Chapter 42- Studio Fun

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***Hi guys! I know I posted chapter 41 yesterday, but I just had to write this chapter! Oh and by the way, thank you for getting this story to almost 13.1k reads! :D Just giving you guys a heads up- this story will probably be coming to an end soon. But don't worry, THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL!! I'm not sure how many more chapters there will be in this story before it's over, but it is coming to an end. For now, enjoy chapter 42!***

Kristen's POV- the next day- 10am

      Today we're going to the studio! I'm so excited! Tori and Hunter should be here any minute now, they said they would be here around 10am. As I browse my Twitter feed on my phone, I hear my doorbell ring. Putting my phone in my pocket, I walk to the door and open it, to see Tori standing there with Hunter behind her. "Hey guys! Ready to go?" I ask, grabbing my purse and jacket. "Yep! I'll take my car, and you can either ride with Hunter or take your own car." Tori smiles. I look at Hunter, a grin finding its way onto my face. "I think I'm gonna go with Hunter. Let's get this show on the road!" I exclaim as I walk outside after locking the front door to the house.

     Hopping into the passenger seat of Hunter's car, he gets in the driver's side and starts the engine. I turn on the radio and turn it to a country music station. I turn up the volume as Carrie Underwood's voice fills the speakers, and start singing along as I dance around in my seat. Hunter looks over at me as we drive. "You're cute when you dance." He says as I flip my hair around, dancing. "Are you kidding? I don't dance, I'm just hyper and I love Carrie's music, that's all." I say simply, laughing. He takes my hand in his. "In my opinion, you are a way better singer than Carrie Underwood." He says with a wink. I laugh. "Thank you, but no one has a better voice than her. She's like, the queen of country music." I protest. He just chuckles, and keeps on driving.

      About fifteen minutes later, we pull into the recording studio parking lot, and sure enough, the Grand Ole' Opry is right down the street. I make a mental note to go and check it out later. I place my hand on the door handle of the car to let myself out, but Hunter is already opening the door for me, offering me his hand. I happily take it, stepping out of his car. "Thank you." I smile. "No problem, Kris." He replies, giving me a quick kiss. "Okay Kristen! You ready to start recording?" Tori asks, walking over to us from her car. I nod my head excitedly. "Yes, I can't wait! Come on!" I say, practically dragging Hunter behind me as I quickly walk to the doors of the building. They just laughed and followed me.

      Hunter opened the door for Tori and I once we got there. Walking inside, a woman greets us with a smile. "Hello! Are you Kristen?" She asks us. I nod my head. "Great! I'm Melanie, I'll show you to the studio. Follow me." She says, then we follow her down to the studio. "Here you go! Everything is all set and ready to go. Have fun, and if you need anything I'll be up at the front desk." She says, opening the door for us. I look around in awe, this studio is huge! "Wow, this place is so big!" I exclaim, looking around at everything. "I know! Hunter, haven't you worked in this studio before?" Tori asks him. He smiles. "Yep! I do most of my recording in this very room, actually. I know this place backwards and forward in my sleep." He explains.

      "Kristen, why don't you go ahead and go in there? There's a guitar right over there, if you need it." Tori offers. I nod and grab the guitar from it's stand, heading into the recording booth. "I wrote this a while back, it's about Hunter." I say, smiling. Hunter gives me a look that says 'oh dear Lord please let this be a good song about me'. I chuckle. "Don't worry, Hunt. It's not anything bad about you." He pretended to wipe his forehead with the back of his hand. "Phew!" He exclaimed. Since Hunter knows how operate the soundboard in the studio, he sat down and began pushing random buttons. "Okay, Kristen, just nod when you want me to hit the 'Record' button, then you can start singing."  I wait a moment and position my fingers on the guitar, ready to start playing. I nod my head at Hunter, and he presses the 'Record' button. I start strumming the chords of the song,

I was tryin' to fly, but I couldn't find my wings

Then you came along and you changed everything

You lift my feet off the ground, you spin me around

You make me crazier, crazier

Feels like I'm falling and I, I'm lost in your eyes

You make me crazier, crazier

 (A/N- I know this is a Taylor Swift song, all rights to the song go to Taylor and her management.)

     I continue singing the song, looking Hunter in the eyes the whole time. He had the biggest smile on his face as I sang, and I couldn't hide the smile on my face either. Once I finished the song, Hunter stopped recording. He hit some button and spoke into the microphone outside of the booth so that I could hear him from inside. "That was great, Kristen! Come out here, I want you to listen to it, then we can go back and clean it up and add some effects to it if you like." He said. "Okay!" I said, then took off the headphones I was wearing and walked out of the booth to Hunter. He stood up and wrapped his strong arms around me in a tight hug. "That was amazing. I'm touched that you wrote that for me, I had no idea you could write songs this great!" He said after a moment of hugging. I pulled away and smiled up at him. "I'm glad you liked it!" I say, before planting a quick kiss on his cheek.

     "Kristen, girl, you can write some incredible music! Wow!" Tori exclaimed, clapping her hands. "Thank you, Tori!" I replied. We sat down around Hunter, as he played the song back for me to hear. I cringe at the sound of hearing my voice on tape. "I know, it's weird hearing yourself. You get used to it, eventually." Hunter said, chuckling. Listening to the song, I realize that it's not that bad! The song finished playing about three minutes later. "I like it! Can we go and add some effects to it, clean it up a little?" I ask eagerly. "Sure! I was thinking we could add some harmonies in there?" Hunter asks me. I give him a thumbs up and we talk about what we could do with the song.

2 hours later- Hunter's POV

     We finally got finished with 'Crazier'! That's the title we came up with for Kristen's song. It sounded amazing before, but now it sounds absolutely perfect, and Kristen's voice was perfect for the song. She's so tiny, it's funny sometimes to watch her sing, because she just has so much power and control in her voice. "I really like this, Hunt! What do you guys think?" Kristen asks Tori and I. "Well, I think it's amazing! I can see this being a number one single." Tori explains. I nod my head, agreeing with her. "I agree, this is gold! You'll be getting tour offers left and right in no time, Kris!" I exclaim happily. She smiled that big, beautiful smile of hers. "You think so?" She asked me hopefully. I looked her dead in the eye. "I know so." I said, and kissed the top of her head.

      We all went out to lunch after we finished up at the studio, and agreed to meet at the studio again sometime next week to continue working on Kristen's album. "Hey Hunter?" Kristen asked as we all sat down at a table in the Olive Garden restaurant. "Yes?" I ask curiously. "Do you think we could do a duet on the album?" She asks, her brown eyes sparkling. I pondered over the idea for a moment. "I would love to! If that's okay with Tori. Tori?" I ask, hoping she'll let us do a duet. "I think that's a great idea! Both of yall's fans would probably love that!" She exclaims happily. Kristen's face goes into shock. "I have fans?" She asks. I chuckle at her reaction, and place an arm around her shoulder.

     "Yes, you have tons! But your biggest fan is sitting right here." I said to her, kissing her on the cheek. She giggled and her cheeks turned pink, she was blushing. "I love you, Hunt." She said. "Love you too, Kris. Love you too." I replied. Why does she have to be so amazing?

***Aww haha that was cute :) Hope you guys liked this chapter! Like I said before, this story will be coming to an end soon, but there will be a sequel! See yall soon :)***

Question time! Have you ever been to one of Hunter's concerts, or met him?

I've been to one show of his, it was on the Let's Be Crazy tour! Haven't met him...yet. I will one day, I hope!


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