Chapter 22

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Louis crosses his arms and stares at his sobbing friend. "Okay, they're gone. You want to tell me what's really going on?" Louis asks.

"What makes you think I didn't tell the truth before?" Harry stutters out, still crying.

"Come on Harry, I'm your best friend. I know you better than anyone. You don't do drugs, ever." Louis says. "But what you just did to Bobbie? Dude, you may have just lost her forever. She's forgiven you so many times, but after hearing you say you have tried to sleep with multiple girls in the past month." Louis just shakes his head.

"I had to, it's the only way to keep her safe." Harry says. He then goes on to tell him about the phone call from his dad, Harry even shows him the text his dad sent him to remind him of their agreement.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Harry did you forget who my step dad is?" Louis yells at Harry. "You hurt Bobbie for no damn reason, lost the best thing to ever happen to you, when all you had to do is show that to Dan and tell him what your dad threatened. My God Harry, Dan is the best detective in this town, if he can't help you no one can."

Harry lays down on the sofa and sobs again. "I'm so fucking stupid. I'll never get her back will I?"

"I don't know maybe." Louis says as he grabs his phone.

"What are you doing?" Harry asks.

"Calling Dan. Whose to say your dad doesn't try something anyway. You know how pissed he is at your mom." Louis says. Fifteen minutes later after telling Dan everything about Harry's situation, Dan told the boys to get back to town as soon as possible. He's going to try and intercept the girls and get them to safety. Let them know what's really going on.

Just as Gemma's about to drive into town she glances up into her rear view mirror, with a frown she looks down at her speed, now why would she have a cop pulling her over if she's not speeding, she thought as she flips on her turn signal to pull over to the side of the road. Looking at Bobbie still asleep in he back seat.
Gemma rolls her window down and is about ask the cop what she did wrong when she smiles and sighs with relief. "Dan, you scared the shit out of me." She says as she opens her car door and hugs Louis' step dad.

"Sorry, but I had to get you stopped somehow." Dan says as he looks in the back seat at the sleeping girl. "Hmm, we have a slight problem."

"We do?" Gemma asks. "Dan what did you stop me for?"

"You can't go home, Gem. I've sent someone there to get your mom. Look just follow me somewhere safe, I'll explain everything." Dan says.

"Okay, but only because I trust you and love like a second dad." Gemma says kissing Dan's cheek before sliding back into her car.

"What's going on Gem?" Gail asks.

"I'm not sure. That's Dan." Gemma says.

"I know, he's Lou's dad, but why are we following him instead of getting Bob home." Gail asks.

"Do you know what Dan does for a job?" Gemma asks Gail, at her nod she continues. "Well I didn't ask, when he told me he sent someone to get mom and for me to follow him to a safe place and he'd explain then, I didn't think to ask questions." Gemma says.

Pulling into the driveway of Dan's sister's home Gemma jumps out of her car and runs to her mom. "Oh God I've missed you so much mom." Gemma cries as she hugs her mom.

"I've missed you to Gem." Anne says as she hugs her daughter back, she then sees Gail get out of Gemma's car and open the back door for Bobbie, with a frown Anne walks toward the other girls. "What is going on? Wasn't Harry supposed to pick you two up at school?"

"Ladies, let's take this inside." Dan says. "It's cold out here and by the way Bobbie looks she needs to sit again. I'll explain everything I know once we're in and out of this weather." Dan says, just as Dan is unlocking the front door Harry's car screeches to a stop beside Gemma's, Louis is the first one to jump out. Gail runs to him, hugging him.

Harry exits his car much slower than Louis does, once he's making his way toward the others he sees Bobbie trying to make sure there's someone between them. "Look I have no idea what's going on here, but by the look of things, as they are now, we need to get Bobbie inside be fore she falls down, and Harry you stay away from her until I find out what you did this time. If I don't like what I hear you'll be packing your bags, I've warned you once." Anne snaps as she helps Bobbie inside the house and to the sofa.

Once everyone is sitting, Bobbie can't help but glance over at Harry, when she does she sees he's staring at her with tears in his eyes. Bobbie looks back down at her hands, her head is pounding from when she hit it earlier, not as bad as it was when Harry threw her into the pool, but almost. Putting her hand to her head Bobbie leans forward with a sigh hoping she doesn't get sick.

"Okay." Dan says, as he's about to explain what's going on.

"Oh shit." Bobbie moan as she jumps off the sofa, she then looks around because she has no clue where the bathrooms are. Slapping a hand over her mouth she gags.

Seeing what her problem is Louis jumps up, before Harry could reach her, sweeps Bobbie up into his arms and runs to the nearest bathroom. Louis sets Bobbie on the side of the tub just as she starts throwing up. "You okay?" Louis whispers, when she's done.

"Yeah, I think so I just have a headach. Let's just go see what Dan has to say so I can get some sleep." Bobbie says.

Louis nods and helps her back to the other room.

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