Chapter 11- Where We Left Off

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***Hey Hayniacs! Did ya'll see FTLOM last night?!? I feel like a bad Hayniac, I always end up forgetting to watch it when it comes on! I'm always like, 30 minutes late to watch it. What is your favorite FTLOM episode?? Mine is the "Fairs and Festivals" one. He's just....I don't know. I just like that one alot for some reason. If you are reading my other fanfic, the Louis one, I will update it TODAY. I know, I know. I haven't updated chapters in like, a week. Anyways, here is chapter 11!***

Kristen's POV

     It hasn't even been two days since Hunter left, and my week already sucks. Wanting to get my mind off of him, I go on Pandora, hoping to find some good music. Of course, it ends up playing Hunter's music. That only made me miss him more, so I clicked off of Pandora and went onto my Youtube account. I haven't made a video in a while, and Hunter checks my channel pretty much every day to see if I uploaded anything, so I decide to make a video for him. Plus, I feel like my subscribers should know about how Hunter and I met, and how he followed me on Youtube. I won't give out his username, though. And I probably won't tell them we're dating yet, either. I'll wait for Hunter's permission on that one.

     I turn my video camera, and start talking. "Hi guys!" I say, waving to the camera. "So, I know I haven't made a video in a few days, I've had a lot going on. That's what I wanted to talk to ya'll about." I explain, mentally kicking myself because I didn't prepare what I was going to say in this video. I explained how Hunter found me on Youtube, and how it was a challenge to meet each other. All that good stuff. "Oh, and Hunter, I'll make you a separate video and it'll be up later! Bye guys!" I say, waving again. When that video was done, I started making Hunter's video.

     "Hi babe!" I smile. "I just thought you would like your own video, so here ya go!" I laugh. "I miss you, and it hasn't even been two days yet! Anyway, I just wanted to say that I love and miss you! Tell your band that I said hi, and good luck with shows this week!" I blow him a kiss, smile, then stop the video. I upload it to Youtube, making sure to make the video only available to his username. Apparently, on Youtube, you can set videos to where only certain viewers can see it. So I made it to where only he could see it. Sighing, I get up and grab my phone, checking to see if I had any messages.

You have 1 new message from: Chad

     Oh great. I open the message, and it basically says that he saw my video of me singing the song I wrote for him, and how he's so sorry and that he wants me back and all that crap. I type back, telling him to delete my number, and no I will not get back with him, and that I have someone else that treats me the way I should be treated. He didn't answer. Thank the Lord. A few minutes later, my phone rings. It's Hunter's ringtone. Sprinting out of my kitchen, and jumping over the couch, I grab my phone and answer it.

     "Hello?" I ask. "Hi, Kristen! You sound like you're out of breath. What did you do now?" He asked me. I could tell he was smiling, he knows how clumsy I am. "I kinda sorta maybe jumped over my couch to reach my phone. What's up?" I ask. "Oh nothing much. I saw the video you posted for me, I thought that was adorable of you to do that. I love and miss you way more, though." He said, chuckling. "Nah, I got you beat on that one, Hayes." I challenge. "Uh huh. We'll see about that when I get back to Virginia. Speaking of Virginia, some of the shows got canceled due to severe weather, meaning I will be back in Richmond sometime tomorrow!" He exclaims. I scream with happiness. "Hunter, I'm so glad you'll be back! I know it's only been two days, but I miss you like crazy!" I say, smiling like an idiot. "I know, I miss you, too. Well, I gotta run. Gonna go get everything packed. I'll call you when we get to Richmond, but it will probably be very early in the morning, it's about a six hour drive, and it's almost 9pm. Goodnight, I love you!" He says. "Love you too!" I exclaim, then hang up.

     I go to sleep that night, dreaming of Hunter.

***Hi guys! This chapter wasn't so good, so I apologize! I will not be able to update until probably this weekend, because I'm busy for the rest of this week, and next week I go back to school, so updates will probably only happen on the weekends from now on. See you soon, Hayniacs!***

Love yall! <3

-ML312 :)

That Girl On Youtube- A Hunter Hayes Fanfic (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now