~When You Go To An Amusement Park~

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Yugi-You were ecstatic when Yugi invited you to an amusement park. Sadly, you could go on so many rides (Because of Yugi's height). So you mainly stayed to the games. Yugi also won you a stuffed (Favorite Animal). At the end, you watched the wireworks that were on display. What a great way to end a great day with your adorable boyfriend. But let's just say, you left with three-hundred dollars less than when you arrived.

Yami-Yami was excited to go to an amusement park for the first time. You rode all the rides even though Yami god sick on almost every one, and played a couple of games, but not many. At the end of the day, you rode the Ferris wheel and kissed at the very top. So romantic!

Ryou-You and Ryou had planned this date for months. But Mother Nature decided to be cruel, raining on your parade. So you didn't get to go on any rides. Instead, you ate cotton candy under an umbrella, not caring that it was raining, as long as you had each other.

Seto-Seto thought it'd be a terrible waste of time, but agreed once you promised you'd sing for him once you got back. Like Yugi, Seto couldn't go on many rides because he was way too tall. So instead, you played games. Seto won many prizes for you, while made you happy. Little did you know Seto bribed each booth to make sure he won.

Joey-You were so happy when Joey asked if you'd like to go to an amusement park with him. When you arrived, you two did whatever you felt like doing. Joey was willing to do anything, as long as it was with you.

Atem-One thing you missed most about the future, was the amusement parks. Once Atem learned of this, he had a special ride created for you. It was a boat ride where you would go over a waterfall but ropes would catch you at the last minute. "Atem, you had this made for me?" "I know it isn't anything compared to the future, but I hope you like it." "I love it! Let's go!" Let's just say, you went on the ride over and over again.

Marik-"I have a feeling this will be a waste of time." "Marik, please try to be positive." "Fine......" "Thank you!" So you went on rides and played games. Marik even used his millennium rod to win you tons of prizes and skip the lines. Even though Marik was sour at first, he eventually opened up and was able to have fun with you.

Bakura-"Please!" Bakura sighed. "Fine, but don't expect me to win you any prizes." "Thanks?" You two then headed to the amusement park KaibaLand. "So, what to do first?" "I don't care." "Come on, try to lighten up and have fun for once." "......Fine......" "Great, then let's go!" Throughout the day, you noticed Bakura opening up and actually enjoying himself. This made you happy. And at the end of the day, you both headed home. "Did you have fun today?" "Surprisingly, I did." "Glad to hear, well, good night." You said before giving Bakura a quick kiss and heading into your house. 

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if you didn't. Don't have anything else to say so......Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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