Chapter 19

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As soon as Harry feels Bobbie's body slam against his he wraps his arms around her to keep her from falling to the floor, but when he feels her lips on his he smiles into the kiss, moves one hand to the back of her head to make the kiss longer than she's probably planning. Pulling away Harry grins.
"You ladies ready for our vacation? We picked your bags up from your house, Bobbie, before coming here as planned." Harry says. "Mom called the care takers and made sure the house is stocked with food and the heater is on, so everything should be ready by the time we get there."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Rian sneers, as he crosses his arms, not seeing Jess standing beside him. "Bobbie you're going to go on vacation with him for the entire Christmas break and I couldn't even get you to spend the weekend away with me?" He asks.

Bobbie looks over her shoulder as she tightens her hold on Harry's neck. "Not that it's any of your business, but yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing." Bobbie says. "Won't be the first time either, we spent the weekend together, alone, a few months ago at the same house we're going to now."

"And I assume you slept with him?" Rian sneers. "Little miss I'm perfect and won't have sex until I'm married." Rian taunted.

Harry chuckles. "Yeah Rian we slept together every night, but we didn't have sex." He says. "See that's where I differ from you. I respect Bobbie for who she is and what she wants, she was sick the weekend we spent alone. I cooked for her, made sure she stayed warm and took care of her. I didn't try to take advantage of her in that condition." Harry spats out.

Rian shakes his head. "Then you're the stupid one, that would have been the best time to fuck her, when she's weak and can't fight you off." He says causing a hallway of his friends and fellow classmates to gasp.

Bobbie unwraps her legs from Harry's waist and he carefully sets her on her feet, she turns and leans back against him. "And that's what most people with a brain would call rape Rian." Bobbie says. "Now that everyone here knows why I broke up with you." She says then looks at Jess. "I hope you and Amber have fun sharing him, I heard her tell Linda earlier she was meeting him later."

Jess looks at Rian to see if that was true, seeing it was, Jess looks at Bobbie. "You do know Harry fucked Amber don't you?"

Bobbie chuckles. "Oh I know, but we weren't dating at the time, so what he did and with who is none of my business." Bobbie says. "Now if you all will excuse us we have a vacation to start. Gail, Lou, you guys ready to go?" Bobbie asks as she grabs Harry's hand.

"Yeah I'm ready." Gail says as she threads her fingers through Louis'.

Bobbie lays her head on Harry's shoulder as they walk toward the doors. "I'm so tired, I'm afraid I'm not going to be much fun tonight." She says.

Harry swings her up into his arms. "You can nap on the way to the beach house, it is a three hour drive." Harry says as he sets her in the front seat of his car, he then buckles her seat belt, kisses her quickly before running to the drivers side and taking off.

That's exactly what Bobbie did, once they got on the freeway headed toward the beach house, she unbuckles her seat belt, lays down putting her head on Harry's leg.
Harry smiles when he sees Bobbie lay down, taking the arm closest to her, he drapes it around her waist. It didn't take long for her breathing to even out telling him she was sleeping.

"She asleep?" Louis asks quietly.

Harry glances down quickly and smiles. "Yeah, I'm glad I filled up with gas before we picked them up now, this way she can sleep until we get there." Harry says.

"She hasn't been sleeping well lately." Gail says.

Harry frowns. "Why not?" He asks.

Gail shakes her head. "She told me she misses you to much." Gail grins. "Bobbie said sleeping with you is more comfortable than sleeping alone. You should see her bed at home, she has so many pillows piled on it you almost can't see her." Gail laughs. "Poor girl says no matter how many pillows she sleeps with it's still not the same as snuggling up to you."

Louis chuckles at that. "Maybe she should try sleeping on the sofa, that's what Harry does. He says the bed is to big and empty without Bobbie in it with him."

Harry smirks. "Well its true, I still have a hard time falling asleep, but at least I sleep better there than in my big bed alone." He says.

Gail reaches forward and pats Harry shoulder. "Well you both have a whole month to get plenty of rest.

Harry nods. "That and making sure she eats." Harry says. "Getting her back to a healthy weight is just as important." He sighs. After that they all fell quiet, Gail ended up falling asleep against Louis and Harry turned the radio up to fill the car with a little bit of noise.
Harry kept glancing down at Bobbie to make sure she was okay. He still couldn't believe she was his, that she was giving him another chance. He just hopes he doesn't screw up this time, Harry has never felt this way for anyone before, and he didn't want to lose her before he could figure out exactly what these feelings are and what he wants to do about them. Harry has told Bobbie he loves her but is it more than that? He just knows he wants her with him all the time right now and for him that's huge, most girls he's dated he can't wait to get away from them.

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