Chapter 6

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Harry sits there watching in shock as Bobbie slowly takes her clothes off right there in front of the entire student body, but what shocks him the most is the more she reveals the more she looks like the girl he's been looking for. When Bobbie takes off this odd looking body suit and shows how, to the whole school and her bullies, tiny she actually is she then takes out her contacts. When her eyes met Harry's he thought he was going to puke.

"What the fuck? Harry isn't that?" Louis starts to say.

"Yep." Harry chokes out, not believing his eyes.

"What are you going to do?" Louis asks.

"Go talk to her I guess." Harry says as he starts to stand up. Then he sees the girls Bobbie usually sits with give him a dirty look as they all stand and walk to the stage and surround her and her friend, hiding her from his sight. "Fuck, she can't run forever, I'll talk to her later." Harry whispers.

"Maybe you should just leave this one alone Harry." Louis says. "You've already hurt her enough as it is, she doesn't even like you."

"I can't Lou." Harry snaps. "I want her, so she will be mine." He says as he stands and walks out of the cafeteria.

"You guys really aren't mad at me?" Bobbie asks the girls now standing around her.

"Why would we be mad?" Peggy says. "Bob you never really lied, except about the way you look. You told us about Natalie and your ex cheating on you."

"With two girls pretending to be friends." Gail adds. "Hi I'm Gail, Bob's best friend sence grade school." She says.

Peggy smiles. "I'm Peggy, the blonde is Mary, next to her is Diane and to tall one is Randi." She says making the introductions.

"Are any of you planning on going to the game tonight? It's at my old school, please go with me and Gail." Bobbie begs. "Some of our other friends will be there, and they are so cool." She says.

Gail nods. "Yeah, it will be fun. Plus, Bob I forgot to tell you, Marta is going to be there." Gail says. "She a friend that graduated a few years ago." Gail tells the other girls.

"Okay we'll go." They all say at once.

"Oh, yah." Bobbie and Gail cheer, hugging the girls.

The first person Bobbie sees when they walk into the football stadium is her friend Marta, it was kinda hard to miss her, she's 6'0 tall and built like a truck driver, but she's also the sweetest girl you'll ever meet if you take the time to get to know her. Not realizing Harry was standing close by, Bobbie screams. "Oh my God, Marty." And then she off running.

Marta was standing with her back to the bleachers entrance as she talked to some of her old friends when she suddenly hears someone scream her name. Spinning around she sees Bobbie running full speed toward in her typical 3 inch heels.

When Bobbie is about a foot from Marty she leaps in the air knowing her friend will catch as she always does. "Oh God, I've missed you so much." Bobbie cries as she hugs her much taller friend.

"Yeah, I can tell. That was one hell of a welcome home." Marta laughs, hugging Bobbie back. "I've missed you to Peanut." She says using the nickname she and Natalie came up with years ago.

Harry's jaw about drops when he sees what type of people his Bobbie Jo surrounds herself with, like the girl she's hugging now is fucking huge. This Marty person made his Bobbie looks tiny, well he did to but he's supposed to, he's a guy.
Some of the girls he recognizes as the girls Bobbie sat with at school, but some of the others he had no clue who they were. Yeah some were as small as her, well not height wise, but in size, but some of the others were well, fat. Why would she surround herself with people like that?

"Harry what the hell are you looking at?" Louis snaps.

"Bobbie." Harry nods in her direction. "Why would she be around those fat people, unless it's to make her beauty stand out more?" He asks puzzled. "But I've been watching her, she genuinely acts like she likes them."

"Maybe she does, Harry." Louis says. "Maybe your dad has been filling our heads with shit all these years. You ever think of that?" He asks his friend finally getting tired of his attitude.

Harry shrugs. "Maybe. Come on, we have a game to play." He says.

South Madison won, the whole team is in the parking lot bragging about it to. Bobbie, Gail, Marty and all the other girls that sat in that group made their way to their cars just as Rian and Jess start walking toward them.
"Don't look now, but here comes trouble." Gail says.

"Who is that?" Peggy asks.

"Ex-boyfriend and ex-friend." Bobbie laughs, telling her new friends not realizing her voice is carrying to Harry and Louis. "He fucked her and many others I'm sure because I refused to. Now he thinks me seeing them together will either hurt me or make me jealous." Bobbie says.

"Maybe you should find you a guy to prove you don't give a fuck." Marta says as she glances over at Harry seeing how he was staring at her friend.

Bobbie laughs. "Marty, that's a damn good idea, maybe I should. Wouldn't that just take the piss out of Rian." Bobbie says throwing her head back laughing.

"Aww, look at this, poor B.J. has to surround herself with her girlfriends now because she can't find a new boyfriend better than me." Rian sneers.

Bobbie laughs. "Rian, just because you are the best receiver on Mt. Hamilton's team doesn't mean your the best boyfriend. I guarantee you there is a guy so much better than you out there." She says.

Rian shakes his head and laughs at her. "Prove it." He snaps out.

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