Chapter 18- Don't Dwell in the Past

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***Hey guys! Hope yall had a good week, I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING ON FRIDAY OR YESTERDAY. I didn't have time on Friday, and I didn't feel too good yesterday, so here I am, sitting at my laptop while listening to Pandora and reading a Louis Tomlinson fanfic on my phone. MULTITASKING AT ITS BEST! I love Mexican food. Its just perf. So is sweet tea. Being from the south, it's all I drink LOL. Steak is good, too. I feel like Niall sometimes, I eat non stop lol. :P BUT DID YALL SEE THIS WEEK'S FLTOM. LIKE WHEN HUNTER GOT ALL UP IN THE CAMERA AND LAUGHED JUST UGH HE'S SO DARN CUTE. I LOVE HIM. Okay before I go into crazy fangirl mode....HERE IS CHAPTER 18***

Kristen's POV- 10am the next morning

Waking up to the sound of my iPhone blasting "Marimba" signaling I have a new text, I step out of bed and see who would be texting me at this un-human hour of ten in the morning. It was from Jacob. I opened the message.

Hey! Wanna grab some lunch later? :)

Smiling, I typed back yes, and to meet me at the Chick Fil A around the block in an hour. Wait....why did I say an hour? I'm giving myself an hour to get ready? That's a first. Walking into my bathroom, I plug in my curling iron and wait for it to heat up.

Checking the time, I only have thirty minutes left. Lovely. Quickly getting dressed into some skinny jeans and my white, Hollister hoodie. Applying minimal makeup, I check the time. I have ten minutes. Sprinting back to my room, I grab my phone and purse, slipping my flats on in the process. I debate on taking the elevator down to the lobby, but I decided the stairs would be faster.

Quickly going down the stairs, I walk out of the lobby and hop into my car, and begin driving to Chick Fil A. Ten minutes later, I arrive, to be greeted by a smiling Jacob waiting inside. "Hey, Kristen!" He says, waving. "Hi." I smile. We order, and he pays for both of us. That was nice of him. I remember when Hunter always insisted on paying for everything, and how I would protest about it, but he always won that battle. No, I can't be thinking of Hunter, I just can't.

"So, what do you like to do in your spare time?" Jacob asks as we sit down. "Well, I like music. Singing and playing guitar, to be exact." I chuckle. "Really? That's cool, I've always wanted to learn guitar, but I just never have the patience." He says, taking a bite of his chicken sandwich. "Maybe I could teach you sometime." I say, digging into my fries. We talked about music for a bit, when Hunter came up.

"So I hear you have a thing for Hunter Hayes, yeah?" He asks, eyeing me curiously. "Oh, um, not anymore. I mean yeah, we went out for a bit, but it never really got anywhere serious." I faked a smile, even though it was a hard task to do. I instantly felt bad for what I said, it wasn't the longest relationship, but it was getting somewhere. We were just starting to get comfy with the paparazzi photographing us all the time, and I was starting to get used to seeing my face plastered on a magazine cover, pictured with Hunter, of course. "Oh, well that's too bad. He seems like a nice guy." Jacob said, probably not knowing what else to say. Not that he would remember any of it. I thought.

"Jacob, I'm sorry but I have to get going. Thanks again for lunch today, see you around." I said quickly, smiling as I walked away. I need to get away from him and his questions about Hunter. I know Jacob doesn't know the whole story, but I can only take so much of this. Sighing as I get into my car, I drive around downtown, hoping to find something to do, but I had no luck. I just decided to drive home.

Hunter's POV

"You're free to go, Hunter. Just be careful to not bump your head on anything for a few days." The nurse said, smiling. "Great, thank you!" I say, walking out of the room. I've been stuck in this place for about a week, I don't think I could take much more if they had kept me any longer. I was about to text Kristen, to tell her I was out of the hospital, but I remembered- she doesn't like me anymore. No point in texting her, she's probably with that new boy of hers, anyway.

I decide that I need to get myself a new girlfriend, if she's moved on, so should I. Live in the moment, right? Going to Starbucks, I order my usual, with an extra shot of espresso. Being in a hospital can tire you out more than you think, so caffeine is needed at the moment. As I'm waiting for my drink, I see a girl about my age walk in. She has long, blonde hair, and bright green eyes. After she ordered, she stood beside me as we both waited for our drinks. "Excuse me, I think you dropped your-" She stopped mid-sentence, her eyes went wide. "You're Hunter Hayes!" She squealed, grinning from ear to ear. "That would be me!" I replied happily. "Can I get a picture with you?" She asked, pulling out her iPhone. "Sure!" I said, smiling.

I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to me for the picture. She blushed a bright pink. Cute. Taking the picture 'selfie style' she turned and looked at me. "Thanks, Hunter! Would you mind signing my phone?" She asked, handing it to me. "Of course not!" I smiled, signing the phone and handed it back to her. I scribbled down my number beside my autograph. Not the smartest place to put my cell phone number, but I don't think she'd give it to anyone. It's not like I'm a member of One Direction.

"Text me sometime." I say, grabbing my drink. "Okay, thanks again, Hunter!" She said, hugging me. I returned the hug, and we parted ways. I'm still a bit upset about Kristen, but she doesn't matter anymore. I have to be a big boy and move on.

***Hope yall liked this chapter! Again, sorry for not updating! See yall soon! :)***

-ML312 :)

That Girl On Youtube- A Hunter Hayes Fanfic (Currently editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang