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I wake up to Jun over my body shaking me. I stretch and look up at him.

"Get dressed we're going to this amusement park." Jun says.

I nod and get up. I walk to my chest with clothes and grab some high waisted shorts and a white t-shirt and a flannel.

I walk to the bathroom and put on my clothes and brush my hair and teeth.

I put socks and shoes on, and then grab my phone and walk outside to Jun whos talking to some people.

"Ready?" I ask walking up behind him.

"Yep, lets go." He nods.

We walk to the gate and theres a motorcycle there, with helmets.

"Wh-" I get cut off by Jun.

"I learned a while back when we had free time. I still knowhow to drive it, I know how to drive it in Korea too." He says, and puts on my helmet for me, and buckles it up for me.

He puts his helmet on, and sits down first, and then I get on, and he turns on the bike.

He drives off, and I hold on around his waist tightly, and lay my head on his back.

We start to drive, and slowly, I let go, and smile.

Everything is moving so fast around us and its so calming.

Jun then swerves all over, and I hold on tight to him, and then after a bit were at the amusement park.

We park the motorcycle and walk to the ticket booth.

After a little but of arguing, Jun buys both of us wrist bands, and we go ride some rides.

We ride roller-coasters, the big swings, the carousel, the spinny tea cups, and so much more.

We learnt so much about eachother and met some fans and I feel like we're very close now.

"So do you miss New Zealand?" Jun asks.

"Very much, yes. I miss my parents and friends, but I love singing and doing what I do." I say, and take a bit of the pretzel he bought me.

He takes a piece and we walk together to a small part thats far away from everyone.

"Can I tell you somthing when we get back to the camp?" He asks.

"Yes, yes you can." We walk around, and then I drop my pretzel.

"Jun! Jun look it Stitch! Jun!" I say, pointing to Stitch from Lilo and Stitch.

My favorite movies of all time, besides Monsters Inc., in the Disney movie collection.

"Come on then." He laughs and pulls me to him, and grabs my phone so he can take a ton of pictures of us.

"Hello, Stitch." I smile.

He hugs me and I laugh and smile widely and hug him back.

We take a bunch of pictures and we walk away, after that we decided to go back to camp.

"This was an amazing day, thank you Jun." I smile, as he puts my helmet on for me again.

"No problem, Sugi." He smile back.

I get a warm feeling in my stomach, and get on the bike after him, and we ride off back to camp.

He makes me very happy, like Vernon, and he spoils me, honestly. Jun and I need to hangout a lot more, hes very fun.

But I wonder what he wanted to tell me, it must be important to wait, or he would've told me there, but sasaeng fans probably where stalking us.

We go to camp, and he helps me take off my helmet and fix my hair.

"I have to tell you the thing now." He says.

"If you want." I look up at him.

He holds my hand and takes me to out joined cabon thats empty.

"It might sound weird, and wrong because like... It's not... okay in our job place." He rubs the back of his neck.

What is that about, what's bad?

"I... I'm falling so hard for you Sugi, and I know thats probably not good because of the sasaeng's and the hate but I do like you." He whispers, eyes staring into mine.

"Jun.. I-"

"I like very thing about you, you hair, your beautiful borwn eyes, and you face without makeup, and you small height and your laugh, and smile and personality, everything about you is perfect to me, and I'm falling way to fast for you, Sugi..." He whispers the last part.

My eyes start tearing up. Why am I emotional?

Do I like Jun? He's very nice to me, and very sweet, and he did just spill his deep secret to me.

"Please say something." He says lowly.

"I don't know Jun.." I say.

"Don't tell me you dont feel somthing.. when I do this." He interlaces our fingers with one hand, and his other on is on my face, holding my cheek.

His forehead is placed on mine, and our noses are touching.

My stomach explodes with butterflies, and my face turns red.

My breathing hinches and I look into his eyes.

"I have feeling for you, Sugi. And I wont take advantage of you. Come to me when you're ready, Sugi... I'll wait." He says.

I nod and he walks into his part of the cabon and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Why do I feel like this? Is this okay? What about the sasaengs and Pledis and the band members.

But what about what we could be? He makes me happy, and have butterflies.

But so does Vernon...


I love you pls help me decide
-edennnn ♡♡

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