~When He Says No To You, Then, Gives In~

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Yugi-"I'm not going to let you dress me in a cat suit!" "Come on, Yugi, please!" "No!" You then started (Fake) crying. Yugi now felt bad. "Fine! I'll wear your cat suit!" "Really?" "Really...." "Thanks, Yugi, you're the best!" And, so, Yugi became the cutest kitten ever. And, you got a new lock screen picture (The reason you wanted Yugi to dress up).

Yami-"You want me to do what?!" "I want you to mind-crush the teacher." "Why?" "She gave me an A-, when, I clearly deserved an A+." "I'm not going to-" You then started using the puppy dog eyes on Yami. Yami sighed. "Fine, I'll mind-crush the teacher, for you." "Thanks so much, Yami!" You said, while hugging Yami. 'That teacher will get what she deserves!' You thought, with an evil smirk, freaking Yami out.

Ryou-"Ryou, would you mind carrying my backpack for me?" "I would, but, my backpack's extra heavy today. Sorry, but I can't-" "Oh...That's fine. I'll just suffer, and-" "Alright! I'll carry your backpack for you." "You sure? What about-" "I'm sure." "If you say so." You then handed Ryou your extremely heavy backpack. "Thanks, Ryou, you're the best!" "Thanks." If only you knew how much pain Ryou was in, while carrying his and your backpack to school.

Seto-"Seto, can we go to Kaiba Land?" "Sorry, too busy." You sighed. "Guess I'll have to invite Yugi, so, I won't be bored." Seto immediately closed his laptop, and stood up. "Give me thirty minutes to get ready." Seto then left. 'Knew it'd work!' You then left to get ready as well.

Joey-"My answer's no!" "Come on. Joey, please, do this for me!" "I will not let you mess with my perfect hair!" "Come on, I'll give you pizza, afterwards...." "In that case, feel free to mess with my hair, all you like." "Glady!" You then had fun, messing with Joey's chair, changing its style, into ridiculous hairstyles.

Atem-"Can you please do something for me?" "What do you desire, my Queen?" "I want you to go on a horse ride with me?" "I would, but, I have a meeting in an hour." "It won't be long, I promise." "Sorry, but, my answer's no." "Please!" You continued to say this, over, and over, until, Atem gave in, and, went on a horse ride with you. And, just like you promised, Atem was back, in time, for his meeting.

Marik-"Marik, can I please use your millennium rod on someone?" "No." "I promise I'll return it to you, unscratched." "No." "Then, I have no choice, but, to ruin your motorcycle!" "Wait, here you go." Marik then handed you to millennium rod. "I want it back in an hour." "Understood." Even though it was only an hour, you had a great time, with Marik's precious millennium rod.

Bakura-You really wanted some pizza. But, the only problem is that Bakura won't make some for you. You would just order out, but, Bakura's homemade pizza was ten times better. "Please!" "I won't make you any bloody pizza!" You then started whimpering, like a baby puppy. "If you stop making that bloody noise, I will make you a pizza!" You shut up. Bakura then left, to make a delicious pizza for you.

Malik-"(y/n), I'm not going to get you ice-cream at three in the morning!" "Please!" "No!" "(Slave's name), show him why he should agree to go get me some ice-cream." (Slave's name) then sucks in air. Malik then realized that (Slave's name) was about to sing. "So, what flavor do you want?" "(Favorite Ice-Cream Flavor)." "On it!" Malik then left. "You can stop, (Slave's name)." "Alright, need anything else?" "Nope."

Jaden-"I don't want to!" "Please!" "No!" "Please...." "Fine..." Jaden then handed you his desert. "Thank you!"

Syrus-"I'm not going to wear this!" "Come on, I selected it, just for you!" "No!" "Fine, but, it's chilly outside." Syrus thought for a moment, then, put on the blue scarf you had bought for him. "Warm?" "Yes."

Zane-"Please, make me this (Favorite) cake for me!" "No!" "But-" Zane sighed. "Fine..." "Thank you!" So, Zane made you a (Favorite) cake, and you were very happy.

Jesse-"No, I won't help you cheat on this test!" "... Please..." "Fine, here." Jesse then gave you the answers. And, luckily for you, you never got caught.

Chazz-"No!" "Please!" "No!" You started (Fake) crying. Chazz actually felt bad, and, agreed to go on a walk with you, out in the forest.

Aster-"No!" "Please!" "No!" "Please!" Aster sighed. "Fine, I'll do it." "Yay! Thanks so much!" 'I have a felling I'm going to regret this decision.' And, he did.

Atticus-"I'm not going to give you the answers. You need to figure it out for yourself." "But, you used to give me the answers, before you started Duel College. What changed?" "I'm not sure." "Please!" Atticus sighed. "Fine." "Yay! Thanks so much!" "But, I will tell you something. You're only cheating yourself." You rolled your eyes. 'Yeah, but, I don't care!'

I hope you enjoyed. Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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