~When You Say No To Him, Then Give In~

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Yugi-"Hey (y/n), want to watch a movie?" "No thanks, I have homework to do." "Please (y/n), I really want to watch a movie with you." "Yugi, I-" Yugi then started (Fake) crying. "I.....Don't know....What I'd do.....If I don't watch.....A movie with you..." Now you were surprised, and felt a bit guilty. "Fine, I'll watch a movie with you." "Thanks (y/n)!" Yugi had immediately perked up. "Sure, let's just hurry so I can get back to my homework." "Okay."

Yami-"Hey (y/n), wish to play truth or dare again?" "No way!" "But I really want to play with you!" "No!" Yami then started whimpering like a sad little puppy. "I-I...." Guess one round couldn't hurt, right? You sighed. "Fine, I'll play that dangerous game with you." "Thanks! You're the best!" "Yeah, yeah, let's just get this over with!" Let's just say, you regretted agreeing to play that dreaded game, big time!

Ryou-You were at Ryou's house, working on your homework. "All done! How're you doing Ryou?" "Terrible!" "Sorry to hear." "Would you mind doing my homework for me?" "But...I don't want to do it again." "Please!" "Sorry, but my answer's no." Ryou then started (Fake) crying. You felt bad. "Hey, hey, no need to cry. I'll do your homework." "You mean it?" Yes..." And so you did Ryou's homework. Such a sweet girlfriend you are!

Seto-You were in your room, watching (Favorite TV show/anime) on your expensive laptop. That's when Seto walked in, with the look of, 'I want something from you.' "Hey Seto, need something?" "Yes, I'd like you to give me a performance." "Right now?" "Yes, right now." "But I'm watching-" Seto then glared. "No, my answer's no!" "Very well then." Seto then turned to leave, but then you realized you had just gave up an opportunity to spend time with your boyfriend. "Wait, I'll give you your performance!" "Knew you'd come around..."

Joey-You and Joey were both watching a movie, when Joey paused the movie. "Would you mind making me a sandwich?" "Why can't you go make one yourself?" "Because, I'm too lazy..." "I'm not going to make you a sandwich." "Please (y/n), I'm starving! Save me!" You sighed. "Fine, I'll go make you your stupid sandwich..." So you stood up, and made Joey a delicious sandwich.

Atem-Bakura was attacking a village nearby the palace. Atem was going out to take care of the problem. Being the person you are, you wanted to come with Atem. "I'm coming as well." "No, you need to stay where it's safe." "No, I'm coming as well!" "(y/n), I don't want to lose you. So please, stay here where I knew you'll be safe." "Just make sure you come back to me, safe and sound?" "I will, I promise." Knowing Atem never broke a promise, you let one of the guards lead you to a safe place. When Atem came back, he was badly injured. Also, Bakura had escaped. But luckily, Atem was able to make a full recovery.

Marik-"Hey (y/n), let's play a prank on the Pharaoh." "Depends on what the prank is." "You pretend to actually want to be with him, pretend to date him for a few days, then dump him." "I won't, that's just cruel. Plus, I-" "So you still like him!?!" "No! It's just-" "If you don't agree, then you'll be saying you're still into him." You sighed. "Fine, I'll do it." "Knew you wouldn't leave me for that lame Pharaoh." So you went out with the prank, breaking poor Yami's heart even more.

Bakura-"(y/n), would you mind doing the dishes for me? I would force Ryou to do it, but he's out on a band field trip." "I'm not going to do the dishes for you. My answer's no!" Bakura then gave you a kiss. "Care to reconsider?" "Sorry, but-" Bakura then pulled out his millennium ring. "If you don't, I'll send (Pet's name) to the shadow realm." "Fine, I'll do the dishes..." "Glad you could see things my way..." You then got up, and went to go do the dishes.

Malik-"Malik, I'm not in the mood to go killing tonight. My answer's no." "What if I promised not to be perverted for a whole day?" "A week." "Three days?" "Deal!" You then stood up, and went to go kill with Malik. 

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if not. Feel free to request characters or scenarios. Have a nice day! Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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