~When You Make Up~

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Yugi-You dreaded having to go to school, because you'd have to see Yugi. Although you were upset, maybe you did lose Yugi's cards. As you walked into the classroom, you saw Yugi with a note. You raised an eyebrow as you sat next to him (because of assigned seats). "(y/n), please read this." Yugi said while handing you the note. 

Dear (y/n), 

I'm sorry for accusing you of stealing my Duel Monster cards. Turns out you did return them to me and they were in my backpack the entire time. Can you ever forgive me?

Love, Yugi <3

"Of course I forgive you!" You said while hugging Yugi. Yugi was glad you forgave him. 

Yami-You sighed as you looked at your math homework. You hadn't made any progress. To make it worse, you felt bad for blowing up on Yami. You realized you had to do something before it was too late. Grabbing you math homework, you headed over to the game shop. Entering the game shop, your eyes landed on Yami, who was talking to Yugi's grandpa. "H-Hello Yami." Both their eyes turned to you. "Hey sweet (y/n), what brings you here at nine-thirty at night?" "I need to talk to you alone." "Then let's go to my room." Yami then led you to his room. "So, what would you like to talk about?" "I wanted to say I'm sorry for blowing up on you." "It's fine, I should've been more careful with my words." "But still......" "Don't worry, I have no hard feelings." "That's a relief. The second reason I'm here is to ask for help on my math homework." "Of course, I'd be happy to assist you." And so, Yami was able to help you with your math, and you were able to sleep at night knowing Yami wasn't mad. 

Bakura-You just felt awful about what you did. Bakura had tried to avoid an argument, but you still continued to argue with him. You had decided you'd make it up to him. You could only hope he didn't hold grudges. As you knocked on the door, you heard a faint, "Come in." You did as Bakura said, and walked in. "Hey (y/n), what do you need?" "I was hoping I could take you somewhere as an apology for last week." "Oh, okay." "But you have to wear this blindfold." You said while pulling out a blindfold. "I'm not so sure about this sweetie." "Trust me, you'll be fine." Bakura then put on the blindfold. "Let's go!" You then led Bakura to the new tea shop Bakura had invited you to before your fight began. Removing Bakura's blindfold, he was surprised at what he saw. "(y/n), I-" "I know what I said. But if you like tea, then I guess I can try to like it too. Feel free to get whatever you want. Think of it was an apology gift." "Oh, okay then. Thank you sweetie!" Bakura then gave you a sweet kiss on the cheek. "Shall we enter? Or are we going to stay out in the sun?" "Guess we might as well enter." You both then entered the tea shop, having one of the best times of your life. But of course, any time with Bakura counts as the best time of your life.

Seto-For once, Seto felt bad about what he did. He decided he'd have to make it up to you. He grabbed his duel deck and knocked on your room door. As soon as you opened the door, you frowned. "Ready to admit you're not number one?" "I should've seen it before. I'm not number one, you are." You were shocked at Seto's words. Had he said what you just thought he had said? "I......" "So, wish to have another round at it?" "You're on!" After playing again, you won! Little did you know Seto was going easy on you and let you win. But hey, you were worth it to him. 

Joey-You were currently talking to Yami, explaining how you had messed up. That's when Joey showed up. "Let me guess, you're here to drag me off again." "Actually, I'm here to apologize. It was wrong of me to get jealous. You have every right to have guy friends. That is, as long as they don't hug or kiss you." "Don't worry, you're the only one I want to hug, or kiss." Joey then pulled you in for a kiss, which you immediately kissed back. Yep, everything was the way it should be. Well, for you and Joey that is. 

Atem-You were on a peaceful walk, trying to clear your head, when you heard Atem calling out your name. You turned to face him. "You want to insult anything else about me?" "Actually, I want to apologize. I was wrong to call you a terrible horse rider. The real reason I said that was I was hoping you wouldn't ride again." "Why're you do that?" "So you could never fall off and get hurt." Now it all made sense. Atem was just trying to protect you. "I understand. And don't worry, with you by my side, I could never get hurt." "Shall we go back to your horse riding lesson then?" "Absolutely!" 

Marik-When Marik got back, he finally was willing to listen to you. "Yami was my lab partner. I had to talk to him!" "Oh........I didn't realize that. If I had known that-" "Don't stress about it. It's fine." "You sure?" You then kissed him. "I'm sure!" 

Hope you enjoyed. Sorry if some were a bit short (Marik's). And also, sorry if you didn't enjoy this scenario. Remember, you can request any character or scenario you want. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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