Chapter 17

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Des is so pissed that Anne would pick Harry and his girlfriend over him, they have been married for 19 years, and if it wasn't for him his wife would probably look like some of those other girls they went to school with. Most of them were now fat and ugly, old looking, at least Anne still looks the same as she did when they started dating, he thought as he shuts the door to his girlfriends house.
He didn't really like Sara that much, she's to big, but she's good in bed and Anne has gotten to where she's holding out on the sex quite a bit lately. Getting in his car Des drives toward home, it's time to show his wife who's boss. They may be rich because of her parents leaving everything to her when they died years ago, but he's the man and she will do as he says.
Pulling up to the house Des gets out of the car failing to notice that not only is Harry's car sitting in the driveway but so is Louis'. Walking in the door, the first place Des plans to go is the bedroom, but he hears a noise in the kitchen so he walks in there. Seeing Anne standing at the stove cooking, Des walks up behind her.
"Morning babe, what's for breakfast?" He asks, like nothing happened.

Anne spins around pushing Des away from her. "If you wanted breakfast, BABE, you should have eaten before leaving Sara's house, or stopped on the way here to pack your shit." Anne smirks at the shocked look on her husband's face.

"What the hell are you talking about woman?" Des yells.

"Oh give up, Des. You're not as sneaky as you think you are." Anne laughs. "If you're going to cheat don't buy your girlfriend gifts with my credit card you stupid fuck. And really Des." Anne says as Harry and Bobbie walk into the room. "If you're going to fill your sons head full of shit for years about staying away from fat girls due to them being lazy, then you need to practice what you preach." She laughs. "Because that size 14 dress I paid for sure as hell won't fit my size 6 body. So go pack your shit and go back to your fat assed bitch." Anne says.

"Why you." Des snaps out as he raises his hand to hit Anne, but his arm is stopped mid swing.

"I don't think you want to do that, Dad." Harry says scathingly. "If you haven't noticed I'm larger than you are now, so just do as mom says and get out, if you don't think you can do that by yourself Lou and I can help you." Harry says as he pushes his dad toward the door.

Anne pulls Bobbie to her and wraps her arm around her waist. "Oh and you can tell my sister that if she's always wondered why mom and dad left everything to me, this is why. She can't be trusted, if Sara will fuck her own sister's husband then there's no telling what she'd do with millions of dollars." Anne laughs. "Now get out of my house."

Des jerks his arm from Harry's hand and stomps off to pack his things already planning on suing Anne for half her millions.

"Morning dear." Anne says kissing Bobbie's cheek. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes ma'am, I slept fine." Bobbie lies giving Harry's wonderful mom a hug, then goes to sit at the table.

Harry pulls Bobbie onto his lap. "Bobbie Jo, don't lie to cover for me." Harry says holding her close knowing she was still cold. "She was cold all night because I hogged all the covers and she couldn't wake me up." Harry tells everyone.

"Well in that case, let's get a warm breakfast in her." Anne smiles. "We need to fatten you up some dear, you are way to thin." She says as she sets a plate filled to the rim with food, then sets down two forks with a laugh. "Hun, even Harry can't eat all that, now both of you eat." She giggles.

Bobbie looks at Harry with a grin. "I love your mom." She laughs.

Harry looks back at Bobbie with a serious look. "Do you love me too?" He whispers.

Louis and Gail were watching the couple across from them closely, they both knew how each person felt. They just hoped Harry and Bobbie will finally admit it to each other.

"Yeah, Harry, I love you most of all." Bobbie says, shocked when she sees the tears in his eyes.

Harry hides his face in Bobbie's hair. "Oh God." He chokes out. "Thank you, for giving me another chance. I love you too."

"Good, now help me eat this enormous amount of food, then you can carry me to the sofa and cuddle me while we watch movies all day." Bobbie says.

"Whatever you say dear." Harry says causing Louis, Gail and his mom to laugh.

Des is just walking by the kitchen with his packed bags when he hears the laughter. Looking into the room he sees his son with his beautiful girlfriend in his lap eating off the same plate, Anne is sitting there looking at them fondly. Hmm, maybe something needs to happen to the beautiful Bobbie to make Anne see the error of her ways, Des thinks as he walks out the door.
He'll have to talk to Sara about this, she'll be more than willing to help him. She hates Anne for stealing all their parents money from her, if this is her only way to get back at her then he'd bet she'd do it, even it means hurting her only nephew in the process.

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