Chapter 31

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The Return to School

Harry parks his car in his normal spot in the parking lot and shuts off the engine, he then turns and looks at Bobbie. "You ready for this?" He asks.

"Not really. It helps that I know you'll be right by my side and I'll have Gail and the other girls here with me. But I'm not looking forward to all the other popular girls chasing after you like before." Bobbie says.

"Well you don't have to worry about them catching me this time." Harry smiles as he opens his door, then walks around and opens Bobbie's, once she standing beside him he wraps one arm around her waist. "I've been caught by the girl I love. We are getting married during spring break." Harry says, stopping so he can turn Bobbie to look at him. "Babe, what's wrong? Where is the sassy, mouthy, girl I love?" He asks as he hugs her to him.

"I don't know." Bobbie sighs. "I love you too, Harry. I really do, I'm just afraid of the past repeating itself." Bobbie whispers. "That happens it will kill me, I can't lose you again."

Harry puts his fingers under Bobbie's chin, raising her head so she's looking at him. "Babe look at me. That's not going to happen, it's you I love, I've lost you once. I don't want to go through that again because frankly, I'd die too. Now let's go in there and show everyone who we belong to." Harry says as he bends down and kisses her.

Bobbie places one hand on Harry's cheeks, the other on his chest and kisses him back. "Okay let's go, and I love you too."

Harry throws his arm across Bobbie's shoulders then smiles when he feels her wrap her arm around his waist. He loves how perfect she is for him.
The first person they see when they reach Harry's locker is Louis and Gail, just as Bobbie is about to speak to them she hears a voice she's come to hate.

"Unbelievable. I'm surprised you have the nerve to show your face in this school again after Harry dumped you for me in front our whole class." Wendy sneers.

"That didn't take long." Bobbie mumbles as she turns to look at the girl talking. As she does she leans back against Harry, smiling when she feels him wrapping his arms around her waist and his lips tickling her neck. "Wendy if I remember correctly it was me who proved Harry lied about a few things about the weekend we spent together. Something about a tattoo on my ass." Bobbie chuckles, then elbows Harry when he snorts.

"Hey, I happen to love that tat now." Harry says. "In fact I'm thinking about asking Peg to give me one just like it so we can have matching ones." Harry laughs.

"I don't think so babe, no one sees your ass but me." Bobbie says as she pats Harry's ass just to prove a point.

Harry grins, kisses Bobbie's neck. "Yes dear."

Wendy snorts. "Okay this is cute, but I also know it's a lie." She says looking around making sure she has an audience. "Guys don't believe this little show, Harry spent most of our Christmas break in my bed. I don't know how this bitch got him to act this way but it's all a lie."

Before Wendy could say anything else Gail started laughing. She literally put her hand on Louis' arm, wrapped her other arm around her waist, bent over and laughed so hard she was in tears. "Oh my God. Do you guys really believe the shit she's spewing?" Gail asks the crowd surrounding them. "Look I know you people don't know who I am, but my name is Gail, I've been dating Lou for months now. I've known Bobbie practically all my life, we." Gail says motioning with her hand to herself, Louis, Bobbie and Harry. "Spent the entire holiday five hours from here in a cabin in the wood with Harry's mom, sister and Bobbie's sister-in-law. There is no way in hell Wendy spent any time with Harry, hell he barely left Bob's side the whole time we were there." Gail laughs.

Louis holds his hand up. "Wendy, before you make the mistake and call my girlfriend a liar I want you to look at the couple in front of you. In fact why don't all of you here take a good look and tell me what you see." Louis smiles.

"Oh wow." Sarah, one of the girls Harry had dated and dumped whispers. "He's in love, you can see it in his face, his eyes sparkle every time he looks and her."

"That's not all." Peggy says as she finally steps forward and hugs her friends. "Congratulations to you both. If you guys had paid more attention, Harry has been playing with Bobbie's engagement ring this whole time." Peggy laughs. "They're getting married."

"No fucking way." Randi grins. "When?"

"Spring break." Harry says with tears shining in his eyes. "We don't want to wait until the end of the school year."

Wendy chuckles. "I'll believe it when I see it." She sneers. "As soon as she fucks him he'll move on to the next bitch who'll have him."

"Well you're wrong Wendy." Harry says calmly, then lies through his teeth, because he and Bobbie wanted their first time to be on their wedding night. "I've already made love, many time, to my beautiful fiance, and I wouldn't dream of touching anyone else after her. I love her way to much and no one else can compare to my Bob." Harry says as he take Bobbie's hand and walks away, motioning for the others to follow.
Once they all got to class they all sat together in the back.

Peggy looks at the couple closely. "So does this mean we're friends now? No more bullying the overweight people in this school?"

"If you get picked on it won't be by me." Harry says. "After what we've been through these past few weeks I'll never do shit like that again. So yes we're friends." Harry says.

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