Chapter 4

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Harry is pissed, the girl left. He and Louis then spent the rest of the weekend driving around that town looking for her everywhere. If she lived there she and her friends did a damn good job staying hidden all weekend.
Back at Harry's house Sunday night he and Louis got to looking at the sports schedule for the rest of the year. Harry grins when he sees they play Mt. Hamilton in football again in a month and again twice during basketball.

"Do you think she likes sports enough to go to the games?" Louis asks.

Harry shrugs. "I don't know, hope so." He says. "Damn Lou you saw her, not as close as I did but still, that girl has to be the most gorgeous and tiniest girl I've ever seen in my life."

Louis shakes his head. He's never seen Harry taken with someone like this before. "What I'd like to know is what you saw that caused you to walk over to her like you did and just pick her up and kiss her? Harry you've never done anything like that before and I've seen you do some pretty out there things." Louis says.

Harry smiles. "Well her beauty caught my attention right off, I couldn't stop staring at her. But when she turned and looked at me, I don't know Lou. She has fucking purple eyes. I knew then I had to have her." Harry sighs. "And not just to fuck, like all the others, I want her as my girlfriend. She's so damn perfect." He says.

"Yeah, well her friend wasn't to bad either." Louis says. "And I'm not talking about the two who tried hooking up with you."

"Yeah she wasn't bad, I'd probably go for her if my girl hadn't been sitting there." Harry says. "Those other two girls, I don't know, for some reason they annoyed me. They seem like the type to stab a friend in the back." Harry says not realizing how right he is.

Bobbie and Gail were quietly laying on the sofa pretending to be asleep when they see Jess and Amber sneak outside, looking at each other they follow them to see what the girls are up to. Amber grabs Jess' arm and pulls her to one of the lounge chairs and sits her down.
"Listen, I know you're upset about what Harry said to you, but he did pay attention to you." Amber says. "And with the way Bob is acting she's not going to go out with him if he finds out who she is anyway. I think you should make a play for him, get him before she does. Hell you fucked Rian practically right under her nose and she never noticed." Amber laughs.

"True, and Harry seems like the type of guy that will fuck around with anyone that will give him a chance, even if does get the girl he really wants." Jess says. "I'll bet he's a lot better in bed than Rian ever thought of being too." Jess giggles. "I know he told me I was much better than Bobbie ever was. Just the other night he told me she faked her orgasims."

Bobbie and Gail look at each other. Gail could see the hurt in her friends eyes, but there was anger there too. Nodding, they both walk outside.
"You know what, fuck you both." Bobbie says. "I can't believe I didn't see through all your bullshit before. You were never our friends, you were using us for the popularity because you're not good enough to gain that level on your own." Bobbie laughs. "Well Jess, the jokes on you, Rian lied, I never slept with him. I didn't trust him enough not to cheat on me. Right before I went out with him the first time one of his exes warned me not to." She grins. "Did he fuck you to Amber?"
When Amber looks away from Jess, Bobbie and Gail start laughing. "Oh that's rich, well you two can continue sharing that dick if you want, you can even have Harry if you want, he's just like Rian, he doesn't know how to be faithful. You two stay away from me I don't need friends like you." Bobbie says as she walks back into the house.

Gail looks at the two girls in front of her. "What did Bob do to you for you guys to turn on her like this? She is the sweetest person in the world." Gail says.

"She gets everything she wants. All she has to do is look at a guy and he's practically eating out of the palm of her hand." Jess snaps.

"That's not her fault, blame it on her parents for great genetics." Gail says shaking her head. "Hell even Natalie was gorgeous, but her disease caused her to be over weight and most people couldn't see past that to see her beauty." Gail says with tears in her eyes. "Get out of my house we're no longer friends. And I'll be sure to tell the rest of the girls about all this at school tomorrow, you guys will be outcasts by the end of the week." She adds.

"I can't believe we've been friends with them so long and didn't realize how much they hated me." Bobbie says as she puts her things into her bag.

"They did hide it well." Gail says. "But by the time school ends tomorrow they won't be so popular anymore, don't worry. Once the rest of the girls hear about this they won't have any friends here. You know everyone here loves you." Gail says hugging her best friend.

"Thanks Gail." Bobbie says hugging her back. "I have to go, I have to get up early so I can put that stupid body suit. I love you, you know that don't you." Bobbie says hugging her friend again.

"Love you too." Gail says as she watches Bobbie walk to her truck, she has a bad feeling her friend is going to get hurt, she just hopes she's wrong.

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