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Yugi-You and Yugi were walking downstairs, when, you noticed some mistletoe. "Who put that there?" "I'm not sure..." "Come on, lovebirds, get into the holiday spirit!" It was your mom, all dressed up in red and gold. "Kiss!" "We can't, when you're here!" "Fine, I'll leave. But, I want to hear tons of moans." "MOM!" "Alright, I'll leave." Your mom then left. "Sorry about her." "It's fine." "So, shall we....?" "I guess so..." You two then kissed. But, since you didn't do anything heated, your mom was very disappointed.

Yami-You and Yami were walking in school, and Joey jumped onto a desk, and was holding mistletoe over you two. "Come on, kiss!" Yami smirked, for, he had arranged all of this, from the beginning. "Joey, we're in school-" Yami then pulled you in for a heated kiss. Luckily, Yami was able to protect you from all the furious fangirls. 'Thank you, Joey.'

Ryou-You and Ryou were walking through a store, when, you happened to walk under a mistletoe. Everyone started looking at you two. You both started blushing furiously. "Do they really expect us to....." "I'm not so sure about doing this in public...." Everyone then started cheering you on, to do it. Then, shyly, you two kissed. Everyone cheered for you. 'Well, I certainly didn't expect this to happen while shopping with (y/n)....'

Seto-Mokuba put mistletoe all around the mansion, desperately trying to get you two to kiss, for some bizarre reason. Now, you and Seto had to be careful where you tread. But, eventually, you got caught. "Come on, Seto, let's just get this over with." "Okay." You two then kissed, and Mokuba was able to finally use it was blackmailing. Clever little kid....

Joey-"(y/n), you have to kiss me!" "Okay, but, why?" "Mistletoe!" "Oh, well, you didn't have to set all this us for me to kiss you." "I know. But, I had to make sure you couldn't resist." You rolled your eyes, before kissing Joey.

Atem-Once Atem learned about mistletoe, he started putting it up everywhere. Why? To make it so you'd have to kiss Atem every few feet of walking. At first, it was nice. But, soon, it started getting annoying.

Marik-"I command you to kiss me!" "Don't you dare use your millennium-" "I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the mistletoe I put up." "Oh...." Marik then pulled you in for a heated kiss. It was very enjoyable.

Bakura-"(y/n), what's this weird plant thing?" "Oh, that's mistletoe." "Mistletoe?" "Yeah, around Christmas, people put them up. If two people are under one, they have to kiss." "Oh, then...." Bakura then kissed you. You kissed back. 'Thanks, Ryou, for putting this up for me...'

Malik-"You expect me to follow some silly holiday tradition?!" "Guess I was wrong...To think you'd want to kiss me...." "What do you mean?" "Well, under mistletoe, you're supposed to kiss. But, if you don't want to-" Malik then forced you into a kiss. 'Knew I'd get him there.'

Jaden-"(y/n), I have something for you." "What is it?" "Follow me." "Okay." Jaden then led you to your room. "I don't see what's different." "Look up." You did, and, you saw mistletoe. "Jaden...." "Let's put all other kisses to shame. You game?" "Yep, I'll get my game on!"

Syrus-"Who put this-" "It doesn't matter. I bet it's someone trying to make us look embarrassed. Let's make their mission a failure." "How?" You then touched your lips. "Oh...." Syrus started blushing, before kissing you. 'Little does Syrus know that I'm the one who put this up...'

Zane-You and Zane were walking around, when, you walked into a room. "Wait!" "What?" "There's some mistletoe above you." "Jaden, why-" "Just kiss already!" You sighed. "Come on, Zane, let's just-" Zane caught you off guard, by kissing you. "I didn't know you would actually do that." "Well, I have to make my (y/n) happy, don't I?" You smiled, before kissing again.

Jesse-The crystal beasts wanted to make Jesse happy, so, they set up some mistletoe. For, you had been so busy with the holidays, that, you hadn't kissed Jesse in over a week. So, when you both ran into mistletoe, you both smiled. You two then kissed. 'I love you, Jesse.' 'I love you, (y/n).'

Chazz-Chazz hadn't noticed you in a while, and, you were getting tired of it. So, you put up mistletoe all around Chazz's room. "What's going on?!" "Chazz, since we're under mistletoe, we have to kiss!" Chazz smirked, then, kissed you. "Next time, tell me that I'm ignoring you. You don't have to go to such lengths to get my attention." "I'll keep that noted."

Aster-You and Aster were at a party, when, you noticed you and Aster were under some mistletoe. "Aster....." "Well, we need to put on a show, don't we?" "I guess you're right." You both then kissed, making all the other couples jealous.

Atticus-Atticus's fangirls tried to eliminate all the mistletoe, so, that you and Atticus couldn't have extra opportunities to kiss. But, they forgot one. And, because of that, you and Atticus were now kissing. 

I hope you enjoyed, sorry if not! Feel free to leave requests for me. I'm always open to new ideas. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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