Chapter 8

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Three hours later Harry pulls into the driveway of the beach house he owns, punching in the numbers to open the gate, he glances over at the now sleeping Bobbie, driving through the gates Harry makes sure they close then hits the button to activate the charge to make sure the entire fence surrounding the whole house is electrified. Bobbie isn't getting away from him until he was ready to let her go.
Before getting out of the car the first thing Harry does is carefully takes Bobbie's phone out of her pocket, if she figures out where they are he doesn't want her to call anyone to come get her. Harry then gets out of the car and walks around, opens the passenger door, slides his arms around her so he can carry her in the house.
Harry lays Bobbie on the sofa then turns the heat up a little, then walks into the kitchen to see if Helen did as he asked when he called her. Looking in the refrigerator and freezer he sees everything is there. So it looks like they were set for a while.
Turning Harry walks back into the livingroom just as Bobbie starts to wake up, sitting on the coffee table Harry leans over, his elbows on his knees and waited.

Bobbie raises her hand to rub her eyes and realizes she's no longer in a moving vehicle. Opening her eyes the first person she sees is of course Harry, she then looks around the room she's in. It's a very expensive looking home she's never seen before.
"Where are we?" Bobbie asks Harry as she sits up.

Harry pulls Bobbie so she's sitting on the edge of the sofa, between his knees. "Somewhere private so we can be alone to talk without interruptions." Harry tells her.

"You do know this would be concidered kidnapping." Bobbie says.

"Yeah, but you have to be able to call someone to report me, we have no landlines here and I have your cellphone." Harry smirks.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Bobbie asks as she starts to lean back.

Harry reaches out and pulls her back to where she was. "Stop moving away from me." He snaps. "I want you close to me at all times."

Bobbie frowns. "Harry you don't own me, I can do as I please. So stop telling me what to do." She snaps back. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Harry balls his hands up into fists and takes a deep breath. "I want you." He whispers. "God I want you so much, it's driving me nuts. I even wanted you when you was wearing that God awful body suit." Harry admits as he stands up and starts pacing. "All my life my dad has told me fat women were nothing but worthless, lazy and not worthy of my time. I needed someone skinny to be able to keep up with me, to be able to do the things I needed done. That's why I always teased the over weight girls, hoping it would motivate them to lose those extra pounds." Harry says running his hands through his hair. "Then this cute little chubby girl come to my school and turns my world upside down. Starts ranting about medical conditions and literally driving me nuts.
Then I see the most beautiful girl God has ever created, only to find out she's the same cute girl I've been teasing just so I would have a reason to be close to her. Now I have the fear I've fucked it all up because I was stupid enough to sleep with one of her ex-friends because I happened to believe her when she told me she would tell me where to find you." Harry snaps out the turns and slams his fist into the wall beside him shocking Bobbie. "Fuck." Harry whispers, shaking his hand.

"Did you break it?" Bobbie whispers as she slowly stands up and walks toward him.

"No, it's just bruised." Harry says, watching her.

When Bobbie gets to where she's standing right in front of Harry, she reaches out for his hand. "Let me see your hand." Bobbie whispers.

Barely daring to breath, Harry slowly places his bruised hand in hers. When her soft fingers carefully grazes over his knuckles the hairs on his arms stand on end. "Well?" Harry asks, his voice slightly deeper and more husky than usual.

"It's starting to swell." Bobbie whispers back. "We need to get some ice on this, you have football practice Monday don't you?"

"If we make it back home." Harry says. "I'm not sure when we're leaving here yet."

Bobbie turns and walks toward the kitchen, pulling Harry with her. "Look Harry, this is our senior year, we can't do anything to fuck up if we want to go to college." She says as she fixes an ice pack and carefully places it on Harry's hand.

Harry wraps his free arm around Bobbie's waist, pulling her between his legs. "And that's what you want? To go to college, leave town?"

Bobbie shrugs. "I have applied to a few close to home, but some not so close. Depends on which ones I get accepted to and what's going on at the time on which one I'll choose to go to I guess." She replies.

"Bob? Are we going to talk about what I said in there." Harry asks.

Bobbie puts her head down, when Harry sees that he put his hand under her chin to raise it back up. "Harry, I'm not sure what to think about what you said." She whispers, not realizing she was leaning against him and playing with his long hair. "I have a hard time believing someone can treat the person they like the way you treated me." Bobbie says, she then covers Harry's mouth with her small hand. "But, I've seen and heard of people treating people they love much worse than you did me, and you just like me." She says.

"Who says I don't love you?" Harry says quietly, shocking Bobbie.

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