chuckling at what I just said. "Okay, sure I'm cheating on you. A little flirting here and there don't mean shit if I'm still coming back to you every night." You're not supposed to be flirting with anyone if you have a girlfriend," I replied. "Then, what do you call all of that giggling and hair flipping shit you do when you're talking to that ole light skinned nigga?"

Honest (31 Days of August Sequel) August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now