Chapter 45 (part 2) FINAL CHAPTER!

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***Hey guys! So the final chapter is finally it bittersweet for anyone else? Or is it just me? I don't know. Anyway, I don't really know what to say here so enjoy the final chapter, my lovely readers! :)***

Kristen's POV- Arriving at the Grammys!

After about an hour of driving, we finally arrived at the Grammys red carpet. The limo came to a stop in front of the carpet, and I could already hear the screams of fans waiting to see their favorite celebrities walk down the carpet. "Everyone ready?" Tori asks, looking around at all of us. We all nod, but I could tell everyone was a little nervous, including myself. Hunter grabs my hand and gives it a tight squeeze. "Just follow me, I won't let you get lost." he whispers quietly, as Tori opens the limo door and starts climbing out. "Hunter, you and Kristen will walk the carpet. The rest of us have to go inside, they don't like the managers and bandmates to walk the carpet. If either of you need anything, text me. It's going to be loud inside, so if you call I won't hear you. See you in about an hour! Have fun!" Tori explains, hugging the two of us. We nod, understanding.

"Ready?" Hunter asks, looking at me. "Yes!" I exclaim, smiling. He steps out of the limo, then offers me his hand. I gladly take it, stepping out of the limo, careful to not trip in my high heels. Screams of teenage girls instantly fill my ears, they're all going insane over Hunter. He smiles, and waves to some of the fans standing near the entrance. "Hunter, you and Kristen are going to walk the carpet now. All you have to do is just walk and make stops every few seconds. Smile for the cameras, you know. Got it?" One of the producers explains to us. "Got it." Hunter answers, nodding.

Hunter takes my hand again, smiling. "Follow my lead, I won't lose you." he said, leading us down the carpet to the first set of photographers. Once we got to them, he wrapped a strong arm around my waist. "Smile, you two!" "Hey, over here!" "Kristen, look here!" "Hunter, right here!" People were yelling at us for a picture. I smiled big, trying to look at all the photographers. We slowly made our way down the carpet, stopping to meet a few fans here and there.

As we walked down the carpet, an interviewer stopped us. "Hunter! Kristen! Do you guys have a minute to answer some questions?" she asked, as we walked up to her. "Sure!" Hunter replied happily. "Hello, you two! Hunter, you look very handsome tonight. Kristen, you look absolutely stunning!" she exclaimed, looking at my dress. "Well thank you! You look amazing as well!" I return the compliment. "So, Hunter, what's it like being at the Grammys?" she asked him curiously. He smiled big. "It's been incredible, absolutely incredible. I just feel so honored to be here tonight, and I wouldn't be here if it weren't for this amazing girl right here." Hunter answered, smiling down at me.

"Aww! You guys are just adorable together! I guess that brings up my next question. Kristen, what's it like dating Mr. Superstar, here? Is he a good boyfriend?" she asks me. I smile at Hunter. "I'm not going to lie, since both of our schedules are so busy sometimes it gets hard trying to find time to be together. But at the end of the day, it's all worth it. He's amazing and perfect in every way, and I feel so blessed to have him in my life." I answer truthfully. Hunter gave my hand a squeeze. "Aw, well that's great! I just have to ask this last question, the fans are going insane over it! Would you two mind giving the viewers at home watching a little 'Hunten' kiss?" she asked, smiling. I look at Hunter, as if to ask him if this was okay to do. "Sure." And with that, he leaned down and gently kissed me. It was quick, not much longer than about two seconds, but it was still sweet.

"And there you have it, everyone! Hunter Hayes and Kristen Johnson! Have fun, and good luck tonight, Hunter!" she exclaimed, as we began to walk back to the carpet. Hunter wrapped his arm around my waist again, and we started walking again. After a few minutes of walking, I stop dead in my tracks. Hunter turns to look at me. "What is it, Kris? Are you okay?" he asks, concerned. "It's him! Hunter, look, it's really him!" I exclaim, jumping around. "It's really who?" he asks, now clearly confused. "Keith Urban! He's right over there!" I squeal, excitedly.

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