Chapter 15

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South Madison won, beating Mt. Hamilton again. As Bobbie and Gail sat on the bleachers waiting for Harry and Louis to come out of the locker rooms a couple of the cheerleaders approach them. One of them is the girl that was sitting in Harry's lap a month ago that is basically the reason behind Bobbie's extreme weight loss, the other is one of Louis' ex-girlfriends.
"What are you two still doing here?" Wendy asks. "Your team lost, and all your friends have left, there's no reason for you to be here any longer." Wendy sneers.

Bobbie sighs and lays her head on Gail's shoulder, she's tired and really wants Harry to hurry up. Gail pats her on the leg. "Our team may have lost but our guys didn't, so just run along and leave us alone." Gail says calmly.

Fiona looks at Gail, she can see why Louis is dating her now, she is a very pretty girl. She has always hated the way Wendy treats people who looks better than her, sometimes her jealousy gets out of hand. And the girl beside Gail is so much better than Wendy in every way possible.
"Do you want me to go see what's taking Louis and Harry so long?" Fiona asks nicely. "Bobbie looks like she needs to get home to rest."

Wendy looks at her friend with a frown. "What the fuck, Fin." She snaps. "Let the bitch sit there and suffer." Wendy snaps then smirks. "Besides that, I'm late, I was supposed to meet Harry out back 5 minutes ago. Oh oops. So sorry I wasn't supposed to tell you guys that." Wendy grins.

Fiona just shakes her head. "I'll go find the guys." She says.

"No need." Harry says from behind them. "The coach wanted to give us the schedule for the Christmas break." He says as he walks past Wendy ignoring her to get to a tired Bobbie. "I'm so sorry, you want me to take you home? Or do you just want to go to my place since it's closer?" Harry asks her.

"Can we go to your place? I'm so tired." Bobbie says as she moves her head from Gail's shoulder to Harry's.

"Of course we can babe." Harry says picking Bobbie up still ignoring Wendy. "Lou, you and Gail coming with us?" He asks.

"Harry, make sure you get rid of her in time for our play date tomorrow night." Wendy says, trying to sound seductive.

Harry looks at Wendy, then shakes his head. "Give it up, you know damn well I haven't talked to you since the day Bobbie left a month ago. In fact I haven't talked to any girls since that day." Harry says as he turns and walks toward the gym doors. Just as the two couples were walking out they hear Fiona tell Wendy to leave Harry and Bobbie alone, if Harry wanted anything to do with her he had plenty of time, in the past month, to act on her flirting but he hasn't so she needs to just let it go.

When Harry got Bobbie to his house he just carries her straight to his room and lays her on his bed. He then goes to his dresser and pulls out one of his t-shirts, returning to the bed he sits down beside her. "Come on, babe, let's get you changed so you can sleep more comfortable." Harry whispers as he sits Bobbie up.

Bobbie nods and starts to unbutton her blouse, while Harry works on getting her jeans off her. Hell he's seen her completely nude so this is nothing. Once those items of clothing are off her Harry puts his t-shirt on her and helps her lie back down, he then takes off his shirt and jeans and crawls in beside her pulling her close.
"I thought you wanted to talk." Bobbie whispers into the quiet room.

"We do need to talk, but you're tired, and that's what's more important right now." Harry says kissing her on the forehead. "We can talk in the morning when I know you won't be falling asleep on me."

Bobbie gives off a light giggle causing Harry to smile. "So you just want me to lay here and really fall asleep on you." Bobbie states.

"Well, technically you're beside me, but I can move you so you're laying on me if you want." He whispers.

Bobbie shivers. "Damn, it might be warmer that way. How fucking cold do you keep it in here?" She asks.

Harry rolls then, to where he's practically blanketing Bobbie, but not putting his full body weight on her. He didn't want to smother her. "Sorry, I can't sleep in a warm room."

"It's fine, it's just I get so cold so easily now." Bobbie says yawning. "At least you're warm, almost like a heating blanket." Bobbie mumbles.

Harry kisses Bobbie again. "Babe, just sleep." He whispers as he holds her close. When he hears her steady, even breathing, Harry closes his eyes and finally drifts off to sleep himself.

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