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"Are you okay?" Vernon asks sitting by me as I stare at my food blankly.

"Yesterday really messed her up, Vernon. She'll never be able to unsee." Hoshi laughs as he pulls Ara on his lap and she blushes bright red.

"Unsee what?" He asks.

"Unsee them making out." Dino says sitting by Vernon. S.Coups sits inbetween Ara and Hoshi and Dino.

And then DK sits by Jeonghan and Boo in between Jeonghan and DK.

"BOO!" Ara smiles and high fives him.

"Is she okay?" Boo loudly whispers to DK.

"Donno, just got here." DK whispers back.

"GET OVER IT IT WAS YESTERDAY!" Ara yells to me.

"It's just it was so-" And then Vernon cuts me off with a kiss to the lips.

Boo screams very loudly and Hoshi covers Ara's eyes and S.Coups does the same to Dino.

I blush deeply and shove my face in his chest.

"We kiss what's the difference." He shrugs.

"She's a pure maknae! She can't do that!" I scream, pulling my head out of his chest and point at her.

"Get over it, Jigiya." Vernon smirks.

"What is everyone doing today?" S.Coups says and looks at us.

"Nothing." We all respond.

"Let's go out on a boat. Have a nice day on the boat, yeah?" S.Coups smiles to everyone.

"Yeah sure." I nod, and everyone else agrees.

We all go back to our cabins after finishing our food and get dressed. I put on my bikini and put one of Vernon's flannels over it and button it up.

I put my hair in double braids and grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth, and Vernon stands behind me and brushes his.

I put my toothbrush away the same time as Vernon and go to walk away but he picks me up and sets me on the counter.

"I see you have on my flannel." He rises an eyebrow.

"Yes I do." I nod.

"You look cute in it. Keep it." He nods.

I smile gratefully and kiss his nose.

"No I want a real kiss." He puts.

I sigh and kiss his lips softly and then get off the counter.

"We have to go if we want to make it on time." I smirk and grab my backpack as we walk out. Everyone was standing outside and then we get on the boat.

"This is gonna be, so fun." Vernon says in English.

"Oh yes, the funs. I English too." Boo says.

We laugh and I smile. This is going to be really fun.


We have been on the boat for a good while now, and we're just now eating lunch. It's about 2 in the afternoon and everyone has been hungry for a while.

Ara and S.Coups have been taking turns driving around and it's been a cool day.

I get pulled into Vernon's lap after handing out all the packed lunches for everyone.

"Here, bite." Vernon puts a sandwich up to my lips.

I bite it, and do a closed mouth smile and chew. I hold onto Vernon's arm and lean back in his chest.

"So how long have you two been dating?" Dino asks.

"Three days." I nod a Vernon's comment.

"Nice." S.Coups smiles.

We eat and wait thirty minutes, because Mom said we couldn't swim until we waited, and then we all went swimming in the water along side the boat.

And they put me in a life jacket because I can't swim.

"Hey jigiya." Vernon swims up to me as I first get in the water.

"Hi Ver." I smile and hold onto him, we'll hug him from behind.

"Awh, Sugi had to wear a life vest." Dino laughs.

"I can't swim." I laugh and everyone has fun splashing and swimming around.

"I love you." Vernon kisses my nose.

"I love you." I tell him back.

We go up on the boat around four and decide that it's late and we need to get back to camp.

I take off my wet life jacket as the wind blew because it was cold. Vernon was smart and brought along some sweatpants and a hoodie, and I just put on his flannel.

"Okay let's go." Ara starts the boat but it turns off a second later.

She rises a eyebrow and gets off Hoshis lap who's slitting in the drivers seat.

"What's wrong?" S.Coups stands up.

The sun is about to set and it's getting colder, and now the boat won't start.

"Um... Im not sure." Ara whispers.

"You're the boat person-fix it." Woozi crys.

"I don't know how. I think we're out of gass-or our batteries dead. I'm not sure." She stands up and comes to the back of the boat.

"Move please." Ara smiles at everyone who's sitting on the back seats.

She lifts up the seat and everyone watches her, she lifts up another part where there's a ton of tubes and stuff, she messes around in it but no one knows what she's doing.  She closes it all and turns to everyone.

"Well that didn't work." She says.

I get up immediately and look around the boat.

"Jigiya what are you doing?" Vernon asks following me.

I shiver as a burst of cold hair hits us.

"Look for a radio, or anything that can help us and put it up front, blankets food water anything and everything." I say.

"Now everyone." I yell, and they all scrabble to find things.

I really don't want to be stuck out here all night.

I'm so sorry it's short, but cliffhanger and that's why it's short.
hayden pls don't kill me about the ending. we might have to end it at chapter 26 now...

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