Chapter 18

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Anne sat listening to the teen making plans for the Christmas break, trying to figure out how they were going to split their time between everyone's homes and still spend time with just them.

"Can I make a suggestion?" Anne finally speaks up.

"Sure mom, what is it?" Harry asks.

"Well, both girls just said their families celebrate Christmas on Louis' birthday." She says, at the teens nod she continues. "You guys have almost the entire month of December off plus the first few weeks of January. Harry you and Lou don't have any basketball practice until you return to school after the first of the year." Anne says.

"Yeah, so?" Harry says looking at his mom. "Where are you going with all this mom?"

"I was just thinking that sence Bobbie and Gail still have two more days of school left, Harry, you and Lou can pick them up Tuesday after school and spend your Christmas break at the beach house. The four of you together, then come home for their family Christmas, and ours sence Lou is always included in it anyway. Then you can go back until after the first of the year." Anne smiles.

The four teens look at each other then grin. "Mom that's a great idea." Harry says jumping up and giving her a hug.

Bobbie does the same thing she just moves slower than Harry did, not wanting to set off one of her dizzy spells. "Thank you Anne." Bobbie says. "That's a wonderful idea. Gail and I can make sure we're packed and ready to go, have everything in Harry's car, that way when he picks us up Tuesday we can go straight to the beach house."

Gail nods. "Sounds good to me. My parents are going to be gone most of the time anyway." Gail says. "I was going to end up spending most of my break alone or with Bobbie and her family. I have this feeling my family will end up canceling our Christmas get together, they almost did last year, and we only spent 2 hours together when they finally showed up to the house." Gail sighs looking at Bobbie. "That's why I'm at Bob's all the time, hell I practically live there, but her parents are great and doesn't mind."

Bobbie reaches out and pats Gail's leg. "Mom and dad loves you Gail, you know that." She says. "We have been inseparable sence we were 3 years old and in the same dance class, mom and dad thinks you're one of their kids." Bobbie smiles.

Anne smiles. "You two sound like Harry and Louis." She says. "Those two are the same way, they met when they were 3 also at the playground. Lou's mom and I have been good friends sence then also." Anne says.

Des and Sara has worked out a plan for them to take Bobbie when she gets out of school Tuesday. When they found out she still had 2 more days of school to go, Des figured that would be the best time to put their plan to work. Sara is to approach the girl, tell her she's Harry's aunt Rhea and that Harry has been in an accident and needs to come with her right away. They are hoping the stupid girl will be so upset she won't think to call and check their story, she will just follow Sara to her car.

Bobbie walks up to Gail just as she's putting her things into her locker. "You ready for our vacation?" She asks her best friend.

"Absolutely." Gail sighs just as Bobbie is pulled away from where she's standing.

Bobbie feels a hand on her arm, thinking it's Harry at first, but then the person roughly spins her around causing her to stumble back. "What the hell, Rian?" Bobbie snaps, slapping at his hand still holding her arm.

"So you're going on vacation? Where would that be, I just might drop by and spend some time with you myself?" Rian says.

"Like I would tell you." Bobbie snaps. "Leave me alone." She says turning back to Gail.

Harry pulls up in front of Bobbie and Gail's school to wait for them to come out so they can get their vacation started, he and Louis is just sitting there talking when they realize it's taking the girls to long to exit.
Harry looks at Louis. "You remember where the girls lockers are located?" He asks.

"Yeah, let's go." Louis says as they get out of the car. When Harry's dad sees this he's pissed. This isn't supposed to happen, slamming his hand on the steering wheel he starts his car and leaves to make new plans.

As Harry and Louis get near the hallway where Gail's locker is located they see a crowd of people walking in that direction, they also hear yelling. Looking at each other they take off running, pushing people out of their way, when they get to the front of the crowd they stop and start laughing. Rian is on the floor with Bobbie on top of him, her knee in the middle of his back, a hand full of his hair in one fist pulling his head back and she was yelling at him.

"I told you not to touch me, but you wouldn't listen. Now you have to suffer the embarrassment of having your ass kicked by a girl weighing half as much as you do." Bobbie yells, pissed off because now she's going to have to explain the bruise on her arm to Harry. "Now if I were you I would run when I let you go, because I can clearly hear my boyfriend laughing at what he sees right now, but once he notices the bruises you left on me by squeezing my arm to hard he won't be laughing anymore." Bobbie says letting Rian go and jumping up.

As soon as Harry hears those words leave Bobbie's mouth his eyes snap down toward her arm, when he sees the bruises she's referring to his face goes red with anger. Seeing this Bobbie does the only thing she can think of to calm him down and that is jumping into his arms and kissing him.

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