~Chapter Fourteen~

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Yay, we're back to the story! Hope you've been enjoying it so far. If not, I'm sorry. 

Before your eyes stood two Yugi's! Well, one Yugi and one Yami. But they looked identical, take away height and the look in their eyes. It was hard for you to believe the website had been correct, that they had their own separate bodies now. "It actually worked!" You and Yami said at the same time. "What-Oh my gosh! Pharaoh, you have your own body! But how?" Yami chuckled. "We searched up to see if there was anyway to separate our ourselves and it worked." "Well, what's your grandpa going to say?" "Yes, what will I say?" All three of your heads turned to see Mr. Muto, standing there. "Don't worry, I don't mind caring for the twin of my grandson I never knew about. As long as he doesn't cause trouble." Then Mr. Muto walked off mumbling something you couldn't quite hear. 

You three sighed in relief. "Should we just stay with the story that Yami's Yugi's brother?" "I don't mind, how about you Yami?" "I guess I can play along. My question is how do we fool the school?" All three of you thought for a moment before it hit you. "My dad's really high ranked, I'm sure he can help." You said while calling your father. A harsh voice picked up. "What the heck do you want (y/n)? Haven't I already made it clear that I want nothing to do with you?" You winced at his tone before answering back. "I need a favor. Would you mind entering my friend into the school system?" "No! Why would I help you?" "Because if you do I'll leave you alone." ".......Fine......." Then the call ended. "Well, I have good news. My father's going to put Yami into the system." "That is good news. Yami, are you ready for this?" "I believe I am Yugi." "Guys, I should head back since it's getting late and I'm starting to get tired." You said while yawning. "Shall we walk you home?" Yugi offered. "Nah, you know I'm only across the street. I'll be fine." You said while standing up. "See you tomorrow guys!" "See you later (y/n)!" "Hope you sleep well Miss (y/n)." After saying your good-byes you headed home. 

'Now there's two of them.' You said as you flopped onto your bed. As you tried to sleep, you couldn't get your mind off of Yugi and Yami. 'Why can't I get them out of my head?' You asked yourself. Until you finally came to conclusions. You, (y/n) (l/n), were in love with Yugi and Yami. 'Just great, I'm in love with two guys! What now?' You questioned yourself. You then closed your eyes. "Well, I'm sure I'm just tired and not really in love. I'll see how I feel in the morning." You whispered to yourself before being taken into slumberland. 

I'll be posting the next part soon, so look out for it. Remember to comment, I love to hear feedback about how I'm doing. I'll see you later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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