~When He Plays With Your Hair~

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Hello fellow readers! Just wanted to say thanks for all the views, votes, and comments. It really means a lot to me. Anyway, I'll just get to the story now since that's why you're here. 

Yugi-You had fallen asleep on Yugi's lap while watching a movie.  As Yugi stroked his hands through your smooth, silky hair, he got an idea. He started pulling on your hair and started to form a french braid with your hair. About ten minutes after he had finished, you woke up. But you noticed your hair felt different. "Yugi, what'd you do?" You asked, nicely. "I hope you like it." Yugi said while handing you a small mirror. You gasped. Your hair was...........Was.......Beautiful! "Thanks Yugi, I love it!" "Well, I do know a thing about styling hair if I do say so myself." "You sure do know how to style hair. Mind doing braids for me more often?" "Sure, it'd be my pleasure (y/n)." You then smiled. You definitely had the best boyfriend ever! 

Yami-"Hey Yami? Who taught you how to style your hair like that?" "I'm not sure." "Well, I'm sure you know a lot about caring for hair, am I right?" "Yes, you are. Where are you going with this?" "I was wondering if you could style my hair. I've been needing a new hairstyle." "(y/n), you look fine just the way you are." "I know, but still......" "Fine, I"ll style your hair." "Thanks!" You then left and came back with a brush, comb, and various hair supplies. "Just no star hair, okay?" "Okay." Yami then started working with your hair. Surprisingly, he was very gentle with your hair. "All done." Yami said while handing you a mirror. You couldn't believe it. Your hair had been put into a waterfall braid. "Oh Yami, I absolutely love it!" You said while hugging Yami. "I can do your hair more often if you want." "I'd love that!" Yami chuckled. 'Anything for my dear (y/n).'

Bakura-"Hey Bakura, mind doing something for me?" "Sure, what is it?" "Well, I really want double braids, but, I'm no good at styling my hair. Mind helping me out?" "Sure sweetie, always happy to help you." "Thanks so much Bakura!" You then sat down as Bakura played with your hair. Soon he was done, and you were admiring your new hairstyle. "It's amazing Bakura! Where'd you learn to style hair so well?" "It's my cousin who taught me. She's a hair stylist. She also taught me how to style my own hair in the style it is in now." "Oh, okay. Well, next time you talk to her, please tell her I appreciate her teaching you how to style hair." "Will do."

Seto-You looked in the mirror, sadly. You had tried to style your hair, but had failed, miserably. When all seemed hopeless, a thought came to your hear. You grabbed some random hair things and rushed to Seto's office. After knocking, you entered. Seto looked at you and your hair supplies with a questioning look. "What's that for?" "I want you to style my hair!" "I can hire a hair stylist for you. Anything else you need?" "You're just afraid you'll mess up!" "Am no!" "Then prove it!" Seto sighed. "Fine, come here." You did as Seto said and sat down in front of him as hair played with your hair. Soon your hair was in a braid. "I love it!" "I'm not done!" Seto then pulled the braid into a bun. "I love it even more! Thanks Seto!" "No problem, superstar."

Joey-"Hey Joey, I'll be busy for a while. I'm getting my hair done." "Who needs a hair stylist when you have Joey Wheeler?" "You know who to style hair?" "(y/n), have you seen my hair? I'm gorgeous!" "But would you be willing to style my hair for free?" "Of course babe. Come over in an hour, I'll be ready by then." "Okay." You then hung up. In an hour, you were at Joey's, where he was styling your hair. "So, what kind of style do you want?" "I want (hair style)." "No problem. Just sit back, relax, and let Joey do his magic!" "If you say so." So you closed your eyes and let Joey work on your hair. When Joey was done, he let you see your hair. "I........I love it!" "I told you I was good with hair." "Sorry for ever doubting you. I now know who to turn to when I need my hair done." "It's fine, I'll always be happy to help you with your beautiful hair." "Thanks Joey!" "No problem, now let's go for a walk and show off your new hair." "Okay." So you two did just that, enjoying every minute together.

Atem-You were sitting on Atem's lap while he sat on his throne. Soon you felt something tugging on your hair. "You wouldn't mind if I played with your hair, would you?" "Not at all. Feel free to mess with me hair all you like." After a while, Atem gave you a mirror. "Well?" You couldn't believe it, your hair was just like Atem's. "Uh......It's very nice." "Glad you like it my dear." Well now you know never to let Atem style your hair. 

Marik-You just couldn't get your hair right. It was really irritating you. So you decided to ask Marik for help. "Let me get this straight, you want me to do your hair?" "Yes!" "Okay, go get me a brush." You where shocked at how willing Marik was to do your hair. So you got Marik a brush. He was a bit rough with your hair, but it was well worth it. Because after Marik was done, your hair was absolutely stunning. "Marik, I love it!" "Glad you do." Let's just say, Marik does your hair from now on. 

Hope you enjoyed. Sorry if you didn't. Remember you can request any character or scenario. Comments are also appreciated. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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