~Ending Number Eleven: Yami Marik~

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...Marik? Wait, no, Marik when he's acting all evil, like a psychopath. But that doesn't make any sense, how could you fall for a psychopath!?! Though after thinking about it for a while, you couldn't deny that you were in love with psychopathic Marik. You then headed home, and waited for tomorrow to show up.

The next day, you met up with Marik, and asked to see his eviler side. Marik was shocked, before Yami Marik took over. "I'm quite surprised, no one ever wants to see me. Let me guess, you have a death wish." You shook your head. "I want to date you." Yami Marik seemed a bit shocked for a moment, but soon reclaimed his cool. "If that's your wish, so be it. But don't say I didn't warn you." You smiled, happy that he actually said yes. And so, your psychotic love began.

Note: Yami Marik will now be known as Malik, just because it's much easier to say. Plus, Marik and Malik are now separated from each other. Malik will wield the millennium rod, and Marik will not be evil anymore.   

~When You Kiss In Public~

Everyone in the school knew something was wrong with you and Malik. But you and Malik didn't care. One day, while listening to a boring lecture, Malik stood up, and declared, "Shut up you teacher!" He then grabbed you, and pulled you in for a kiss. The teacher glared. "How dare you act like this in my class!" "How dare you interrupt my kiss with (y/n)!" Malik then grabbed the teacher and pinned her onto the ground, in a forceful way. Let's just say, Malik got in huge trouble, but that isn't a surprise to you, not at all.

~When You're Sad~

You were in your room, crying. Because Malik was bored, he decided to visit you, only to find you crying. "What is it?!" "My dad got drunk last night and he....He..." "He what!?" "He threw a wine bottle at me..." You then showed Malik the bruise on your arm. Malik growled. "I'll kill him!" "Please, don't!" "Fine, but you're coming to live with me!" "But-" "It's either that or your father dies." "Very well." Malik then forced your parents to release your from their possession, and took you to his apartment. "I know it isn't much, but welcome to your new home." "It's fine, thank you. You didn't have to do this." "But I wanted to." You smirked. "Seems like there really is a heart inside that pit of darkness." "You know what? Just to show I'm still evil, I'm going to go kill a baby kitten!" "Malik, don't!"

~When He's Sad~

You were shocked, Malik actually looked depressed. "Malik, what's wrong?" "I feel like maybe I should just die..." "What!?! Why!?!" "All I do is cause misfortune around me. It's just my nature to kill everything in sight. What if I do that to you?" "Malik, I trust you. And I know that you won't kill me. Besides, if you did, I'd be waiting for you in the afterlife. So please, stop moping around and kiss me. That'll make you feel better." "Guess you're right." Malik then kissed you. "You were right, kissing you helped me feel better." "I told you so."

~When You Have A Nightmare~

You were running, running from him. He wanted to hurt you, and wouldn't stop at nothing to get you. To kill you, to stab you mercilessly. Like in every nightmare where you're being chased, you tripped. You watched as he approached you, Malik. "Guess this is where we'll be departing. So long!" Malik then brought down the sharp end of the millennium rod at you, and you felt yourself being torn apart. That's when you awoke. You peeked into Malik's room to see him sitting up in his bed. "What're you doing up this late Malik?" "The millennium rod told me you were having a nightmare. Don't bother telling me about it, I already know about it. And you don't need to worry about me killing you. As much as it pains me to say this, a piece of my heart has been stolen by you. So you don't need to worry. Now, would you like to sleep with me tonight?" "I'd like that, thanks." You then got in bed with Malik, and snuggled up close, quickly falling into a peaceful sleep.

Torn Between Two Lovers: A Yami X Reader X Yugi Love Story!Where stories live. Discover now