~When You Have Your First Fight~

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Yugi-"Hey (y/n), have you seen my Duel Monster Cards?" "No, why would I?" "Because you were the last to see them. Yesterday I showed them to you but now I can't find them." "I gave them back to you." "No, you didn't." "Yes, I did!" "Well, I don't believe you." You had had enough. So you stormed out of the game shop and back to your house, dreading how you'd have to see him tomorrow at school.

Yami-"Hey (y/n), would you like any help on your homework? You seem to be struggling." "I'm fine..." You hissed, irritated you couldn't figure out problem five of twenty-five in your math homework. "You sure? I mean, I'm already done and-" "Are you trying to say that I'm stupid!?!" "Not at all." "Well, that sure seems to be what you're saying!" "(y/n), I-" "That's it! I'm going home to work on my math!" You then grabbed your things and stormed out of the game shop, leaving Yami completely confused. He was just trying to help, not insult you. Where did he go wrong?

Bakura-"Guess what (y/n)?" "What?" "They've opened up a new tea shop. I was hoping we could go together and-" "Why is it always about tea?" "What do you mean sweetie?" "Anytime we do anything, there's always tea involved. I'm sick of tea!" "Well, we don't have to have tea, if you don't to." "Let me guess, tomorrow you'll invite me to go to the new tea shop again. If you love tea so much, then why don't you marry it!?!" "(y/n), I-" Too late, you had already left Bakura's house. 

Seto-"And with that move, I wipe out the rest of your life points. Nice try (y/n)." "Thanks. Do you think I'll ever be able to defeat you?" "You wish." "Hey, it could happen." "Yeah, no." "You saying I'm a terrible duelist?" "No, just not good enough to defeat me." "You always think you're the best, don't you?" "Well, obviously, I mean, I'm Seto Kaiba after all." "That's it!" You said while standing up. "You come talk to me when you'll admit you're not the best in the world! There's always someone better than you. When will you learn that!?!" You then left, stunning Seto.

Joey-Joey was dragging you away, again. You were getting sick of Joey taking you away whenever you tried to talk to any boy. "Joey! You need to stop this!" You said while getting out of Joey's grip. "What do you mean?" "You need to stop dragging me away whenever I try to talk to another boy. I'm getting really tired of it!" "Babe, I-" "You know what!?! Don't talk to me for a while. I think I need to clear my head for a while." You said while storming off. Joey just watched you leave, thinking maybe he took his jealously too far. 

Atem-You had just finished another horse lesson. "Well, am I getting any better?" "Uh....." "Come on, I can take it." "You're the worst horse rider I have ever seen." "Well, you didn't have to be so rude about it!" You said while storming off. Atem just stood there, shocked at what he had just said. 

Marik-"How dare you talk to the Pharaoh! What have I said about talking to him!?!" "But I-" "I don't want to hear excuses! I'm going out for a ride. When I get back, I want answers!" Marik then left, leaving you all alone.

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry if you didn't. I'd love it if you'd comment, but you don't have to, if you don't want to. Remember you can request any character or scenario. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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