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Picking up the body suit Bobbie tests the weight of it before slipping it on, she then grabs the jeans and shirt laying on her bed and gets dressed. Her friends Jess, Amber and Gail were visiting from the next town over and this will the first time Bobbie Jo will have the chance to show them how she will look going to this new school her senior year. She's already dyed her blonde hair to a mousey brown color, but she refuses to cut it, as it is it hangs to her knees in an abundance of curls.
Once she was dressed she slips on the glasses and fake braces over her teeth and walks down the steps into the livingroom of her aunt's beautiful home.
"Well, what do you think?" Bobbie asks as she spins in front of her friends.

"What the hell, No." Jess gasps. "Bobbie what are you thinking? Why would you go anywhere dressed like that?"

"I agree." Gail says with her eyes filling with tears. "B.J. what is all this about."

Bobbie sits down on the sofa. "I'm doing an human interest study, partly for the new school I'm going to partly to help me get into college. Guys you know I'm so tired of guys asking me out because of the way I look, then make fun of people like Dani and Rachel. It's just not right, I'm only going to be dressed this way for a short period of time, then I'll reveal how I really look." Bobby tells them. "Basically calling out all the shallow assholes I'll be going to school with, with the permission of the staff."

"But what if the people at this school are worse than they are at home?" Amber asks. "What if they do more than just tease and actually hurt you?" She says.

"Amber, you forget who I am?" Bobbie asks. "I may be just 4'11 but I still have a black belt in karate, I think I'll be okay."

"Bobbie, are you sure Rian isn't the reason behind all this? Everyone of here knows how badly he hurt you." Gail says.

"He might be the person I was thinking of when I thought all this up. But I'm over all that, except the part where he was treating all the over weight and less pretty girls like shit." Bobbie says. "If I had known about that I would have broke up with him long before I did. Him cheating doesn't hurt half as much as the other." She stresses. "You guys know how I feel about that, especially because of Natalie."
Natalie was Bobbie's older sister, she had a thyroid condition that caused her to be over weight, it wasn't anything she could control and she was teased about it all throughout her high school years. Right before Bobbie's freshman year her sister committed suicide, no one knows that except her family and close friends.
That's the reason behind her doing this project, basically walking in their shoes, see how they feel and write about it, speak out about it. Put a stop to the bullying and body shaming.

"Okay I get it." Jess says. "I just hate that we won't be going to school together for our last year."

"I'll go to all the games when we play against each other." Bobbie says. "I'll see you at those and I promise I'll dress as myself and sit with you. That way people won't wonder how we know each other and why beautiful girls like you would hang out with someone like me."

Amber laughs. "That's just it though Bob, if someone takes the time to look they will see you're gorgeous."

"Well let hope they don't pass that test then." Bobbie says. "I'd like at least one asshole to regret treating me like shit." She adds.

"Well let's hope that asshole isn't gorgeous also and you don't get hurt in the process." Gail says.

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