~When He Uses Bad Pick-Up Lines~

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Yugi-You were listening to music while doing a hobby you enjoy, when Yugi came up to you, looking nervous. "Are........You the Dark Magician Girl?" "Uh......." "Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears......." "Did Yami put you up to this?" ".........Yes........" "Poor you!" You said while hugging Yami. "But are you serious?" "About what?" "About everyone disappearing when you look at me? Is it true?" "I meant every word." Yugi said while kissing you on the lips. You kissed back, neither of you seeing Yami taking photos of you, and videoing Yugi using his pick-up line.  

Yami-Yami walked up to you with a smirk on his face. 'This can only lead to disaster.' "Do you have a map?" "No, why?" "Because, I'm getting lost in your eyes." You blushed. "Did you just try a pick-up line on me?" "Did it work?" "Somehow, it did." "I'll be right back." Yami then left and you could hear Yugi groaning. When Yami returned, he lifted you up from your chair, and asked, "Shall we go get something to eat using the money I just won from winning a bet?"

Ryou-You noticed Yami talking to Ryou, who looked nervous. Ryou soon walked over to you before saying, "You're so beautiful you made me forget my pick-up line." He then retreated to his desk, and put his head in his hands. 'What a shame, that wasn't too bad of a pick-up line.'

Seto-You were putting your make-up on when Seto came in and grabbed your eyeliner out of your hand. "You shouldn't wear make-up. It's messing with perfection." Seto said before looking away, light blush visible on his face. "Seto, did you just try a pick-up line on me?" "Mokuba put me up to it." "Oh......" "I'll just leave now." Seto said while trying to hand you your eyeliner back. "No thanks, if I put it on, I'd be messing with perfection." "Glad you came to your senses." Seto said before leaving. You just smiled to yourself like an idiot. Little did Seto know you had asked Mokuba to put Seto up to doing a pick-up line, just so you could see which one he'd use. 

Joey-Joey walked up to you and sat down next to you. He then pulled out his phone and pulled up the camera app. "Can I take a picture of you to prove to my friends angels really exist?" "Uh....." You said while blushing. "I'm guessing my pick-up line worked." "Y-Yeah........" "Then I guess Yami owes me enough money to take you out on a date at a five-star restaurant! I'll be right back!" Joey left and you saw Yami frown and hand Joey a lot of money. Joey then came back. "Want to go on a date tonight?" You nodded. "Great!"

Atem-Atem walked up to you with a smirk on his face. 'This can only mean trouble.' "Can I please have some directions?" "To where?" "To your heart?" Atem said with a wink. You couldn't help but blush. 'Now I know where pick-up lines come from....Lucky me!'

Marik-You and Marik were just talking when Marik decided to use a very bad pick-up line on you. "If you were a vegetable, I think I'd call you a cute-cumber." "Uh......" "What, no good?" "Not at all." Marik sighed. "At least I tried." "Sure, whatever. Let's just get back to the conversation we were having." "Okay then, my pet."

Bakura-"Hey (y/n), can I ask you a question?" "Sure, what is it?" "Is your father a baker?" "No, why?" "Because, you have some nice buns." Your face went deep red. "Yes! I knew it'd work! Now Ryou owes me ten hours of service!" Bakura then left to go claim his prize, leaving you a blushing mess.

Hope you enjoyed. Sorry if you didn't. Remember, you can request any character or scenario. I'm afraid I won't be updating for a while. I may try to update in-between camp and our family vacation, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it. I really hope you can understand. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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