Chapter 11

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Bobbie and Harry have been locked up in this house for two days, surprisingly getting along most of the time. They both figured Bobbie had a concussion from hitting the pools edge. Now it's Sunday afternoon and they have school tomorrow, Bobbie is wondering if Harry has any plans of going home.
Harry did let her have her phone long enough to send her aunt a text letting her know she was fine, and that she was with her "boyfriend" because of Rian causing problems.
Bobbie looks down at Harry, who had his head in her lap, while the were watching a movie. "Harry?" She whispers.

Harry looks up at his beautiful Bob. "Yeah, babe, you feeling okay?"

"Yeah. I'm just wondering, are we going home some time today?" Bobbie asks him.

"I guess we need to. We do have school tomorrow." Harry says as he sits up. "I just don't want to lose what we have now." He adds picking Bobbie up and putting her in his lap.

Bobbie grins. "I kinda don't either. How about if I piss you off again after your game Friday night then you can kidnap me again." She giggles as she brushes some of his hair off his forehead.

Harry chuckles. "How about you don't piss me off and we just plan on coming here for the weekend just to be alone." Harry says as he leans closer to her.

"Hmm, that works." Bobbie says as she pulls Harry the rest of the way to her and kisses him for the first time. Yeah he's kissed her, but she didn't respond. This time they were both into this kiss, and boy were they into it. Bobbie grabs onto Harry's hair as if it's the only thing that's going to keep her grounded.

As soon as Harry feels Bobbie tug on his hair he pulls her closer and moans, why this feels so damn good when she does it he doesn't know. Usually when girls pull his hair at a time like this it irritates him, but with Bob he just wants to take her to bed and make love to her for the rest of the day. Then Harry pulls away, realizing what's floating around in his head, he thought about making love, not just fucking Bobbie. There is now way in hell he's in love with her, not him, Harry Styles, the school's play boy.

"Harry? What's wrong?" Bobbie asks.

"Nothing, it's just if we're going home we need to leave soon. It's already getting late, and we have school tomorrow." Harry says.

"Yeah, and it is a three hour drive." Bobbie says not believing him.

Bobbie wakes up Monday morning and gets ready for school, she had sent a text to Harry the night before telling him good night but never got a reply. So before leaving Bobbie sends a mass text to her friends asking them to meet her in the parking lot, telling them she has a bad feeling she's going to need their support.
When Bobbie gets to school and sees all her friends standing where she asked them to be tears came to her eyes. Walking up to them, she tells them what happened over the weekend and what she thinks what might happen once they walk through the doors.

Peggy wraps her arm around Bobbie's shoulders. "Come on Bob, you servived 6 weeks of Harry's bullshit. Chin up, don't let him see how much he can hurt you."

"You're right Peg. I'm better than that." Bobbie says. "Thanks."

"Wait, you didn't sleep with him did you?" Mary asks.

"Yes, but I didn't have sex with him, which he will probably brag about, won't he." Bobbie groans.

"Then I have an idea that will put that asshole in his place." Peggy says. "Ladies come with me." She says as she walks back toward her car. "Bob how do you feel about tattoos?" Peggy asks with an evil grin.

Bobbie throws he head back and laughs. "I love them, put one on my ass." She giggles.

Louis is so pissed at his best friend he's practically seeing red. Harry damn near risks getting thrown in jail for kidnapping Bobbie for an entire weekend then he finds out they actually got along after that first night. Now here Harry is acting all loved up with Wendy, the slut from hell, knowing damn well any minute Bobbie will be walking through the door and see him.

Bobbie walks into class and sees Wendy, one of the slutty cheerleaders sitting on Harry's lap, kissing him, she stops then hears Peggy behind her.

"You got this, don't let him see you cry." Peggy whispers.

Squaring her shoulders Bobbie continues on into the room and sits in her seat, ignoring Harry and his new girl. But that didn't seem to sit right with Harry because he could be heard saying loud enough for the whole room the hear.
"Hey, Bob, you left your underwear at my parents beach house we spent the weekend at. Do you want the lady that cleans to send them to you or just leave them for the next time you want to play house with me, I don't mind fucking you again for a whole weekend." Harry sneers.

Bobbie has to blink back tears before turning to face the guy she really thought she was starting to like. "Harry I don't know what type of drugs you were taking, but you and I both know I didn't sleep with you over the weekend, puke on you yes, sleep, never." Bobbie says with a chuckle. Even Louis chuckles about the puking part.

"Come on Bob, why lie, I can call your aunt and prove we spent the weekend together." Harry says.

Bobbie smirks. "I never said we didn't, Harry. I did say I puked on you. But hey, if we slept together tell everyone here what I have tattooed on my ass." Bobbie smiles. "You can do that then I guess I'm the liar. If not then honey, I guess you are." Bobbie grins.

Harry smirks. "Easy, Dumpling." He says using the name he called her when he thought she was fat. "You don't have a tattoo on you anywhere."

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