Chapter 1

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Bobbie Jo gets up earlier than she normally would to get ready for a school day, but with everything she has to do now to get ready she figures she'll need the extra time until she's used to what's she's doing. Once she's dressed Bobbie walks to the bathroom to put the brown contacts in her eyes to hide her unique purple colored eyes, then slips on her glasses and fake braces and makes her way down to the kitchen.
"Morning Aunt Karen." Bobbie says as she enters the kitchen.

"Morning Bob. Looks like you're all ready for your new year." Karen says looking at her nieces transformation.

"I just hope this works, people understand what I'm trying to do." Bobbie says.

"I do to hun, just be careful." Karen tell her.

"I will, if it looks like me or anyone else is going to get hurt I'll stop." Bobbie says. "That's not why I'm doing this." When Bobbie got to school the first place she went was the office. Even though she already knew her class schedule and had a map of the school she knew the principal wanted to go over with her, again, what she would be doing and for how long. Bobbie was only planning on dressing the way she is now for 6 weeks to 2 months. That should be long enough to get all the proof she needs to write up the paper she wants to write.
Walking out of the office Bobbie heads toward her locker, just as she gets her stuff put in it and it closed she hears a deep voice beside her.

"Hey, Lou looks like we have a new oompa loopma to play with this year." Harry says as he leans against his locker looking down at the chubby girl beside him.

"Really? Is she as ugly as the one from last year?" Louis asks.

So it's already started, Bobbie thought. Turning she looks up, way up, at the gorgeous guy next to her. It took all she had not to gasp and run away. Just as she was about to say something to him he opens his mouth again.
"Nope, not as ugly." Harry chuckles. "Almost though."

"Come on Harry, no one can be as ugly as Erin was." Louis laughs.

"So true, glad she graduated so we don't have look at her anymore." Harry says still looking down at the girl, who he will only admit to himself, is quite cute with her thick rimmed glasses. "So what's your name, if I have to put up with your ugly ass all year might as well know what to call you." Harry says.

Bobbie turns and leans against her locker and crosses her arms. "Looks to me it won't matter if I tell you what my name is or not." Bobbie says in her musical voice. "You're just the type of jerk who will call me whatever you want. So fuck off asshole, you want to know what name is try being nicer next time." She snaps before walking away shocking, not only Harry and Louis but everyone else in the hallway too, no one has ever dared speak to THE Harry Styles that way before.

"Holy shit." Louis laughs. "She's got sass, to bad she's fat and ugly, she would be perfect for you." He says slapping Harry on the back.

Harry watches as the girl walks away, she has the most beautiful hair he's ever seen. It hung in tight curls to her knees, but for some reason the brown color didn't seem to fit her, blonde would fit her better. "Did she just call me a asshole?" Harry asks with a slight smile.

"Yep." Louis says as they head toward their first class. He and Harry were best friends and have been sence grade school and made sure when the hit high school they had every class together. Teachers hated it but they didn't dare try and separate them now.

"Well, my friend, looks like this year is going to be fun." Harry says thinking of ways to tease and torment the cute, chubby girl. Most people can't resist his 6'5 height and good looks once he turns on the charm. Little miss sass might need to know what a broken heart feels like. Turning to Louis, Harry tells him his plan as they walk to class, knowing he will go along.

"I've got your back. But what about the other babes?" Louis asks Harry.

"I'll just play with them on the side like always." Harry says. "Hell she can't be that smart." He laughs.

What Harry didn't know was Bobbie was smart enough to hide behind some of the much taller students so she could get behind him and his friend Louis and hear every word he said. Now that Bobbie knew what to expect from this Harry guy she could plan properly.
By the end of the day, Bobbie has found out that Harry is the most popular and wanted guy in school. All the popular girls has dated him or wants to date him. He's also the football quarterback and captain of the team. Bobbie also found out Harry plays basketball, hell why not he's a fucking giant.
But right now all she wanted to do is go home and get out of this hot ass suit, Bobbie thought as she made her way toward her car. Her mom and dad bought her a brand new 2016 Dodge Charger right before she moved. She loves this car Bobbie thought as she unlocks it not realizing Harry is watching her. When she gets in the car she takes her glasses off and puts on a pair of sunglasses, and takes off.
After getting home and changing Bobbie looks up the football schedule and finds out her new team plays her old school twice. So she send out a mass text to all three of her friends letting them know the dates. She then goes down to eat supper with her aunt to ask her if they could trade car on those days in case Harry sees what type of car she drives. Bobbie grins, she's not as stupid as he thinks. Unless she falls in love with the jerk.

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