Chapter 12

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At moments like this Bobbie is so glad she has talented friends, and she hopes Harry doesn't notice, in his shock, how new her tattoo is. "Harry, honey, either your observation skills suck, or you just proved to a classroom full of our peers what a fucking liar you really are." Bobbie says as she stands up and pulls down the waistband of her jeans and shows the whole class the tattoo of a playboy bunny flipping everyone off on her right hip. "Are you sure it was you I was with over the weekend?" Bobbie laughs then turns and walks out of the room.

Harry goes to follow her but Louis stops him. "I can't believe you." Louis yells at Harry for the first time ever. "I help you for a damn month looking for her, because you just have to have her. Then when you finally get her you fuck it up. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"That fucking tattoo is fake." Harry snaps. "That bitch is going to pay for embarrassing me again."

"Harry, damnit, stop." Louis yells. "You fucking deserved it. Look what you were doing to her, trying to embarrass her first, Bobbie just beat you at your own game. Go figure, Harry Fucking Styles finally met his match." Louis laughs. "Told you not to fuck up." Louis says walking away from his friend. Louis then grabs his phone and sends Gail a text, telling her what happened, asking her to meet him at Bob's.

Bobbie figures at the rate she's going she might as well forget about graduating this year, if she keeps skipping school because of Harry, she'll have to repeat this year and she'll never get into college. Walking toward the kitchen she hears someone knock on the door, Bobbie goes and opens it ready to tell Harry off, but is shocked to see Gail and Louis instead.
"What the hell?" Bobbie whispers, then bursts into tears hugging Gail.

"Oh Bob." Gail sighs as she leads her friend to the sofa and sits her down. "Peanut please don't cry over him he's not worth it."

"What are you doing here?" Bobbie asks.

"Lou sent me a text." Gail says. "Told me what happened. Told me you needed me." Gail sighs.

"While you were with Harry over the weekend we were together looking for you." Louis says. "I forgot about the beach house, we haven't been there in years."

"So you want to tell me what happened?" Gail asks her best friend.

Bobbie sits there and as calmly as she can tells Gail and Louis everything that happened over the weekend. "Then this morning." Bobbie shakes her head.

"Louis' already told me what happened this morning." Gail says, then she giggles. "Sorry, but Bob, did you really get a tattoo on your ass or is it one of those fake press on ones?"

Bobbie chuckles. "Nope, it's actually real." She says, standing and showing Gail the tattoo Louis has already seen. "Peggy gave this to me before school just because we had a feeling this would happen, that way I could prove Harry a liar." Bobbie says.

"Wait?" Louis frowns. "Are you saying Harry didn't lie?" He asks.

"No. He lied. I never slept with him in the manner in which he meant." Bobbie says. "But I needed away to prove it or everyone would believe him over me. Hence the tattoo."

"Well you might want to watch over your shoulder for a while, Harry's pretty pissed off about you embarrassing him like that." Louis says.

"I don't care. I'm not going back. I'm transferring back to Mt. Hamilton." Bobbie says with tears in her eyes. "I got done what I came here for. Now I'm going home." She says wiping away a tear.

Louis pulls Bobbie to him. "Well can't say I don't blame you, but I'm going to miss you. It was quite amusing see you put Harry in his place."

"It's not like we won't be seeing each other." Bobbie says. "You two are dating, right?" At they're nods and grins, Bobbie smiles. "Well then be prepared for a third wheel on occasion. I'm that friend." Bobbie laughs, hugging them both.

The rest of the day they sat around eating ice cream and watching movies, about the time for school to be out there's another knock on the door. When Bobbie opens it this time Peggy, Mary, Diane and Randi were standing there with all her things from her locker with them. Bobbie let's them in and explains to them what she's doing and why. Of course they all understood and supported her knowing they've made a friend for life.

Louis sat there watching the girls talk and cry, he couldn't believe he spent most of his school years being an ass to these people just because of Harry and his dad. The thing is, he and Harry have been friends for so long, does that continue, or does he need to end it all now before Harry really goes over the edge and takes him with him.

"Louis, you okay?" Bobbie asks him when she sees how quiet he's become.

"No, not really." He says, pulling Gail onto his lap for comfort. "I'm seriously sitting thinking about telling my best friend to fuck off, because I don't like who he's become and I don't want him dragging me down with him when he crashes and burns." Louis says.

Gail hugs Lou's neck. "Babe you can't do that. He's going to need you there for him, you guys have been friends since grade school, you can't leave him now." She tells him. "Just like Bob and I will alway have each others back, and now those girls too. Right ladies?"

"Hell yes." They all say.

"Lou, we'll be there for you to when you need us." Bobbie says. "That's what friends are for or in Gail's case girlfriends." Bobbie smiles.

Louis smiles then stands and walks over and hugs each girl, but kisses Gail. "Thanks." He whispers.

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