Chapter 28

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One Week Later

Bobbie steps out onto the porch and slowly makes her way to the railing. There isn't to many time when Harry isn't right by her side so when he's not she likes to stretch her boundaries. Right now Harry and Louis decided they needed some exercise so they were out running somewhere, Bobbie needing sunshine, walks along the porch until she gets to the steps and she sits down. Tilting her face up she feels the sun warming her face, taking a deep breath Bobbie could smell the earth and pine trees surrounding the cabin. Leaning back on her hands Bobbie starts humming, realizing it's been weeks since she's sang and she misses it, turning slightly so she's leaning against the hand rails, Bobbie starts singing her favorite song. Taking a deep breath Bobbie opens her mouth.

Your broken down and tired,
Of living life on a merry-go-round,
And you can't find the fighter,
But I see it in you, so,
We gonna walk it out,
Ohh, Ohh, Ohh.

In the kitchen, Anne, Gemma, Gail and Marta stop what they're doing to listen. "Oh wow, I haven't heard her sing in so long." Marta whispers as the four ladies make their way to the front door.

Walking back up the drive after their run Harry reaches out and grabs Louis' arm. "Shh, listen." Harry says as he stops walking.

Louis tilts his head. "Yeah, so someone is playing the radio to loud."

"No, Lou, that's Bob. I heard her singing in school one day, God I can't believe I forgot how damn good she is." Harry smiles.

"That's Bobbie singing?" Louis asks shocked.

"Yeah. Come on." Harry says as he quietly makes his way toward the cabin.

And move mountains,
We gonna walk it out,
And move mountains.
And I'll rise up,
I'll rise like the day,
I'll rise up,
I'll rise unafraid,
I'll rise up,
I'll do it a thousand times again,
I'll rise up,
High like the waves,
I'll rise up,
In spite of the ache,
I'll rise up,
And I'll do it a thousand times again,
For you, (x 4)

When Harry and Louis broke into the clearing in front of the cabin, they both freeze, Louis because of the look on Harry's face. Harry because seeing Bobbie the way she is now, with the cabin in the background, he realized exactly how much he loves her, he couldn't help but stand there and watch and listen, he didn't even notice the tears making their way down his face.

When the silence isn't quiet,
And it feels like it's getting hard to breath,
And I know you feel like dying,
But I know we'll take the world to its feet,
Ooh, ooh ohh,
Move mountains,
Move mountains.

As soon as Bobbie sings the last note Harry starts walking again, his eyes never leaving his target. Louis just shrugs and walks into the cabin, kisses Gail and smiles. "He's so gone for her." Louis whispers. "He's was actually crying while she was singing, I don't think he realizes that yet." Louis tells everyone in the cabin.

"Good." Anne says as she turns and head back toward the kitchen with tears of her own in her eyes.

Harry walks up and sits down on the step below Bobbie. "That was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard." He whispers.

Bobbie frowns. "Why are you crying?" She asks as she scoots down into his lap.

Harry wraps his arms around her, hugging her close. "I'm afraid I'm going to lose you." Harry whispers. "Someone will hear how amazing you are and take you from me."

"Oh Harry. That's not going to happen." Bobbie whispers as she wraps her arms around Harry's neck, laying her head on his chest. "Even if I do get discovered, which I doubt, I'll take you with me as my body guard. I'm not losing you now, I love you to much." Bobbie says.

"God babe, I love you too. You don't know how much. Just the thought of losing you hurts." Harry sighs.

"Then don't think about it, it won't happen." Bobbie says and she pulls his head down for a kiss.

When air became a necessity Harry pulls away. "Come on, I need a shower and I'm sure mom has lunch ready." Harry says as he stands up and help Bobbie do the same. "You do know that mom is going to be begging you to sing more often now that she's heard how great you are." Harry says as they walk through the door.

After everyone was done eating they were all sitting in the livingroom when Anne spoke up. "Do you guys realize this weekend is Christmas? It's just two days away, we need to decide if we're taking Bobbie home to see her family or calling them and letting them know what's going on."

"We'll call them." Bobbie says. "I'd rather not take any chances."

"Me either." Harry says, glad Bobbie spoke up first.

"I'll be right back, I need to use the restroom." Bobbie says as she stands up.

Harry stays where he is, over the past week Bobbie has learned where everything is so she's not bumping into everything, so he feels more comfortable not escorting her everywhere.

After doing her business, Bobbie washes her hands, just as she opens the bathroom door a dizzy spell hits her causing her to grab the doorframe. She hasn't felt this way since she started eating better so this took her by surprise. Taking a deep breath Bobbie take a step toward the livingroom, when the room feels like it's tilting she knows she's in trouble. "HARRY." Bobbie screams as she feels herself blacking out.

Harry is just sitting and listening to everyone joke around when suddenly he hears Bobbie scream his name, startled he jumps up and runs. Just as he get to the hallway he see her going down. "Bob!" Harry snaps ands he runs and catches her, he swings her up into his arms. "Mom, grab the ice pack please." Harry yells as he runs up the stairs.

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