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"S.Coups... We cannot be here all night." I whisper, holding my arms closer to my chest.

Everyone's dried off now, and they're covered with big sun bathing blankets we found earlier. They're cuddling close to each other, trying to stay warm.

It's really cold now and it's about 6:30, we've been on here all day.

"I don't know what to do, Sugi.... As a leader of a band no one taught me how to get out of this situation." S.Coups say.

"I know. I'm in the same situation S.Coups." I whisper.

"What do we do? We couldn't find a radio? How can we signal someone? No one knows we're gone? And we don't have service out here..." S.Coups mumbles.

Then it hit me. A flare. A flare gun has to be on this boat.

I scramble around and everyone looks at me like i've gone crazy. I open a compartment under the driving wheel and see a flare gun.

"Jigiya! You're brilliant!" Vernon screams and holds my face and kisses me. I climb to the top of the boat and almost fall over, but Vernon catches me.

He holds onto me and I read the directions on the side of the gun.

'don't shot up, shot at angle.'

I nod and point it straight in front of us.

And then I put it down.

"What way is the camp?" I ask.

"Ara? What way is the camp?" Vernon yells, not daring to move so we don't fall off the boat.

"Um." She looks at us. Turn around and shoot." She says. We turn around and I point the gun up.

And I shoot.

And nothing happens.

The gun is empty, it's been used before.

"What? What no..." I whisper, I turn around and face Vernon, my face full of worry and sadness.

He helps me off the top part and he sits me down on his lap and S.Coups hands it's a blanket.

Boo, Woozi, Dino and DK fell asleep cuddling under a blanket, and Jeonghan, S.Coups, Ara, Hoshi, Vernon and I are freaking out.

"I don't know what to do." I whisper.

"Me either. People have to be looking around now." Ara says, and holds onto Hoshi under the blanket more.

I turn around and hold onto his warm body and shove my face in his neck.

"Sugi you can't hide from this problem." Ara sighs.

"I can if I don't know what to do." My face is muffled by my face being in Vernon's neck.

"Why don't we just use the radio?" Jeonghan points to the radio above the wheel.

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