Chapter 30- Look at You Now

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***Hello lovely readers! :) Soooo sorry I didn't post this weekend! I was super busy and just didn't have time. My apologies! Did you guys watch Hunter's performance on the CMA's?! Ahh it was sooo good! So my friend and I got to perform at this chorus concert thingy our school does every year and there were over 200 people there! It was so fun! Anyway, here is chapter 30, it's gonna be a good one! Well, at least I hope it will be lol :P***

2 weeks later-Kristen's POV

Thankfully, I haven't heard anything from Chad since what happened a few weeks ago. Hopefully it will stay that way. Hunter, his band, Tori, and myself get a few days off this week, so Hunter and I can spend some time together. While we're touring, we see each other only a few times a day, since both of our schedules are so busy right now. I get to see him before and after each show, then usually we hang out for a bit on the buses during the day. Right now, Hunter, the band, Ashley, Sara, Tori, and myself are all piled onto one bus, while the other bus is following behind us. We're headed back to Nashville, where we will stay in a hotel for a few nights as a little break.

"Hey, Kristen!" Tori says, plopping down next to me on the couch. "Hi Tori! What's up?" I ask, taking my attention away from my laptop. "Oh not much, scheduling interviews, photoshoots, the usual." She laughs. "The main reason I came over here is that I need to tell you something very exciting!" She exclaims, smiling, just as Hunter sits down next to me. "What's exciting?" He asks, looking at Tori. "Oh! Hunter, perfect timing! I just got off the phone with one of the producers for the CMT Awards, and they said that you two are both nominated for multiple awards!" She exclaims happily.

Hunter and I look at each other in pure awe. "Did I just hear what I think I heard?" Hunter says, eyes wide with surprise. "Yes sir, you did!" Tori says, chuckling. Hunter stands up, pulling me up with him. He picks me up and spins me around and around in a hug. "Kristen, can you believe it?! I am so proud of you!" He says, putting me down and planting a kiss on my lips. "Me? I haven't done anything special, I am so proud of YOU!" I protest to him. "No, no. You have done everything special, and you deserve a nomination more than I do." He retorts. I sigh in defeat. "What are we nominated for, Tori?" I ask, returning my attention to her.

"Well, Kristen, you are up for two awards. Best New Artist, and Best New Single! Congrats, sweetheart!" She exclaimed, her southern drawl ringing out of her voice. She hugged me. "And Hunter, you are up for Artist of the Year, Album of the Year, and Best Headlining Tour of the Year! Congrats to you, too!" Tori exclaimed, hugging Hunter. "Well, I'm going to let you guys let all that sink in, I'm gonna go tell the others." She said, walking towards the back of the bus.

I wrapped Hunter in another tight hug. "I cannot believe how far you have come in the past six months! I really am proud of you, Kris." He said, hugging me back. "I know, the time has flown by! Just over six months ago, I had just posted my first Youtube video. Look where it's taken me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be right here, right now." I said, smiling up at him. "I love you." He said, looking down at me. "I love you too, Hayes." I reply, kissing his cheek.

Tori came back to Hunter and I. "Well, its a good thing we're headed to Nashville. The awards are going to be held there in a week, so everyone will have about three days to chill out and relax, then it's back to business. Kristen, I will take you dress shopping on Saturday, okay? It'll be fun. Hunter,. you usually do good with picking out an outfit on your own, so I'll leave you to that. Got it?" She asked, looking at the both of us. "Got it!" Hunter and I say simultaneously. She disappeared to the back of the bus once more.

I let out a squeal of delight. The CMT's! This is going to be so much fun!

2 days later- Kristen's POV- Tori and Kristen are out dress shopping.

"How about this one?" I ask Tori, stepping out of the dressing room. The dress I have on is Navy Blue, and it goes down to my ankles. It's a slim fitting, yet still flowy gown. "I like it! You look stunning!" Tori exclaims. I spin around in the dress. "Really? To me it looks more like a prom dress." I say, laughing. She holds up a finger, signaling for me to wait for a moment. She returns a minute later, with a beautiful, floor length, crimson red colored gown. Handing the dress to me, she shoves me back into the dressing room to change.

After I get the dress on, I look at myself in the mirror. Wow! The dress is perfect, I just know it. The bright red color of the dress compliments my fair skin and dark brown hair nicely, and it fits me just right. I step out of the dressing room. "Kristen, oh my word! You look beautiful! Absolutely gorgeous!" Tori exclaims, smiling big. "Thank you! I love this one. What do you think? Too fancy? Too simple?" I ask worriedly. "No, no! It's perfect on you!" She says excitedly.  "Really? Do you think Hunter will like it?" I ask, looking at the reflection of myself in the mirror. "Darlin', that boy loves you like nobody's business. I can just see it in the way he looks at you. Heck, he would love you if you showed up in sweat pants and an old t-shirt. He will be blown away!" She says, looking me in the eyes.  "I guess you're right." I reply, laughing. "Let's get this one! I really love it." I say excitedly. "Okay, are you sure there's nothing else here you wanna try on?" Tori asks, motioning to the other dresses. "Positive." I declare, smiling. "Great! You go change, then I'll buy the dress for ya, then maybe grab some lunch?" She asks, shoving me into the dressing room to change out of the dress. "Sounds good!" I say, closing the door.

        Once we've paid for the dress, my phone starts blasting "Storm Warning", signaling that Hunter was calling. Sliding my phone out of my pocket, I push the green 'Answer' button. "Hello?" I ask, as Tori and I walk the streets of Nashville. "Hi Kris! I have great news!" Hunter says excitedly. "Really? What is it?" I ask, curious to know what he had up his sleeve. "Guess!" He challenged. " you finally beat Sam at Mario Kart?" I ask playfully, smiling. "No, but I'm in the process of doing that. It will happen eventually! I actually just got off the phone with a CMT Awards producer, you know how Jason Aldean was supposed to perform on the show?" He asks. "Yeah, why?" I ask, eager to know what he was going to say.

      "Well, he got sick with the flu at the last minute, so they asked me to perform in his place!" He exclaimed happily. I stopped dead in my tracks in shock. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! HUNTER I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!" I shout, nearly giving Tori a heart attack in the process. "I'm dead serious! I can't believe it, this is amazing!" He said, and I could tell he was smiling ear to ear. "Hunter, I really am extremely proud of you, you deserve it!" I exclaim, unable to contain my excitement. "Aw, well thank you! Oh, and I forgot to mention, they asked me to do a duet with someone for the performance." He said. "Who is it?" I ask curiously.


***Hehehehe cliffhanger! Next chapter will be the CMT's! Can't wait to write that one, it'll be fun! Again, so sorry for not updating. I've had a crazy weekend and lots of homework the past few days. I love you guys, and thank you for almost 5.8k reads! :)***



That Girl On Youtube- A Hunter Hayes Fanfic (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now