Chapter 23

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When Bobbie and Louis return to the livingroom Bobbie sits back down beside Anne while Louis goes and sits with Gail. "Sorry about that. Dan go ahead and say what you were about to say." Bobbie whispers as she lays her head on the back of the sofa.

"What I was going to say is I'm going to let Harry tell all of you what he told me on the phone not long ago." Dan says. "When he's done I'll then tell you what I've found out in the past few hour since that phone call."

Harry sighs. "The first thing I want to say is everything I said earlier was a lie. Now before you start with all the yelling and questions, I'll explain why I said what I did." Harry says. He then tell everyone about the phone call he got from his dad, how he threatened to hurt his mom and Bobbie if he didn't somehow make Bobbie break up with him. Harry then show them the text he got to remind him of their agreement, where his dad promised to leave Anne alone once he had proof Bobbie was out of his life.

"Now, before anyone starts yelling at Harry, I'll tell you what I've found out." Dan says. "I drove by Des' place after Louis called me, well where Lou told me to find him anyway. He and Sara was sitting in the livingroom planning on being at Bobbie's house when Gemma drops her off. He had no intentions of keeping his promise." Dan says. "In fact they're probably sitting there now wondering where she's at. What I've learned, from the little I heard, is Des is pissed you would pick Harry over him Anne. Not to mention Sara still being pissed about the money thing."

Anne nods as calmly as she can, she's so pissed it's taking all she has not to march out that door and find her soon to be ex and beat the hell out of him. "So what do we do?" Anne asks Dan.

"Nothing right now. I think the best thing is for these girls is for them to get some rest, especially Bobbie." Dan says. "Then tomorrow the four teens continue their Christmas plans, but they go to my cabin. Des doesn't know about it, I just bought it, Lou knows where it is. Anne you and Gemma can go also if you want or you can come stay with Jo and I." Dan offers.

Bobbie shakes her head. "No! Hell no." She yells as she jumps off the sofa, she then puts her hand to her head. "If any of you think I'm going anywhere with him you're crazy." She cries as she points at Harry. "You're fucking lucky I stayed in this room this long with him. I don't want to be near him let him call one of his other whore to keep him company." Bobbie cries, then promptly passes out again.

"Shit." Harry snaps as he leaps across the room catching Bobbie before she crashes to the floor again. "Okay this is the second time tonight she's done this, I'm taking her to the hospital, fuck dad." Harry says as he swings Bobbie into his arms.

"Harry, her parents are out of town. We need to call Marty, she's family." Gail says.

"Call her." Harry says as he walks to the door. "Mom you driving?"

"Yeah, let's go." Anne says.

"You guys get her in the car and keep her safe and warm, I'll run interference." Dan says as he grabs his keys. "I'm assuming the rest of you are coming too right?" At the the others nod, Dan smiles. "Okay some of you can ride with me, just don't tell a single soul about this." He tell them as the walk to the vehicles.

When they get to the hospital they see Marta already standing at the main entrance waiting for them. "What the fuck did you do to her this time Styles?" Marta snaps as she take the still passed out Bobbie from Harry's arms.

"Fucked up as usual, what did you expect." Harry snaps back, taking Bobbie back. "Touch her again and I'll kick your ass, I don't care if you are a woman." Harry threatens.

Once Marta gets Bobbie checked in, telling the nurses what Harry told her happened they all sat and waited for her to be called back. Harry holding Bobbie in his lap the whole time. When her name is finally called Marta told them they'll have to let Harry back there to or no one will be able to touch her.
To the shock of everyone, in the waiting room, when Marta and Harry returns, she is almost carrying him.

"Oh dear." Anne sighs as she gets up to help the young lady. Once they had Harry sitting in a chair Anne asks. "Why is my son in this condition?"

"Well it seems Bobbie has a blood clot on her brain. See a little over a month ago Harry threw Bobbie into the swimming pool at his beach house, she hit her head. Instead of taking her to the ER then they self treated it." Marta says. "Well apparently there's been a small bleed for months, forming a clot at the base of her brain."

"Is that what's been causing her dizzy spells." Gail asks.

"Seems so." Marta says. "If Harry hadn't brought her here tonight it could have killed her, that's why he's the way he is." Marta says. "They are in there now with a microscopic lazer trying to break it up and make sure it's still not bleeding."

"Excuse me? Are you the family with Bobbie Jo Winters?" A nurse asks.

"We are." Anne says.

'Well I was instructed to come out here for a Harry." She says. "It seems Bobbie is having a fit and won't calm down until she sees him."

Harry jumps up and runs toward the door he knows he took Bobbie to earlier. Slamming into the room he walks up to the bed and takes her hand into his. "I'm here babe. I'll never leave your side."

Bobbie opens her eyes, looking straight ahead. "Harry, I'm so scared, I'll lose you for sure now. I know you said earlier you were lying about trying to cheat."

"Babe, there's nothing to be scared of. I told you I love you." Harry says, kissing her cheek.

"Harry, I can't see." Bobbie sobs. "Please just leave, you don't have to stay with me now that I'm like this."

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