~When He Accidentally Insults You~

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Yugi-Yugi was teaching you how to cook, since you had lost your cooking skills over the past year. But Yugi was starting to feel like you were hopeless. "Maybe we should just stop." "Why?" "Because if you can't figure this out, which is a simple recipe, then you should just give up now." "Are you saying I'm an idiot because I can't figure this out?" "Pretty much." Yugi then clamped his hands over his mouth. Too late, you had already heard the insult. "Yugi, you......." "I'm so sorry! I didn't-" "You can cook by yourself then. Obvious I'm just getting in the way!" You said before storming out of the room. Yugi ran after you and was eventually able to get you to forgive him.

Yami-You two were in gym class. Currently, you were doing laps, and Yami was running circles around you. "Come on slowpoke!" "Hey!" Using your last bit of energy, you surpassed Yami, who was shocked. "Never insult me again! Or you'll be eating more then just my dust!" "Oh, it's on!" You two were soon racing each other, not realizing Yami had let you catch up to him, and eventually, letting you win the race.

Ryou-You were drawing a sketch for Ryou, because you had nothing else to do. But when Ryou saw it, things didn't go as planned. "Where'd you get that picture from? It looks like a five year old drew it." Ryou didn't realize you were the one who had drawn the picture. "I drew it.......For you......" Ryou then panicked, he had just insulted his princess. "Did I say five year old? I meant five star work. Yeah, that's it!" "Nice save Fluffy." You said while putting the picture in the trash. But to your surprise, the next day, the picture was in a cute frame on his wall.

Seto-Seto was currently helping you with your homework since you were having some trouble. When you showed him what you were having trouble with, he surprised you with what he said next. "Are you really having trouble with this? This is so easy a child could do it." "Did you just insult me!?!" "No, I'm just stating the obvious." "If it's so easy then you do it!" You said while leaving your homework on his desk. Later, you heard a knock on your door. You opened the door to see Seto, holding you homework in his hands, all done. "I'm s-s-s-s-s-s-sorry for what I did. Here, I finished your homework for you." "Thanks..." You said while taking your homework from Seto. "So......Any other reason you came to my room?" Yes, would you like to watch a movie with me?" "Sure." You said, completely forgetting that you were mad at Seto.

Joey-"It's your move Joey!" "That's your move? That's the most idiotic move I've ever seen." It took a minute for Joey to realize what he had just said. "Babe, I'm so-" "Save it!" You said while picking up your duel deck, and leaving. "Come on, I didn't mean it!" "Sorry Joey, but I'm going to play against Yugi. He doesn't insult my tactics." "But what did I say about dueling anyone else?" "Talk to you after my duel Joey!" You said before walking up to Yugi, and starting a duel with him. Poor Joey had to watch the entire duel before you said you'd listen to him.

Atem-You were writing in your journal, when Atem walked in. AS he looked over at what you were writing, he winced. "Is that your handwriting? It's awful." "Uh, yes, it is my handwriting. Sorry it's so awful!" Atem then realized what he had just done. "I didn't mean to-" "It's fine, my handwriting really is awful. Mind helping me so my handwriting isn't so bad?" "Sure, I don't mind helping you out." "Thanks!" "Anything for my Queen."

Marik-You were having a mini dance party, when Marik walked in, For a while, he just watched you. That's when he did a huge mistake. "Those dance moves are lame. Just thought you should know." You turned to face Marik, rage filling your eyes. "I made those dance moves up myself!!!" Marik then realized what he had done. "Uh....." Marik then bolted, afraid of what you'd do to him.

Bakura-You were practicing your evil laugh. Mainly because when Bakura did his evil laugh, you felt a bit left out. Bakura then came in. "Just what noise do you think you're making?" "An evil laugh." "That's just pitiful...." You glared, and Bakura realized he had just insulted you. "Uh..." You pulled out the millennium rod, ready to make Bakura pay. But he sprinted away, and was able to save himself, for now.........

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if you didn't. Remember, you can request any character or scenario you want. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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