Chapter Twenty Six: And I thought I looked gorgeous.

Start from the beginning

"I have nothing to talk to you about."

Stubborn boy. "What's your deal Greyson? Why do you care so much if I'm back with Cole?"

Take that!

His glare becomes defining and his jaw is painfully clenched. "I don't care," he snaps.

Rowan and Skye look awkwardly at each other as Greyson and I glare at each other. I'm not letting him off easy again. I want to know why he cares so damn much. I want to know what all of this is about. I want him to admit it. Admit that there's something more than friendship.

"I don't believe you."

"Guys were here," Rowan whispers, as if he's scared we'll bite his head off. And with the darkening tint to Greyson's eyes and the way my hands clench into fists. It's probably for the best.

Greyson tears his glare away from me and snaps the door open as he gets out of the car. I practically growl as I follow him out. Of course Greyson's dad would get them a private jet. I haven't seen him since I was thirteen but I do know that he's a complete asshole.

By the time I get on the plane. With Rowan and Sam behind me. Greyson's talking to the pilot, a mask of pure authority over his face. Arms crossed, lips in a straight line, eyes smoldering. I've never seen Greyson looks so much like his dad before.

Rowan grabs my arm pulling me away from Greyson and towards the back of the plane where the flight attendants are setting down drinks. I wordlessly sit down next to the window as Sam sits down next to me. Rowan takes the seat in front of us and by the time Greyson comes to sit down he's so far up in his own head that he sits down without a word next to Rowan and leads us into the soundless flight to New York.


One may think that New York was full of glitz and glam. Well it is. In like a dirty way. By the time we got there it was just getting dark and I couldn't look away from the lights as we walked to our hotel. I was trapped under the spell that is New York City. I'm sure everyone that saw Sam and I, as we ran from shop to art covered buildings with bright smiles and our cameras out, were annoyed because of how much of tourists we were acting.

But were in New York!

"You look cute when you smile." I look over right in time to see the deep pink covering Sam's cheeks and the flirty smile on Rowan's lips. I look away feeling as if I'm interrupting into something that's not mine to interrupt in.

Instead I look at the people. Tall, short, big, tiny. They all walk with purpose. Fast speeds, bumping into each other, running across streets as cars zoom by. Brave but careless.

"I'm sorry."

I turn to my right and see Greyson, his hands in his pocket and a sheepish look on his face. And he's apologizing.

I stop and stare at him. He stops next to me as New York passes us by. "Why?"

He licks his lips in consideration. He looks away from me for a while before he looks back at me with an expression that I've seen a thousand times but have never been able to describe. Full of thought and wonder. Full of kindness and care.

"I don't like seeing you with him. He's hurt you to many times."

I just want him to admit it.

"So if I was with someone that hasn't hurt me you wouldn't have reacted that way?"

His jaw shifts, "yes."

Why does he lie?

But what if it's not a lie? What if in my mind I've created this fantasy that Greyson feels something for me?

Caught up with the Bad Boy {COMPLETE!}Where stories live. Discover now