Chapter 13

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One Month Later.

Louis throws the basketball to Harry then runs to his designated spot on the floor waiting for him to throw it back like usual but he doesn't he throws it to a unaware Brandon. If he does that in the game it could cause a turnover.
"What the fuck, Harry." Louis yells. "Get your head out of your ass. That's not the play and you know it." Louis snaps. "Are you trying to lose, or do you want me off the fucking team that bad." He yells walking off the court. It's been like this sence Bobbie left, some days Harry's fine others he won't talk to Louis at all, it makes it harder and harder for Louis to stay his friend.

Harry grabs Louis' arm and spins him around. "What the fuck, I'm just giving the other guys a chance, we aren't the only players on the team." Harry yells back.

"Bullshit, they all get plenty of playing time. Run the play the way they're meant to be run Harry. It how we win." Louis snaps. "Your problem is  you're still pissed because Bobbie left before you could get her back for embarrassing you. Well get over it and get over the fact that I'm dating her best friend, I'm not breaking up with Gail just because you don't like Bob. You can just fuck off if that's what you're thinking." Louis says jerking his arm from Harry's grip and pushing him away from him.

"That's not what all this is about. My God Lou, I love Bob." Harry finally admits, yelling it loud enough that it echoed throughout the gym, but he didn't care anymore. "Bob won't talk to me, I've tried calling, texting, everything. And tonight we're playing against them again." Then Harry stops and hangs his head.

Louis grabs his arm and pulls him into the hallway. "What Harry?" Louis asks.

Harry raises his head and there's tears on his cheeks. "I'm scared Lou." He admits. "I'm afraid that she and all her friends will be here and I'll lose it, just break down and bawl like a baby in front of everyone here."

"What's wrong with that?" Louis asks. "Harry if you love her you need to man up and prove it or you'll lose her forever. There's a guy at her school that's been chasing after her pretty hard. Gail told me she's about to give in and give him chance, the only reason she hasn't yet is because he reminds her of Rian."

"Lou, dad's going to be here tonight, if he sees me falling apart for a girl that has friends like hers he will kill me, you know that." Harry groans.

"My God Harry. Your dad is wrong, and has been for years. Bobbie proved that months ago." Louis stresses. "If you want her in your life you're going to have to make friends with her friends, trust me they're great people. Stand up to your dad." Louis says. "I can tell you now it's not to late, Bobbie still like you, she just tries to hide it. I do have one question for that could make or break the decision on whether Bobbie gives you another chance or not." Louis adds. "And I'll know if you're lying. Have you fucked any of her former friends or anyone else since you told her you were in love with her?" Louis asks Harry.

Harry looks Louis in the eyes. "No. It makes me sick to my stomach to even think about kissing anyone else but her."

"Good enough." Louis says. "Now let's go eat, we have a game to get ready for." Harry just nods and follows Louis to his car.

"I can't believe you guys talked me into coming to this game." Bobbie bitches as she and the others walk toward the gym. "And don't say it's to see Peggy and the other girls, we see them almost every weekend." Bobbie says.

"No. But it will be the first time you get to see Lou play." Gail says. "And he's good." Gail didn't tell Bobbie that she and Louis were both worried about the weight she's lost, hell Bobbie was tiny before, now she's practically skeletal. Gail knows it's all Harry's fault for calling her Dumpling the last time they spoke. All the girls have gotten in the habit of watching Bobbie closely due to her having dizzy spells lately, Gail thinks it's due to malnutrition. Louis told her he hasn't told Harry about Bobbie's massive weight loss, he feels as though the shock will do him good.

Once they all got to the gym Bobbie looks around for the other girls, she hasn't seen Peggy and the others in two weeks due to finals. But now that it was almost Christmas all that was over. Spotting Diane, Bobbie nudges Gail and points then heads in their direction. When all the girls from South Madison see Bobbie they can't believe their eyes. In the two weeks since the last time they saw her she's probably lost another 10 to 15 pounds she couldn't afford to loose.

"Wow, I can't believe how much I've missed you guys." Bobbie says as she hugs each one of them.

"Yeah, even though it's only been two weeks it seems much longer." Randi says, trying to hold back the tears at the way her friend looks.

"Okay we'll sit with you guy this time, but when they play at our school you sit with us, right?" Gail says.

"Yep that's what we agreed on, so let's go sit, the guys should be coming out soon." Peggy says.

Bobbie really didn't want to be here, she hasn't seen Harry since she literally showed her ass in class that last day she was here. Hell he's probably moved on, had several different girls since then, and here she is barely functioning.
Just then the team came running out onto the floor with Harry in the lead, of course, he looks so good. Healthy, he actually has a tan, in the winter, and the muscles in his arms are bigger, more defined and for some reason that just pisses Bobbie off because he looks so fucking amazing and she looks like shit. Bobbie jumps up to leave but one of her dizzy spells hits her causing her to fall down the bleachers and Gail to scream.

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