Chapter 27

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Bobbie feels her way along the wall until she gets to the front door, not even thinking about how cold it might be, she walks out, then listens. When she hears a sniff to her left that's the direction she moves in, walking slowly. Bobbie feels Harry's body heat as she nears him, when she knows she's right beside him she sits down and leans against his shoulder.
"You okay?" Bobbie whispers.

Harry sighs, picks Bobbie up and places her on his lap so he can wrap his arm around her. "No, I'm not okay." Harry says, trying to keep his voice calm. "The girl I love is blind, because of me, and don't say it's not we both know it's my fault." Harry says quickly. "And now we're in hiding because my dad is being a dick, and you're not getting any of the stress free rest you need because of the assholes in there don't know how to treat you now." He finishes as he puts his head on her shoulder.

Bobbie turns, straddling Harry's lap, takes his face in her hands. "Babe, we have to give them time to get used to this. We have to get used to this, just until I can see again. I love you, and I love that you accept me as I am. We have to give everyone else time to adjust also."

Harry leans forward and kisses her. "They could find a less creepy way of adjusting than staring at us while we're trying to eat." Harry snorts.

Bobbie giggles. "I agree. I didn't hurt your leg did I?" She asks.

"No you didn't hurt my leg. It just pissed me off how rude they were all being, and that you could sence it." Harry says. "Now let's get you back inside before you turn into a popsicle, you don't even have socks on your feet."

"I know, and I really need your body heat now. I'm fucking freezing." Bobbie says as she snuggles closer to Harry.

Harry chuckles as he stands with her in his arms. "I love you." He sighs.

"Love you too." Bobbie replies.

Bobbie wakes up the next morning to the sound of Harry's voice, usually it would make her smile, but what she hears brings tears to her eyes.

"I told you to never call me again." Harry snaps at the caller. "Look the only reason I slept with you is because you said you'd help me find Bob, you lied. I have her with me now and plan on keeping her by my side forever. Amber if you try to ruin that by your lies I'll ruin you. Stop calling me, stop sending me nude pics, just forget you know me." Harry says. "In fact, why don't you go play with Rian, I know you're with him now." Harry smirks as he sees Bobbie's awake. He walks back to the bed and kisses her cheek.

"Give me the phone, I'll talk to her. She doesn't know I'm blind." Bobbie whispers. "I'll tell her you showed me the pictures she sent, her games won't work."

Harry smiles against her cheek. "I love you." He says.

"I knew you did, Harry. Tell B.J. you need to run out somewhere." Amber starts to say.

"Amber you stupid bitch, he was talking to me." Bobbie laughs as she hears the girl gasp. "Give it up, he tells me everything, I know about the pics you've been sending him, and the text messages, hun when you're in a trusting relationship with someone you love, like we love each other, you tell them everything. Now, I'm only going to tell you this once, you know me, I have a black belt, you know I can and will kick your ass. If you don't stop calling, texting and sending my fiance nude picks, I'll find you and fuck you up so bad even Rian won't want you anymore." Bobbie says calmly, she then ends the call, hands Harry his phone back and swings her legs off the side of the bed. "Well, I need to pee." She grins.

Harry laughs. "Black belt huh? Now I know how you put me on my ass in class that day." He chuckles as she disappears into the bathroom. When Bobbie walks back out Harry smiles. "I put one of my sweat shirts on the bed, along with a pair of your leggings. Once you're dressed we'll head down for breakfast."

Bobbie smiles. "Thank you." She says as she walks to where Harry's voice came from. When she feels his body heat she raises her hand and places it on his back, she then slides it around his torso and hugs him from behind. "You're always taking care of me, one of these days I'll be able to return the favor." She whispers. "I don't know when that will happen, but when it does I'm going to treat you like a king." Bobbie whispers as she kisses Harry between the shoulder blades.

Harry turns and hugs her back. "Babe you don't have to do that. I feel like a king just being near you, and I love taking care of you, hell I just love you." Harry sighs.

"And I love you." Bobbie replies, just enjoying standing there in Harry's arms.

"Ready to get dressed now? I need coffee and I don't want others seeing you dressed like that." Harry whispers.

Bobbie chuckles. "Harry, it's just shorts and a t-shirt."

"Maybe so, but they're really short shorts." He laughs as he watches her walk to the bed to get dressed.

Once they were both dressed Harry takes Bobbie's hand and they make their way to the kitchen, Harry helps her sit then gets them both some coffee, he then walks back to where Bobbie's sitting, picks her up, places her in his lap, and hands her her coffee.
"What's for breakfast?" Bobbie asks.

Anne smiles. "I'm making omelets. Is that okay?"

"That sounds amazing, I'm starving." Bobbie says as she leans back against Harry. "Where is everyone else?"

"They aren't up yet. They stayed up and watched a few more movies after Harry carried you to bed last night, I'm surprised the noise didn't wake you two up." Anne says.

"I haven't been sleeping well lately, I have a lot to catch up on." Bobbie says.

"Harry does too, he sleeps better with you than alone." Anne chuckles.

Harry hugs Bobbie closer and kisses her neck. "Yeah, well, she's never leaving my side again." Harry says.

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