Chapter 21

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Bobbie turns and looks at Harry. "I didn't know you have a sister." She says as the get to work on making dinner.

Harry looks at Bobbie with a frown. "Is that a problem? I mean she is older than me it's not like I can do anything about it, and you don't know everything about me." Harry snaps causing Bobbie to gasps and back away from him suddenly due to his change in attitude.

Gemma is standing in the doorway watching closely, wondering what's wrong with Harry, why he suddenly snapped at Bobbie at the simple comment she made. Her mom told her he's changed but, wow, this is not what she was expecting.

Bobbie shakes her head. "Yeah and with your attitude I don't want to know any more about you." She snaps back, surprising Gemma and Harry. "Cook by yourself, you know how." Bobbie says as she slams the knife onto the counter, shrugs then spins to walk out of the room but she has one of her dizzy spells, not that Harry notices.

"You know what fine." Harry yells. "You seem to like to go without food, Louis, Gail, Gemma and I will just go out and eat, you can keep your ass here. I don't want to be anywhere near someone as ugly as you anyway." He says as he brushes past her knocking her off balance, not realizing she was about to pass out.

Gail and Louis run back into the kitchen when they hear Harry yelling. "What the fuck?" Gail cries out just as Bobbie starts going down. She takes off running across the room but she knows she'll never reach her friend in time. Gail watches in horror as Bobbie's eyes roll to the back of her head and she hits the floor with a sickening crack. "Oh my God. What the hell is wrong with you." Gail yells at Harry. "One minute you're calling her the love of your life the next you're telling her she's to ugly to be seen with." Gail cries as she kneels down beside Bobbie. "Fuck someone hand me a towel, she hit her head on the floor to hard, she's bleeding."

Gemma hands Gail the towel as Harry walks out of the kitchen like he really doesn't care. "Louis take her to the room next to mine for now, I'm not sure what the hell is going on with that brother of mine, but I don't want him anywhere near that innocent girl until he gets his shit together." Gemma snaps. She then turns and walks into the livingroom where Harry is, she finds him sitting on the sofa flipping through a magazine like there's nothing wrong, like his girlfriend just didn't pass out cracking her head open because of his bullshit.
"What the fuck is going on with you?" Gemma yells at Harry.

"Me? I don't know what the hell you're talking about?" Harry snaps.

"Harry, my God. Wake up, you just snapped at Bobbie for no reason. Now she's laying in a bed up stairs passed out with a cracked head because of you. So I'm going to ask you again, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Gemma yells, looking at Harry closely. That's when she sees it. The large pupils, how he's sweating and shaking hands. "Oh my God, what did you take?" Gemma asks just as Louis walks into the room.

Louis freezes, then looks at Harry and sees what Gemma does. "Holy shit, you stupid fuck." Louis yells at his best friend. "I can't believe you, you actually did it. That why you've filled out more, gained all that muscle mass in the past few months. Reece talked you into juicing didn't he?" Louis snaps. "You completely forgot everything we've been told about that shit. Causing mood swings, violent tendency, impotentcy. Harry can you even fuck a girl if you wanted to right now?" Louis sneers. "Is that why you haven't touched anyone since Bobbie wouldn't have anything to do with you for the past month, the drugs you're taking won't even let you get it up?" Louis laughs, pissing Harry off more, not realizing Bobbie and Gail were standing in the doorway hearing every word.

Harry jumps up and grabs Louis, slamming him into the wall. "Yes, is that what you want to hear. God I've tried, so many times, Wendy, Amber, Ashley. None of the girls I've hooked up with could make me hard enough so I could fuck them, you know how embarrassing that is." Harry screams. "Hell that's the only reason I wanted Bobbie back, I knew she was safe. She doesn't want to have sex until she's married anyway so if I don't try she'll think that's the reason. I'm off the drug now." Harry smirks. "I was planning on visiting Hannah while I was here, hell if anyone can make me hard that slut can." Harry laughs. "Bobbie is so sweet and trusting if I told her I'm going for a jog she would be clueless if I just go down the road a few houses and fuck the hell out of the town slut."

"Gemma." Bobbie chokes out from the doorway, causing Harry to pale and slowly turn around. "If Gail drives can we please leave tonight? She's an amazing driver."

"You know what, I'm so pissed right now I'm not tired anymore." Gemma says. "Louis get Bobbie's bags while Gail and I get our own." Gemma then hands Bobbie her car keys. "Lock yourself in my car, don't let Harry get in. Only unlock the doors when Gail and I come out." Nodding Bobbie takes the keys and runs for the door and Gemma's car.

As soon as Harry hears the thud from the door slamming shut he realizes his lie worked all to well, sitting back down on the sofa he buries his head in his hands and sobs. One of these days he's going to get his dad back for what he's done, but if this is the only way to keep his Bobbie safe then fine, he'd rather hurt her now by doing this than what his dad may have in store for her if he doesn't break things off with her.

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