Chapter 3

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"So you going to show us who this asshole is who's been making your life hell all week?" Gail asks as soon as they park her car at Bobbie Jo's old school.

"Yeah, I'll show you, I'm just glad everyone here either calls me B.J. or JoJo." Bobbie says. "If he's close by and hears someone call me Bobbie he might figure out who I'm out before I want him to."

"I don't see how." Amber says. "You don't look anything like the girl you portray in the other school. Hell you've even lost weight sence we've seen you." She says.

Bobbie laughs. "You would to if you had to wear that body suit, I sweat like a pig in that thing, and it weighs a ton. I'm getting my daily workout walking around in it." Bobbie says as they make their way to their seats. Just as they were passing by the field house the South Madison Cougars came out with Harry leading the way. Bobbie stops and grabs Gail's arm. "Hey guys, see the tall amazon walking in the front?"

"Holy shit." Jess says. "You mean the gorgeous one with the curls?" She asks with wide eyes.

"I guess." Bobbie shrugs. "That's Harry, the guys beside him is his best friend Louis."

"Wait?" Amber says. "He's the guy giving you hell? And you haven't ditched the suit?" She asks.

Bobbie spins and looks at her friends. "What? You guys know why I'm doing this. That guy is an ass." Bobbie snaps.

"But he's a fucking gorgeous ass." Jess says.

"Don't listen to them." Gail says. "They are starting to act like Thea's group of hoe's. It's been like that sence you left." Gail's says giving their long time friends a dirty look.

"Hey, we can't help it if he's hot. If you don't want him I'll take him." Jess says. "I don't care if he teases fat assed people." She laughs.

"Even if that fat ass person is me, your supposed best friend?" Bobbie asks.

"You're the one who left us doll." Amber sneers.

Bobbie looks at the two girls in front of her. "Good to know who my real friend is. Go ahead fight over him." Bobbie says. "But don't come crying to me when he fucks you and leaves you for someone smaller, because believe me he will even think you to are to fat for him." Bobbie says as she grabs Gail's arm and walks off.

Amber and Jess didn't believe a word Bobbie said so they went in search of the gorgeous Harry. When they found him they walk up to him and start flirting with him, he wasn't paying any attention to Amber at all but when he suddenly tells Jess her wide ass would smother his dick perfectly if she wanted to meet him after the game he'd be more than willing to let her know what it's like to play with the big boys, that he doesn't mind slumming every once in a while.
Amber and Jess walk away almost in tears. No one has ever spoken to them like that before, or even accused them of being fat, they both wore a size 10, that wasn't to big. Stomping up the bleachers and sat down beside Gail.
"What a fucking prick. He had the nerve to call me fat, I'm not fat." Jess snaps out.

"Well he at least talked to you, he didn't even look at me. Told his friend he could have the uglier one." Amber says. "You were right B.J."

Just then Harry and the rest of the team walk out onto the field to warm up. Harry glances up at where Jess was sitting to wink at her and sees Bobbie and freezes, of course he has no clue who she is, he just knows she a tiny brunette with curly hair with green and purple streaks in it. He so badly wants her to look in his direction so he can see the color of her eyes. Just as Harry was about to give up, the girl next to her quits talking to her and she turns and looks at him and he felt like he was going to pass out.
Her eyes were fucking purple, who the hell has purple eyes. Harry was so intranced he didn't even realize he was walking toward her until she was looking up at him. Harry reaches out picks her up, lifts her over the railing and just kisses her.
"I don't know who you are, and don't have time to find out right now, but you're mine." Harry says for everyone around them to hear. "Do NOT leave until we can talk." He says, then kisses her again but longer this time. Harry then easily lifts her back over the railing, sits her back in her seat and turns to walks back to the field. Then turns and smirks. "That's why I don't do fat people. I like to be able to pick my girls up." He says.

Bobbie is so shocked she just sits there not saying a word. "Well is he a good kisser?" Gail asks with a chuckle.

"Uhm, yeah." Bobbie says. "But we have to get out of here. I can't take the chance of him recognizing me."

"Okay, games almost over let's go now." Gail says.

And that's exactly what they did, they all jumped up and ran for Gail's car and went back to her house for the weekend.

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