Chapter 2

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Harry is pissed. He's done everything he could think of to charm the cute little Bobbie Jo Winters, yes he found out what her name is, it was kinda easy concidering they had every class together except one. And that's the last class of the day, he had P.E. and she had Music.
Harry found that out one day earlier in the week when the coach had him run to the office for some copies of some stupid shit, when he was walking by the music room he froze in his tracks. Harry heard the most beautiful sound ever coming from a human being in his life. Stepping closer to the door he looks through the small widow in the door, when he saw Bobbie standing in front of the class singing he about swollowed his tongue.
With a shake of his head Harry walks off to do his task at hand, there are things about her that didn't add up. Either that or the way he looks at things are totally fucked up Harry thought, getting the copies he was sent to get. His dad has always drilled in his head that anyone who is fat and ugly could no way in hell have any talent, they were worthless and needed to be treated that way. His dad told him that's why there's no fat cheerleaders or fat people who know how to do karate. They are to damn lazy. Maybe his dad has been wrong, because Bobbie sure sounds fucking amazing.
Harry nudges Louis as they walk into the cafeteria, he sees Bobbie sitting with a few of the other over weight and nerdy kids. Walking in their direction Harry sits beside her and smiles.
"Hey dumpling, we have a scrimmage tonight with the Mt. Hamilton Panthers, why don't you go with me." Harry winks at her. "We can have fun afterwards, I promise I'll feed you." He chuckles.

Bobbie slams her fork down beside her mostly untouched food and spins toward Harry pissed. "Look you over grown egotistical ass if you think you can ask me out and insult me at the same time and I'll swoon like a good little girl you're fucking nuts." Bobbie yells. "Why don't you go ask some of the sluts who have been panting after you all week and leave me the fuck alone. I don't like you and I know damn well you don't like me. So back the fuck off." She snaps, gets up and stomps away leaving everyone in the cafeteria shocked. Bobbie goes straight to her next class knowing she will have to put up with Harry and Louis, but what other choice did she have. She still had a project to complete.

Harry walks into his next class and sees Bobbie sitting in the back of the class with her head down, he feels bad for what he's doing, but he's been at it for so long if he changes now his teammates will start making fun of him and that he won't tolerate. So Harry marches up to her desk and slams his hand down on it as hard as he can.
"Look you fat assed bitch, I've tried being nice to you because you're new here, well that's over now." Harry yells in her face. "So be prepared."

Bobbie smacks Harry's hand off her desk. "You call what you're doing nice? Teasing people because they happen to be over weight, or have to wear glasses and braces? Well let me tell you something Mr. Styles not all people over weight are lazy, did you ever once stop to think that maybe they have a medical condition and can't help the way they look? And asshole, braces come off eventually and, if people can afford them, they can get contacts but not everyone has that option." Bobbie yells right back at Harry. "It takes all kinds in this world to make it beautiful it just depends on how you look at it. Not all of us have our heads stuck so far up our own asses to NOT see that like you do. So back off and get out of my face." Bobbie says not realizing she has tears on her cheeks.

Seeing her tears Harry grabs her arm to get her out of the room before anyone else can see her crying, but she didn't know that so Bobbie jumps out of her seat, then jumps back in it, her feet where her ass was, she then does a perfect scissor kick knocking Harry on his ass. Bobbie then runs out of the room right to her car and drives home.

As Harry sat there stunned about what just happened he also thought about what Bobbie Jo said. Could it be possible that there are medical reasons for people to be over weight? Getting up off the floor Harry sits at his seat.

"You think what she said is true? There's medical reasons out there for people to be over weight." Louis asks.

Harry shrugs. "Hell I don't know. She sure sounded like she knew what she was talking about though." He says.

As soon as Bobbie get home she runs to her room and takes off her clothes so she can get the now hated suit off, she then takes a shower, calls Gail and tells the she's going to be there early. Throwing some things into a bag Bobbie grabs her hair extensions, she likes the green and purple ones so she puts those carefully in her hair in several different places, then she remembers to take her contacts out. Once dressed in her black skinny jeans, tank top and boots she jumps into her aunt's truck and takes off for Gail's and tonight's scrimmage.
Bobbie kinda hopes she runs into one Harry Styles just to see how he reacts to her like this.

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