Chapter 25- How to Save a Life

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***Hellllooooo Hayniacs!! How have yall been? So guess what?! I'M SEEING HUNTER IN 10 DAYS. I CAN'T CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA. AHHH. If I'm like this now, Lord help the people that sit near me at the actual show. Pretty sure I'll scare them away ;) Eh. YOLO, right? Right. So, I think I'm gonna go back and edit some chapters of this story. Not anything drastic, just to be more descriptive and stuff like that. I'm not gonna change the plot, just use better wording, things like that. You don't have to go back and re-read everything unless you realllyyyyy want to, but I wouldn't. Its not necessary. With that being said, here is chapter 25 guys!***

Kristen's POV-1 day later

Darkness. That's the only thing I can see, and to be honest, it's annoying. I know I'm in a hospital, I can hear the doctors shuffle in and out of the room, talking amongst themselves about whatever it is doctors talk about. The last thing I remember before this darkness took over me, was Hunter looking down at me while we were riding to the hospital in the ambulance. I also remember his truck, how the glass was completely shattered, and the metal crunched and bent in every possible direction. My new guitar was in his truck. I was looking forward to playing it! Oh well. You know what I don't get? The fact that I'm out cold, but I can hear and smell everything. I can't see, let alone open my eyes for that matter, and I highly doubt I can move. You don't even know how annoying it is to hear things, but not see them. It's driving me insane.

This must've been how Hunter felt, when he was in that wreck about two months ago. Speaking of Hunter, I wish I knew where he was right now. He's probably worried himself sick over me, poor thing. Just then, I hear the door to my room open, and someone walks in. "Well, Hunter," the person starts. Huh. So he is in here, and he was just being very quiet. Sneaky boy. "It looks like she's perfectly fine, but she's probably gonna be out of it for at least another two days at most." I heard Hunter sigh. I could tell he was relieved that I was going to be fine, but he sounded very tired and stressed out. I don't blame him.

"But hey, look at it this way," The doctor starts. "You saved her life. If it weren't for you, she would be dead. If she's smart, she'll keep ya." He said, then a door shut, signaling the doctor had left. Great. So I'm stuck in this darkness for two more days. I felt Hunter take my small hand in his big one. "Hey." He starts, in barely a whisper. "I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I just wanted to tell you that I love you more than anything, and I truly mean that. You're the best thing that's happened to me, and I don't know what I would do without you. I can't wait till you're up and awake again, I know it's only been a day that you've been out of it, but I already miss you. When you wake up, we're getting out of this hospital and go on that tour, and start a new adventure together, and make your dream of being a singer come true. I promise you'll become big one day, and I'm gonna be there beside you the whole time. It's getting late, so I'm gonna curl up in the chair in the corner and sleep. No way in heck am I going to leave you now. I love you baby girl, I really do." He said, kissing my hand.

If I could, I would sit up and wrap my arms around him, hugging him close. I can hear you, Hunter. I love you, too. I thought. He is by far the best thing that's happened to me in a long, long time, and I love him more than anything. He lets go of my head, plants a kiss on my cheek, and I hear him shuffle stuff around and settle down in his chair. Poor baby, he should be going back to the hotel or bus to sleep. Not sleeping in a hospital chair, worried sick over me. Moments later, I hear the room fall silent. He must've fallen asleep. I don't see how he could fall asleep that quickly, those dang chairs have to be uncomfortable. You'd think with me being passed out, falling asleep would be easy. But keep in mind, I can hear and smell. So technically, I find it hard to fall asleep at the moment. Hospital beds are not comfy or warm at all.

2 days later-still Kristen's POV

I hear Hunter snoring over in his chair in the corner. That's the first thing I hear in the morning, at least since I've been in the hospital. I never thought he would be the snoring type, but thank the Lord he isn't loud. I can't stand loud snoring. It's been two days since the doctor told Hunter that I would wake up in a day or two, so I decided to try and open my eyes. I opened them! I could see perfectly fine! Even though the lights were off in the room, the sun was shining brightly through the window. Looking down at my arms, I slowly lifted my hand, examining it. It looked fine. Stretching my arm out, I winced in discomfort. My arms were cramped from not moving for three days. Stretching my other arm out, I moved them around a bit before they finally loosened up.

I looked over at Hunter. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, and he just looked stressed. I can't believe he hasn't left at all in the past three days. He apparently only went out to use the restroom or to get food. Still sleeping, he got a worried look on his face. "Kristen...don't leave me. You can't leave me now." He mumbled in his sleep, tossing and turning in his chair. I decided to try and speak, for I haven't talked since I got here. "I'm right here, Hunter. I'm not going anywhere." I chuckle. I know that this isn't funny to him, but he just looks so cute when he sleeps! He turns over, and his eyes snap open. Jolting up and out of his chair, he rushes to the side of my bed. Before he could look at me, I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to trick him into thinking I wasn't awake yet. I know it's mean, but I couldn't help myself.

"Kristen? Did you just say something?" He asked. It took all I had to not burst out laughing. "What am I doing? Of course she didn't say something, she's out of it." He muttered to himself, walking back to his chair. Not able to contain my laughter, I lost it, laughing hysterically. Hunter jumped, I must've just scared the daylights out of him. "Uh....Kristen? Oh're scaring me." He said, slowly backing away. "You...YOU FELL FOR IT!" I said in between laughs. "Wait, so you were..." He started, walking back towards me. "Awake this whole time? Yes." I finished his sentence for him. He didn't say anything, he just ran to me, wrapping me in his strong arms.

"I'm so glad you're back." He said, still hugging me. "Believe me, so am I." I said, chuckling. He held me for a while, not letting go. "I missed you." He said, pulling away. "It was only three days, Hunt." I said, ruffling his hair. "I know, but still. I missed you." He said, chuckling. I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "So, am I free to get out of this prison?" I asked him. As if on cue, the doctor walked in.

"Oh good, Miss Johnson! You're awake! It's nice to have you back! How do you feel?" He asked me. "Fine. Perfectly fine." I answered simply. "Good. Well, you're free to go, just be careful for the next few days, okay? Try not to hit your head on anything. And, if it weren't for this young man here, I'm afraid to say you would no longer be with us. He's a keeper." He said, then walked out. I looked at Hunter with wide eyes. " saved my life." I said. "Barely." He replied. "I only had about two seconds to get out of the way." He said again. "That doesn't matter, I'm alive and well. And you're my superhero." I said, hugging him once again. He lifted me up off the ground and spun me around. "I love you, Hunter. Oh, and I heard what you said the other night, after the doctor was talking to you. Thank you." I said, looking up at him with a smile. "What can I say? I love you too much." He laughed.

"So, are we still starting the tour tomorrow?" I ask him. "Only if you feel ready for it. If you wanna take a few days off to rest and get back into the swing of things around here, you can. There's no rush." He reassured me, as we walked out of the hospital. Finally, fresh air! "I feel fine, can we pretty please start tomorrow? I'm way to excited." I say, giving him my best puppy dog eyes. "Fine. But if you feel dizzy, faint, any of that, let me know. I don't want you to go through any of that again." He said in a serious tone. "Okay Mom." I joke, sticking my tongue out at him. "Hey! Be nice." He said, laughing.

Finally, everything is falling into place. I get to live my dream starting tomorrow, make new friends, and best of all, I get to do all of this with Hunter.

***Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I'll update again next weekend. Thank yall for 3K reads, that's incredible! I love you guys! :)***


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