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I wake up with a headache form last night. I never ended up going to the bonfire, I stayed back and cried in my bed all night.

Vernon walked in on Jun and I kissing. Vernon got so pissed at Jun and vise versa. Vernon threw a punch and Jun dodged it, and punched Vernon.

They got into a fist fight, and after one of the punching me on accident, Vernon almost quit being a K-Idol.

I ran after him and tried to explain. But it was a mess.

"Vernon please! Let me explain everything!" My lip really hurts from talking after I got punched but I can't seem to care.

"Why should I. You never gave me the chance to explain. Besides you don't want to talk to me." He yells back.

"Now I do please Vernon." I cry out.

"No. I don't want to talk right now." It's to cold to  be walking outside right now, and way to dark. But Vernon continues to walk to a cabin.

"Fine. Meet me at our spot tomorrow around 2. Then we can both explain. Explain why you did what you did. And explain what happened back their." I plead.

He stops walking and looks straight forward.

"I'll be waiting if you want to talk. I know it's hard seeing that. But i'll explain everything tomorrow. Good night Vernon."

And I just happened to sleep until 12:30 so I have to get up and get ready now if I want to talk to him.

I put on thing leggings and a hoodie that Rin gave me a while back and shoes. I throw my hair up in a bun,  it caring about it and walk outside.

"Can we talk." Jun stops me right outside our cabin.

"I don't have that much time." I whisper.

"I know. But I want to say something. I really can't have a relationship right now, because of the dating contract. And if I could, I don't think i'd be ready for one. I'm sorry, I know I told you things, and maybe going on vacation put in my head I'm a normal person who can have relationships. But I can't, and I'm sorry." Jun says. "I want to be friends. Best friends if we can." He smiles.

"Yes best friends." I nod, and give him a hug and walk to mine and Vernon's spot.

I look at the time on my phone and see that it's 1:30. I'm early, but that's okay.

I sit down and play music on my phone, and watch the waterfall as I wait.

I'm so confused. In the few months we've been here, it's been a mess. Jun, Vernon and I, Hoshi and Ara, whatever relationships the other girls having going on, and it's like, crazy.

I always wanted to be a K-Idol, and now that I am one, it's like everything has changed, but nothing at all.

I'm still me, but then again, I'm so busy, I have no time for relationships other than my one with the girls in the band and our manager.

But then again, I want that time to spend with my boyfriend and I want to have those sneak out late, and have adventures while trying not to get found out by paparazzi.

"Sugi?" I turn my head and see Vernon.

He actually came.

I smile weekly at him and he sits next to me.

"I'll explain first." Vernon says and plays with his hands.

"I've never had a serious relationship in my life, and when you came along you made me fell like a normal nineteen year old boy. Not some famous dude who raps. You wanted to know me, not Vernon who's in Seventeen, and I was holding on so tight to that pice of humanity that when I seen Jun around you I though that he'd take you away. To hurt me or just to have you, I don't know. But I didn't want to let they happen, I couldn't let that happen. You make me so happy, and calm and sane that I couldn't let you go. That's why I kept you to myself, that's why I said that to Jun. That's why I did everything. I love you so much that I can't have you leave." He whispers the last part.

"Last night wasn't Jun and I actually kissing for a relationship kiss. He wanted to help me figure out my feeling for the two of you. I had only kissed you, and he felt as if how would I know who i actually love if I didn't kiss both people. So we kissed, and after. That I knew who I loved and then you came in and got mad, but the whole time I was confused because while kissing Jun.... I only thought about you, and when you walked through the door, I was happy because we where close again and I loved that but I couldn't lose you either. Jun said he wanted to be just friends. He isn't ready for a relationship. And I think that's okay, because I didn't pick him," I look over at Vernon, "I picked you."

He smiles brightly and looks at me.

He holds my face in his hands and kisses me passionately, and smiles happily.

"I love you."

"I love you."

"This is going to be hard Vernon, being K-Idols and everything. We have to keep it on the down low and no one except the bands can know. But we can figure it out. All we have to do it talk about everything." I smile.

"Agreed." He nods.
guys..... i think i finished my book...

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