Chapter 24

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Harry is so stunned at what he heard he drops Bobbie's hand and backs away from her bed. With a shake of his head he goes to the door, steps out and asks one of the nurses to get his mom and Marta.

As soon as Bobbie hears the door shut she knew Harry left her, not that he ever really wanted her to begin with. Rolling to her side Bobbie buries her head in her pillow and just sobs.

When Harry walks back into the room he sees Bobbie's back to the door, then he notices how she's moving, listening closely Harry could hear the heart breaking sobs she's trying to hide. Rushing to her side he kicks off his shoes and crawls carefully into the bed behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Putting his face in Bobbie's neck Harry cries with her.
"Shh, babe it's going to be fine. We'll get through this, together." Harry says.

Bobbie rolls over burying her head in Harry's chest, her hands fisted in the shirt he's wearing. Just as she's about to respond to what he said the door opens again, seconds later she feels arms around her other than Harry's.

"Someone want to tell Marty and I why we were called in here?" Anne asks.

"I can do that." The doctor says as she walks back into the room holding a stack of papers. "Bobbie, do you mind if I tell these people what's going on?"

"I-it's fine, Marty is my sister and Anne is like a second m-mom." Bobbie stutters out as Harry runs his fingers through her hair.

"Okay, in that case, here's what we have. After going in with the lazer to break up the blood clot we had to make sure there was no more bleeding. We didn't want this to happen again, well this seems to have caused some swelling and for the moment Bobbie is blind." The doctor tells everyone in the room. "Now before you all get to upset, there is a really good chance this will be only temporary once that swelling goes down, she could get her sight back.
Bobbie I know all the schools in the area are out for Christmas break, I want you to rest, be as stress free as possible during this time." She says. "There will be days where you will have some headaches, if that happens just take ibuprofen and sleep. But if at anytime you start having migraines, blackouts, nausea things like that, get back here immediately."

"We can do that." Harry answers for Bobbie.

"I'm assuming you're going to be with her?" The doctor asks Harry, wishing either she was younger or he was older.

"I am, and I'm never leaving her side unless I have to. Then I'll make sure mom or Marty is there for her." Harry replies.

"Well looks like our trip to the cabin is back on." Anne says with a small smile.

"Well in that case I'll let you get Bobbie home, that's one good thing about using lazers. Get some rest, then go to your cabin. I want to see you back here in two weeks though." The doctor tells them as she heads for the door.

Once Harry helps Bobbie get redressed, he places his arm around her waist to lead her out to where the others were. As soon as they enter the waiting room area Gail is on her feet running to her friend pulling her into a hug, but frowns when she feels Bobbie flinch and move toward Harry.

"Bob, look at me." Gail says as she then moves to the other side of her friend.

Bobbie sighs and looks down, Gail sees the tears in Harry's eyes at her struggles. "I c-can't." Bobbie says as she raises her head back up staring straight ahead. "I can't see." She whispers loud enough for everyone to hear her.

Harry holds his hand up. "Look guys, it's late, can we just get Bob home? I promise I'll explain everything later."

Gail opens her mouth to argue but Louis speaks up first. "Yeah, let's do that. Gail, Bobbie looks wiped out, and I know you are too. Come on, babe." He says, wrapping his arm around her waist. Gail just nods.

As they all walk to their cars they watch as Harry leads Bobbie carefully to his, telling her each time they come to a step up or down, how he shortened his steps to match hers. When they arrive back at the house Harry opens Bobbie's door and takes her hand.
Bobbie sighs and pulls her hand away, looking down. "What's wrong, babe?" Harry asks as he squats down beside her.

"Harry, I don't think this is going to work." Bobbie says.

"Wait? What?" Harry asks. "Why?"

"No! I didn't mean it that way." Bobbie rushes to assure him. "It's just that every time I stand up I feel dizzy, and with not being able to see things spin is making walking extremely hard."

"Well I can help with that. Just stand up and hold on." Harry says as he kisses her forehead. Once he has Bobbie out of the car he swings her into his arms and carries her to the house. "See that wasn't to hard, we'll work on our synchronization tomorrow." Harry says causing Bobbie to giggle.

Anne smiles at the teens. "Why don't we all get some sleep. We leave here in five hours, set your alarms." She says. "Once we're out of town and it's safe we'll stop for breakfast and then Harry can explain to everyone what's going on. I know you want to know know but we all need the rest and we need to get out of town for Bobbie's safety."

Once Harry has Bobbie in their room he sets her on the bed. "You get undressed I'll grab you something to put on." He tells her. Nodding Bobbie does as he suggests, when he returns he helps her into her pajamas and into bed, Harry then takes off his own clothes, leaving on his boxers and crawls in beside her. "Get some sleep, babe. I love you." Harry whispers kissing Bobbie softly.

"I love you too." Bobbie whispers back as she lays her head on Harry's chest, within minutes they're both sound asleep.

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