Meeting Falling In Reverse and Interviews

Start from the beginning

He smiled down at me and I sat up...I so hope I don't look like a mess!

"Oh hi! Am I in your way?"

"No, no, just heard ya' listening to our song."

Oh yeah...I listen to my song crazy loud. 

"Oh yeah...Love Abandon All Ships."

"Ah good! What's your favorite song from us?"

"Um...Either Take One Last Breath, Guardian Angel, or Megawacko 2.1"

"Very nice." 

Then Sammi came over and said, "Sunny your brother wants you!"


Martin helped me up and I smiled and I felt my cheeks burning. 


"Any time!" 

He leaned over and kissed my cheek then he winked at me and walked away, I jumped off stage and walked with Sammi after about 10 steps away. I screamed. Some people stopped and stared and some covered their ears, Sammi laughed and pulled on my arm. We arrived at the Black Veil Brides tour bus everyone was chilling out and I collapsed on Ash's lap and sighed happily. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "Happy to be back in my arms?"

Sammi laughed, "Martin Broda kissed her on the cheek."

Christian was shuffling cards. "Martin Broda a singer for Abandon All Ships?"

I giggled, "Yeaaaahhh...He's sooo gorgeous."

Brook came and sat down. "And Ryan Seaman ALMOST kissed her on the lips." 

Everyone got quiet and I just giggled. 

Dahvie leaned forward in his chair and he said, "Ryan...Ryan Seaman?"

"Yeah...Is there something wrong?"

"No...Anyways...Uhh what did I want to talk to you about?"

"I don't know you tell me."

"Uh nevermind you can go." 


I got up and kissed Ash's cheek and dragged Brook along, everyone was watching us as we left. Brook's aunt wanted to talk to her so I went on and sat at the merch booth for BOTDF. I sat there and watched passing workers and band members, someone came up behind me and covered my eyes.

"Uhh...Ryan Seaman?"


"Skills boy, skills."

He sat down next to me and we talked and got to know each other a lot more, an hour later Martin comes and join us to. We sat there talking until the sun went down and Vanah and Billy came and told us they were doing a campfire, we got up and Ryan went to go get the rest of the band. Me and Martin started walking then I jumped on his back and he gave me a piggyback ride all the way, we were laughing so hard. He sat down on a lawn car and I sat on his lap, everyone was talking and laughing and making smores! FIR finally joined us and I sorta felt bad when I saw Ryan he looked sad, everyone was quiet and eating there smores. I looked at Ash and CC. "Hey CC tell me a funny story."

"Ah...Well the most funniest are the drunk ones...Where I don't remember them."

 I laughed and shook my head, it was quiet again I got up and went over to BOTDF tour bus and got my Ipod deck. I brought it back and stuck my Ipod in, I started blasting Abandon All Ships - Take One Last Breath. Some got up and started dancing Martin was singing at his parts. We all ended up passed out. 

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